Keep on believing that.
I will and it will be easy to do since it’s true. I know you struggle with math but if you add up all the deaths of the people over 50 and divide it by the total COVID deaths you‘ll see that I’m right. But we both know you won’t do that don’t we….
I will and it will be easy to do since it’s true. I know you struggle with math but if you add up all the deaths of the people over 50 and divide it by the total COVID deaths you‘ll see that I’m right. But we both know you won’t do that don’t we….
I do just better with math than you do with reality. I am vaccinated so I don't give a damn what you do.
I don't claim to able to see the future but I feel pretty safe in saying I will survive the coming winter.
you are correct. abortion kills far more people per year than COVID.
People- definition, human Beings, one's family, or parents, members of a particular race or nation. You're incorrect, abortion kills zygotes, embryos and fetuses. No human beings are involved.
Abortion is not a contagious disease dumb ass.
But it does kill more people than COVID every year. And if your vaccinated you Have nothing to worry about. It’s interesting that the only people worried about other peoples vaccination status are the people who should be least worried about it.
I don't claim to able to see the future but I feel pretty safe in saying I will survive the coming winter.
Biden didn't claim to see the future he suggested the strong possibility that the on vaccinated people might have a much harder winter than the vaccinated and that's already apparent this fall.
Biden didn't claim to see the future he suggested the strong possibility that the on vaccinated people might have a much harder winter than the vaccinated and that's already apparent this fall.
I didn't say he did what we are seeing and hearing Omicron is more tramsmissible than the orginal covid and Delta it is much less deadly which sugggest the unvaccinated are not going to be in that hard a spot especially as we don't know how many unvaccinated might have natural immunity. We seem to just be repeating the same pattern over and over hear about a new variant panic, overreact, repeat.
But it does kill more people than COVID every year. And if your vaccinated you Have nothing to worry about. It’s interesting that the only people worried about other peoples vaccination status are the people who should be least worried about it.
I don't know if there have been 800,000 abortions this past year. And a person won't die from an abortion from being in the same room as a person who had an abortion. Covid is being passed around by unvaxxed to vaxxed people.
I didn't say he did what we are seeing and hearing Omicron is more tramsmissible than the orginal covid and Delta it is much less deadly which sugggest the unvaccinated are not going to be in that hard a spot especially as we don't know how many unvaccinated might have natural immunity. We seem to just be repeating the same pattern over and over hear about a new variant panic, overreact, repeat.
Actually the vaccinated people are still protected from Omicron. The unvaxxed face severe illness and death. If people stopped opposing vaccination, these new strains would dies off quickly without needless deaths and suffering. The opposition to vaccination based on the disinformation being pushed has gotten out of hand.
Actually the vaccinated people are still protected from Omicron. The unvaxxed face severe illness and death. If people stopped opposing vaccination, these new strains would dies off quickly without needless deaths and suffering. The opposition to vaccination based on the disinformation being pushed has gotten out of hand.

Simply not true. You're spreading more dangerous misinfo.
Simply not true. You're spreading more dangerous misinfo.
It is true. But you go ahead and keep thinking it isn't.

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