Data. Experience.

Data said that "vaccines" are 100% safe and effective, that if you get a shot you will not get sick of COVID, that you cannot carry and spread the virus.

Experience shows that none of that was true, and longer we wait, more evidence mounts that data they presented to us to sell the "vaccine" was all lies.
Look at the numbers. Covid cases up 31% compared to 14 days ago. Deaths are up 23% compared to 14 days ago reaching an average of 1,288 per day in the US. Some NFL and NBA teams are running out of players within the last week. You're an absolute idiot if you dont see that Covid cases/deaths are going to see a spike in the near future.

So yeah, it's gonna be a long winter for those that are unvaccinated.

If all NFL and NBA players are "vaccinated" how come they're running out of players? Shouldn't "vaccines" protect them from being sick and spread the virus?
How DARE someone tell the truth. In a land of deceit, saying truth is a capital offense.
I am more concerned that not a single Senator, Representative, governor, or mayor of either party will come out and state the obvious:

The COVID "vaccines" don’t work. They don’t provide immunity, and they don’t prevent transmission of the virus, as the CDC now admits. Countless people who have been double-jabbed are subsequently diagnosed with COVID infection. All that the "vaccines" claim to do is reduce the severity of (mild) symptoms of COVID illness. This transient protection supposedly lasts 4 to 6 months., and even that is now reduced to three or less.
You’re the one ignoring the people who are dying.

That’s happening. Now. Right now.

Omicron may be mild. I don’t know. That doesn’t mean people aren’t dying.
People were always dying.

From flu, pneumonia, hepatitis, cancer, aids, strokes, and not one time we locked down whole country, shut down businesses, and threaten to take away their jobs, livelihood, or freedoms. And we're doing it for something that has 99.9 survival rate even if we do nothing about it.

The Omicron variant is not as deadly as the Delta variant. However, it is far more contagious. So more people will get Omicron than got Delta, most likely.

If it has a lower death rate, but a much higher R-nought, then we may see as many deaths from Omicron among the unvaxxed as we saw with Delta.
So what if is more contagious, if is mild?

Cold is contagious, are you scared of cold?
So what if is more contagious, if is mild?

Cold is contagious, are you scared of cold?
Because of the sheer number of people that will get it very quickly. Even if milder overall, it will make some people very ill and kill some people.

2 years into this pandemic, and we are still explaining this simple concept to you children.
I don't know if Omicron is "killing no one". There's not sufficient data to make that type of statement.

People are dying of COVID. If they're not dying of Omicron, they're dying from delta or beta or alpha or whatever they happen to catch.

But they are dying.

Are you going to keep ignoring that?

There wasn't sufficient data to say that "vaccines" are 100% safe and effective. Or that "vaccinated" do not carry virus and don't transmit. Yet FDA approved it regardless of side effects, just as you supported lockdowns, mandates, etc...

Some people value their lives. If not for their own sake but for their family. I will take every precaution for my own life because my family depends on me. I want to be there for them.
Great, you care for your family, and leave me and my family alone.

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I am more concerned that not a single Senator, Representative, governor, or mayor of either party will come out and state the obvious:

The COVID "vaccines" don’t work. They don’t provide immunity, and they don’t prevent transmission of the virus, as the CDC now admits. Countless people who have been double-jabbed are subsequently diagnosed with COVID infection. All that the "vaccines" claim to do is reduce the severity of (mild) symptoms of COVID illness. This transient protection supposedly lasts 4 to 6 months., and even that is now reduced to three or less.
More profoundly, the commie Chinese likely knew what they had by studying transient protection in their experimental animal models since 2003.
As long as poopy keeps killer Fauci in control, we're sure to have plenty more death and big pharma profits. Anyone who vaccinates their kid is insane.
Some in the Peanut Galery continue to show themselves uneducated in the topic and must stick to short sentences rather than the real complexity that is involved with the topic. Americans were also involved in the fantasy of control. Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric are two of them. These two are not that far from both the Wuhan lab and the Fau Chi vaccine cartel in conjunction with Bill Gates, who owns the WHO.
Some in the Peanut Galery continue to show themselves uneducated in the topic and must stick to short sentences rather than the real complexity that is involved with the topic. Americans were also involved in the fantasy of control. Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric are two of them. These two are not that far from both the Wuhan lab and the Fau Chi vaccine cartel in conjunction with Bill Gates, who owns the WHO.
Your paranoid fantasies are laughable. And your labeling of your shallow, simpleminded paranoid speculation as "deep" or "educated" really tops it off. Good stuff.

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