You fucking covidiots

Omicron is many times more infectious than pervious versions and it is now THE dominant strain.

But fuck it.

Less of you tards voting for assholes like Trump.

STAY unvaxxed
That has milder symptoms but hey let not tell the whole truth because it might hurt your agenda here…

Also those vaccinated can contract it and still spread it but again let not tell the whole truth…
Actually the vaccinated people are still protected from Omicron. The unvaxxed face severe illness and death. If people stopped opposing vaccination, these new strains would dies off quickly without needless deaths and suffering. The opposition to vaccination based on the disinformation being pushed has gotten out of hand.
You are spreading misinformation also because a person that is vaccinated can contract, spread and even die from the virus, so why must you spread misinformation?
This is not a cold. Normal people understand that.
No it is not but people also know the vaccine is not a cure and you can still contract the virus, spread the virus and die from the virus even vaccinated…

The chances of dying is a lot lower but that does not negate the fact that the virus mutates.

Also you and the left leave out key facts like the mutations happen in regions like Africa, so you should ask why a region that is heavily influenced by China is having such mutations?

Of course you will not ask those questions because then it would ruin your attack on everyone that you believe is the enemy!

You know white people!
Actually the vaccinated people are still protected from Omicron. The unvaxxed face severe illness and death. If people stopped opposing vaccination, these new strains would dies off quickly without needless deaths and suffering. The opposition to vaccination based on the disinformation being pushed has gotten out of hand.
Protected? Is that why you live in total fear?

Imagine telling the whole population to give up their rights to protect the healthcare system, then firing all the healthcare workers, then again telling the whole population to give up their rights to protect the healthcare system. That’s straight Bond villain stuff right there.​

Enough of this Covid crap. So a bunch of old people who already had one foot in the grave died. It's time to move on.
A deadly contagious virus is not abortion. That virus can be passed to other people, an abortion can't.
And yet that is your only problem with the whole thing.
Well let’s look at your claim. First you are talking killing a human being. Where most that get the virus without an underlying cause such as obesity, heart disease or something else survive. With abortion there is no survival rate at all.
You have people that are vaccinated that are dying from the vaccine and from the virus. People that are vaccinated can pass the virus on to others.
So tell my sweetie which has a better survival rate? An abortion or someone with the virus. Last I knew abortion had no survival rate.
Good luck to all pursuing their Herman Cain Awards. Godspeed.
Yeah? Recovery rate at 99.5 percent. Ahhhh, but the vaccines.

Let me clue you in.

We will all die of something. There, that's a fact. Where will we be in eternity?

That's the real question. Now, go ahead and have a good giggle.

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