Wrong. And if Omicron gets out of hand, healthcare resources will go to the vax'ed first, and the un-vax'ed second.

Already, if I own a business, the government is supporting me if I insist on masks and/or vax-cards, for you to enter.

Nope. Just protecting me-and-mine (and the rest of the sane folk in this country) from stupid people who won't get vax'ed.

We already do. You can't come in without a mask - and sometimes a vax-card or a negative test certification.

No. Isolate
YOU. By preventing you from entering enclosed public spaces. :badgrin:

It's not so much about the spread (although that's certainly part of it). It's more about keeping those at arms' length who carry a more virulent dose within.

Nope. I'll let the government and their muscle (law enforcement) do that for me. :badgrin:
Wow, Karen

You are quite the little Buttercup.

If you have been vaccinated, and run around with your face diaper 24/7, you shouldn't have to worry about getting infected, right?

So why are you pissing your panties over someone who MADE THE CHOICE FOR THEIR BODY to not get vaccinated? Explain in detail how they are a threat to you.
Yep. That's why we have another surge on our hands and virtually nobody but the un-vax'ed are monopolizing hospital beds and morgue slabs. :badgrin:
Vaxed and boosted Fauxhontas catches the Fauci Flu. Pretty sure she only associates with other Karens who are vaxed and boosted.

How did that happen?

Wow, Karen

You are quite the little Buttercup.

If you have been vaccinated, and run around with your face diaper 24/7, you shouldn't have to worry about getting infected, right?

So why are you pissing your panties over someone who MADE THE CHOICE FOR THEIR BODY to not get vaccinated? Explain in detail how they are a threat to you.
You tell 'em, Princess... :badgrin:
Vaxed and boosted Fauxhontas catches the Fauci Flu. Pretty sure she only associates with other Karens who are vaxed and boosted.

How did that happen?

1. there are, indeed, Breakthrough Cases

2. data says she is at vastly less risk for either hospitalization or death vs. an unvax'ed idiot
It should be pretty obvious that Biden is not running for a 2nd term. Likewise, trump will not run again.

As far as the abortion issue goes, I didnt mean you specifically I meant the repub party as a whole. That isnt going to get you more voters, which you need. You might even lose a few because of it. Most people in America want abortion as an option.
With all due respect, on the left have been trying to scare people with claims that the GOP is out to end all abortions for as long as I can remember...yet amazingly when the Republicans controlled Congress and the White House they DIDN'T end abortions! Most people in America care about the economy and out of control immigration FAR more than they care about Roe V Wade!
Why are you dodging? If flu was infecting 50 million, and killing 50-80k people annually, it's pretty contagious. I'll ask again...

How many flu cases we had last year? How many we had this year?
Last year we were shut down, masked up, socially distanced and when someone sneezed people ran for the exists like a grande went off.

Influenza went nearly extinct untill everything loosened up after large swaths of population got vaccinated for Covid and restaurants, movies and large events re-opened.
Last year we were shut down, masked up, socially distanced and when someone sneezed people ran for the exists like a grande went off.

Influenza went nearly extinct untill everything loosened up after large swaths of population got vaccinated for Covid and restaurants, movies and large events re-opened.
This may be the dumbest post of all time. If we shut down and don’t interact aka live we won’t catch the flu? Lol
Funny how Bill Gates knew all about this in June 2020.

Bill Gates, in 2020, Knew of Biden's Coming "Winter of Death": Next Pandemic "WILL Get Attention"​


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