Ah, John? The election was in November of 2020. The approval rating for Trump in January followed the Jan. 6th riot. It's meaningless as far as the election goes.
If Trump was really so unpopular then kindly explain how he got a lot more votes in that second election than he did in his first?
LIke I also said, trumps approval rating in August was 38%. You ignored that, didnt you, slob? How does anyone get elected with that level of approval?

Trump got more votes in 2020 because more people voted overall you dumb piece of shit. Frankly having people stand in line for hours at some precincts is utter bullshit in a democracy. I'd be for 100% mail in/drop off voting or even better just vote by computer. Time to move things into the 21 century.
Al Gore got a RECOUNT and then CONCEDED the election. Trump has been at it for OVER A YEAR saying his election and his alone was RIGGED and FRAUDULENT. Where were you when trump said the Iowa PRIMARY was rigged when he lost to Cruz? You dont remember trump saying the election is rigged if he loses and it is valid if he wins? How fucking dumb is that? You dumb piece of shit this entire trump bitching about the election results is a complete FARCE because trump is too fragile to admit defeat. He's the worlds biggest pussy. You're just too stupid to understand that.

LOL George Soros....are you now saying people with the name George Soros are not allowed to donate millions? It's you dumb pieces of shit republicans that invited all this money into elections by changing the laws. Dont cry about it now, pussy.

You're a traitor because you're a mouthpiece for there being a fraudulent election when it wasnt. I'm sick and tired of you fuckheads with your election fraud bullshit. You all belong in cages.
Very hateful. Too much hate in America these days. Why must wingers on both sides hate so much?
Very hateful. Too much hate in America these days. Why must wingers on both sides hate so much?
That's the only thing these right wing animals understand. Anyone that believes trump won the election or the election was fraudulent is a traitor. End of story.
Would it matter? You wouldn’t read any of the numerous studies proving the benefits of vitamins and supplements. You know nothing about them. Never read them. You’d just discount them like a typical close minded dumb ass. Right?
Don’t forget, I just provided a concrete real world example about how vitamins are overblown.

I’ve seen lots of papers making claims but none of them are high quality and aren’t really reproducible.

You can’t just look at one paper and wave it around saying it’s proof. You need to evaluate the entire body of evidence before making a conclusion. Lots of papers out there that say contradictory things.
That's the data, from February. Now is more like 42%. If even that.

For the sake of conversation, let's say it's 90% effective, why do you need boosters every 3-6 months, for something that you have 99.9% chance of surviving without vaccine?
No, my claim is current.

Lots of vaccines need boosters. You got 4 polio shots. It’s not weird.
Flu has been returning positive as COVID.

Those in power are WELL AWARE of this. The test does not distinguish between variant and flu versus
Where do you get insane bullshit like that?

Influenza is not a type of coronavirus, and there is absolutely no way, short of some sort sample mix up, that you would test positive for Covid if you just have Influenza.
Vaccines don't work. Whether they served a purpose originally is still up for debate.
Literally every serious study ever conducted on this shows you are full of shit.

Where do you fools get this crazy nonsense?
And why is the left so willing to go along with whatever they are told despite GLARING facts saying the opposite.


According to the CDC less than 1,000 children under 12 has died from Covid nationwide.
A child literally has more chance of dying from eating at a restaurant and choking than Covid.

Yet despite this - the government has repeatedly been discussing forced Covid vaccines for young children.
YOU can't get a SINGLE Democrat here or anywhere to even approach a discussion about this.
1000? Ok how does that compare to deaths from vaccination?

How does hospitalization compare?

How does length and severity of illness compare?

How does transmissability compare?
Al Gore got a RECOUNT and then CONCEDED the election. Trump has been at it for OVER A YEAR saying his election and his alone was RIGGED and FRAUDULENT. Where were you when trump said the Iowa PRIMARY was rigged when he lost to Cruz? You dont remember trump saying the election is rigged if he loses and it is valid if he wins? How fucking dumb is that? You dumb piece of shit this entire trump bitching about the election results is a complete FARCE because trump is too fragile to admit defeat. He's the worlds biggest pussy. You're just too stupid to understand that.

LOL George Soros....are you now saying people with the name George Soros are not allowed to donate millions? It's you dumb pieces of shit republicans that invited all this money into elections by changing the laws. Dont cry about it now, pussy.

You're a traitor because you're a mouthpiece for there being a fraudulent election when it wasnt. I'm sick and tired of you fuckheads with your election fraud bullshit. You all belong in cages.
Gore lost his home state for President. Where he was elected Senator. What happened in Florida was the truth about try9ing to steal elections which was proven. then the election was called before the panhandle vote was counted and the polls closed. Now get this...IF GORE WON TENNESSEE HE WOULD BE PRESIDENT!
Don’t forget, I just provided a concrete real world example about how vitamins are overblown.

I’ve seen lots of papers making claims but none of them are high quality and aren’t really reproducible.

You can’t just look at one paper and wave it around saying it’s proof. You need to evaluate the entire body of evidence before making a conclusion. Lots of papers out there that say contradictory things.
I’m doing my best to help you, but you are a hard case.

Now tell if you’ve ever read anything from these fine doctors?
Pauling, Cathcart, Klenner, Levy, Saul, Stone, Hoffer, Riordan, Evan Shute and Wilfred Shute, Max Gerson.
You mean you don’t know the vaccines don’t prevent infection or transmission? WTF man! Where have you been?
They prevent hospitalization and deaths. They also reduce transmission.

In what fucking universe is that not working?
That's the only thing these right wing animals understand. Anyone that believes trump won the election or the election was fraudulent is a traitor. End of story.
And right wingers say the same about you. You damn wingers have really fucked up the country. However it starts at the top. The elites promote the hate and you do their bidding.
Did you look at serious clinical studies and real world statistics before you came to your doubts?

Who is "they"?
They? The establishment. Fuckers like Lyin’ Fauci and the others within the government healthcare media complex.

Maybe it’s just me but when I get lied to repeatedly, I don’t believe a word the liars say.
They? The establishment. Fuckers like Lyin’ Fauci and the others within the government healthcare media complex.

Maybe it’s just me but when I get lied to repeatedly, I don’t believe a word the liars say.
What is the "The establishment" and how did they falsify every double blind medical study and basic real world statistics sourced from individual states?

You sound like you like to read conspiracy theory opinions not actual data and studies.
Speaking of illness and death......

It should make you shudder to think that the only thing between global nuclear war and
Again... Biden only says what he is told to say.
The man literally could not tell you what he said 24 hours ago specifically. Can't do it.

The important thing... is WHO SPECIFICALLY is instructing what the President of the United States says.
According to the World Health Organization 200,000 per day are getting Omicron.

And this is going to lead to a "winter of death"???
Who the fuck is instructing this man to say these things??

You are asking the hard question that most simply cannot grasp due to their partisan loyalties.
There are probably less than 50 specific people pushing the demise of America and the West and leading this coup.
Many of them well known billionaires.

I'm surprised that with all the ITG's we have they haven't done anything about it.

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