Look at these media types.... ginning up the scare for the gov't. The gov't just sits back and laughs at the dumbasses that are buying this.

this is why third worlders kill the media types first.
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Hell!! Yer Damn Shots only last you for 6 months tops!! LOLOLOLOLOL
And that's six more months on this side of the ground you damned fool...

That buys you six months more time in which to get another booster if needed and six more months as the pandemic moves closer to burning itself out...

But you go right on-ahead Laughing Out Loud at folks getting vax'ed...

Perhaps they'll do a TV news channel "special" on you as one of the thousands begging for the vax right before they put you on a ventilator...

What has happened to Americans. They weren't stupid enough to fall for this shit during Ford's short term in office.
kondor said:
And that's six more months on this side of the ground you damned fool...

you're expecting a fake vaccine to prolong your life? who's the fool here?? think about it.
putting you on the ventilator IS the death sentence.
Yeppers... which is why so many non-vax'ers beg for the vax like little bitches right before the medics put 'em on one... at that point, they KNOW they phukked-up... Bigly.
you're expecting a fake vaccine to prolong your life? who's the fool here?? think about it.
Already HAVE thought about it... and got vax'ed... and boosted... as have ALL of my children and their spouses, and so have all of my grandchildren...

We're nowhere near as concerned about ourselves as we are about broader family and friends and neighbors, and improving THEIR chances for survival...

The vax doesn't PREVENT you from catching the cootie... but it DOES vastly improve your odds of not catching it... and it DOES vastly improve your odds (by an order of magnitude) of having symptoms so (relatively) mild that you will not require hospitalization nor die... and there's an overwhelming body of hard-evidence of such outcomes...
Already HAVE thought about it... and got vax'ed... and boosted... as have ALL of my children and their spouses, and so have all of my grandchildren...

We're nowhere near as concerned about ourselves as we are about broader family and friends and neighbors, and improving THEIR chances for survival...

The vax doesn't PREVENT you from catching the cootie... but it DOES vastly improve your odds of not catching it... and... if you DO catch it... the vax DOES vastly improve your odds (by an order of magnitude) of having symptoms so (relatively) mild that you will not require hospitalization nor die... and there's an overwhelming body of hard-evidence of such outcomes...
AzogtheDefiler condemn this conservative rhetoric.
Why should he? You and yours should be condemned. You all have said we should lose our jobs, our homes, our freedom simply because we won't take your DNA modifying clot shot.

The Jews were treated the same in Nazi Germany for refusing vaccines among other things, like simply being Jewish. Yes, we know you hate Christians and Jews. It's obvious.
Why should he? You and yours should be condemned. You all have said we should lose our jobs, our homes, our freedom simply because we won't take your DNA modifying clot shot.

The Jews were treated the same in Nazi Germany for refusing vaccines among other things, like simply being Jewish. Yes, we know you hate Christians and Jews. It's obvious.
I know discussing anything with you is a complete waste of time such as you are. However,

Germany began compulsory vaccinations in 1874 and against smallpox they were very successful.

"After the law of 1874 went into effect the annual mortality in Prussia fell so that between 1875 and 1886 the average yearly mortality per 100,000 of population was only 1.91. On the other hand, in Austria, where the lax vaccination and revaccination requirements remained unchanged, the mortality of smallpox during about the same period (1872-1884) increased, varying between 39.28 and 94.79 per 100,000 of population…. In 1897, there were but five deaths from this disease in the entire German Empire with a population of 54,000,000.”

However as the Nazis conquered other countries they didn't force anyone to take vaccines, quite the opposite. They withheld them knowing that it would be detrimental to those populations.

It is also deeply misleading. The German vaccination law in question was one the Nazis had inherited from the Weimar Republic and did little to enforce. In 1940, they overturned it.
In fact, Hitler was an anti-vaxxer – at least when it came to those people the Nazis had conquered.
“In the field of public health there is no need whatsoever to extend to the subject races the benefits of our own knowledge,” he told fellow Nazi leaders in 1942.
“This would result only in an enormous increase in local populations ...Compulsory vaccination will be confined to Germans alone.”
Later the same year, Hitler told Martin Bormann, his chief of staff: “No inoculations and other preventative measures for the natives! We must even try to stifle any desire for such things by persuading them that vaccination and the like are really most dangerous.”

Please stop making ugly comparisons. I know you think everyone not like you is a Nazi and ironically it kind of says more about yourself and your own fascistic character traits.
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kondor said:
Already HAVE thought about it... and got vax'ed... and boosted... as have ALL of my children and their spouses, and so have all of my grandchildren...

We're nowhere near as concerned about ourselves as we are about broader family and friends and neighbors, and improving THEIR chances for survival...

The vax doesn't PREVENT you from catching the cootie... but it DOES vastly improve your odds of not catching it... and it DOES vastly improve your odds (by an order of magnitude) of having symptoms so (relatively) mild that you will not require hospitalization nor die... and there's an overwhelming body of hard-evidence of such outcomes...

keep tellin' yourself that, buddy. You took that poison because you were told it would PROTECT YOU. now they tell you that it keeps you from getting the worst degree of it. Please. Use your head. That is not what vaccines do. They protect. So you took it. You're protected. Now leave the rest of us alone. You're immune. safe, protected. If we are wrong...we'll die out...and won't you love that.

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