Biden will still be in the WH, dipshit. Keep pushing things like these anti-abortion bills. You think that's going to get more people to vote for your kind? You better guess again, slob.
I'm actually pro choice, John. Try not to let your TDS make you totally clueless. Republicans aren't all cast from the same mold.
As for Biden? He'll be the lamest of lame ducks...spending the next two years trying not to embarrass himself by farting in public or saying something so idiotic that people laugh out loud.
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So the douche bag who is now responsible for more virus deaths than Trump, who promised to eliminate the virus, and who declared victory over the virus last summer is now spreading fear about the 'winter of darkness and death' due to the virus he claimed victory over while still refusing to hold the CCP accountable...

Isn't it amazing that the very same Main Stream Media that blamed Trump on a daily basis for Covid now doesn't seem to care who the President is who's overseeing our Covid response? The fact of the matter is that the left used Covid as a political tool to get a drooling idiot elected President and now that he's sitting in the Oval Office doing basically NOTHING the very same people who told us Trump was "KILLING" people don't have a thing to say!
I will NEVER come together with a bunch of low end white, anti-intellectual, conspiracy believing, propagandist, right wing traitors. Not to mention I will never welcome a group of people that believe, with no evidence or being proven in a court of law, that our election was rigged. They're traitors and should be treated as such. We're locking them up as we speak so at least that is a good thing out of all of this.
They feel the same about you. Isn’t divisiveness grand? The oligarchy loves you guys. You are doing exactly as they planned.

What a country!
They feel the same about you. Isn’t divisiveness grand? The oligarchy loves you guys. You are doing exactly as they planned.

What a country!
I dont really care what those animals think. Take a look at a trump rally. You expect me to associate with "people" like that? LOL that's never happening.
I'm actually pro choice, John. Try not to let your TDS make you totally clueless. Republicans aren't all cast from the same mold.
As for Biden? He'll be the lamest of lame ducks...spending the next two years trying not to embarrass himself by farting in public or saying something so idiotic that people laugh out loud.
It should be pretty obvious that Biden is not running for a 2nd term. Likewise, trump will not run again.

As far as the abortion issue goes, I didnt mean you specifically I meant the repub party as a whole. That isnt going to get you more voters, which you need. You might even lose a few because of it. Most people in America want abortion as an option.
They feel the same about you. Isn’t divisiveness grand? The oligarchy loves you guys. You are doing exactly as they planned.

What a country!
Snowflakes are too gullible / stupid to ask the obvious questions and too stupid to hold their beloved proven guilty politicians to the sane standards.
Vaccines not intended to reduce deaths and hospitalizations?

Did you just seriously say that stupidity out loud?

Vaccines do not protect anyone from getting or transmitting the virus.
- Biden is literally killing Americans by telling them if they have been vaccinated they can nit get or spread the virus.

His demonization of those unvaccinated, using the above lie to do so, is dividing the nation, and snowflakes are either too stupid to see what Biden is doing or simply gives him a partisan pass.
Vaccines not intended to reduce deaths and hospitalizations?

Did you just seriously say that stupidity out loud?
You need to research what traditional vaccines do. They prevent infection and transmission. That jab you took doesn’t do this. Hence it’s not a vaccine. Dummy!
You need to research what traditional vaccines do. They prevent infection and transmission. That jab you took doesn’t do this. Hence it’s not a vaccine. Dummy!
You seem to be speaking from total ignorance of the subject matter.

Influenza vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. Niether do "traditional" Covid-19 vaccines like J&J, Sputnik and Astra Zeneca.
Masks will not stop Omicron.

The TRUMP experimental gene therapy will not stop Omicron.

The mandates and lockdowns are bullshit. It is the government flexing.
I will NEVER come together with a bunch of low end white, anti-intellectual, conspiracy believing, propagandist, right wing traitors. Not to mention I will never welcome a group of people that believe, with no evidence or being proven in a court of law, that our election was rigged. They're traitors and should be treated as such. We're locking them up as we speak so at least that is a good thing out of all of this.
And there is why we need a Divorce in this nation. Thanks NAZI
And there is why we need a Divorce in this nation. Thanks NAZI

Really, California needs to be its own nation.

It has nothing on common with those of us who want to follow the Constiution.

Cali needs their own Constitution and they should generate the revenue for their welfare state ON THEIR OWN.

They can confiscate guns, have 67 bathrooms, classify no one based on genitals, allow racism against whites….whatever they want.

Actually, I would love all blue states to confiscate guns from their citizens. It makes it easier for Red States to win the upcoming civil war.
Really, California needs to be its own nation.

It has nothing on common with those of us who want to follow the Constiution.

Cali needs their own Constitution and they should generate the revenue for their welfare state ON THEIR OWN.

They can confiscate guns, have 67 bathrooms, classify no one based on genitals, allow racism against whites….whatever they want.

Actually, I would love all blue states to confiscate guns from their citizens. It makes it easier for Red States to win the upcoming civil war.
You think like someone who has an IQ below 100.
Breaking News:

NEARLY Everyone will eventually get COVID.


Put your big boy pants on and deal.

Wear a mask and get a daily booster if you want, but its theater.

I've been out in public many times without a mask. I think if there was a chance of me getting it, I would have already. I'm not really all that concerned anyways. I have a really good immune system. Unless I had it without symptoms of course without knowing it, but I'm almost certain that I'm not going to get sick from it at this point since I've been doing this for about a year now.

Oh my. Another prominent anti-vaxxer dies from covid

Get vaxxed people. Get the booster. Be responsible. Be safe

I'm sure the conservative mods will trash this thread in about 3 minutes like they usually do
Another Darwin Award

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