Boy is my face red. All this time I thought this thread was about joe lying about winter illness and death for the unvaccinated.

Must be damage control . . .
Oh look, another gullible idiot who believes the big lie
Take it easy shooter, those graphs came from MSM.

Because of the sheer number of people that will get it very quickly. Even if milder overall, it will make some people very ill and kill some people.

2 years into this pandemic, and we are still explaining this simple concept to you children.
Sure, some people may get ill. For that reason, you don't send sick from COVID into nursing home. Even children knows that. What are you, amoeba?
He IS caring for his family to support measures to compel you to get vaccinated or to make you stay the fuck away from his family.
If he and his family are vaccinate, why do you or him care what I do?

Tell me, why does it matter if I am vaccinated or not, if I don't have a virus?
The polio vaccine isnt 100% foolproof. No vaccine is. That must mean vaccines dont work, right? Isnt that how you animals think?

Some do, some provide lifelong immunity.

Animal? Oh... well, I bet you could do better than that, rapist.
Data shows that the vast majority of people dying are unvaccinated. The vaccine provides a 90% or greater protective effect from severe COVID and death.

That's the data.
That's the data, from February. Now is more like 42%. If even that.

For the sake of conversation, let's say it's 90% effective, why do you need boosters every 3-6 months, for something that you have 99.9% chance of surviving without vaccine?
Sure dude. Sounds about right.
Would it matter? You wouldn’t read any of the numerous studies proving the benefits of vitamins and supplements. You know nothing about them. Never read them. You’d just discount them like a typical close minded dumb ass. Right?
So anyone who questions election results is now a traitor? Gee, John...when Al Gore disputed the election results against W. was he a traitor too? I wonder who you think subverts our democracy more...people like me who'd like to see tighter control over elections...or a man like George Soros who pours millions into our elections through super pacs to elect liberal District Attorneys who's policies literally destroy our cities?
Al Gore got a RECOUNT and then CONCEDED the election. Trump has been at it for OVER A YEAR saying his election and his alone was RIGGED and FRAUDULENT. Where were you when trump said the Iowa PRIMARY was rigged when he lost to Cruz? You dont remember trump saying the election is rigged if he loses and it is valid if he wins? How fucking dumb is that? You dumb piece of shit this entire trump bitching about the election results is a complete FARCE because trump is too fragile to admit defeat. He's the worlds biggest pussy. You're just too stupid to understand that.

LOL George Soros....are you now saying people with the name George Soros are not allowed to donate millions? It's you dumb pieces of shit republicans that invited all this money into elections by changing the laws. Dont cry about it now, pussy.

You're a traitor because you're a mouthpiece for there being a fraudulent election when it wasnt. I'm sick and tired of you fuckheads with your election fraud bullshit. You all belong in cages.

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