Within the domain of Americans who have become infected since the vaccines were readily available...

1. what percentage of vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
2. what percentage of vax'ed folks died?

3. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
4. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks died?


Game... set... match.
Are you claiming the exact same vaccines used on Danes effect Americans differently? Are Danes a different species?
Are you claiming the exact same vaccines used on Danes effect Americans differently? Are Danes a different species?

You give us stats pertaining to Positive Tests.

What you do NOT give us is comparative data along the lines of what I just asked in those four bullet points.

Big difference.
Within the domain of Americans who have become infected since the vaccines were readily available...

1. what percentage of vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
2. what percentage of vax'ed folks died?

3. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
4. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks died?


Game... set... match.
How is it "game....set....match" when all you do is ask questions, Dumbass? :cuckoo:

You give us stats pertaining to Positive Tests.

What you do NOT give us is comparative data along the lines of what I just asked in those four bullet points.

Big difference.
Seems YOU should be the one providing stats, Halfwit.

You give us stats pertaining to Positive Tests.

What you do NOT give us is comparative data along the lines of what I just asked in those four bullet points.

Big difference.
So, Danes are a different species. Who knew?
So, Danes are a different species. Who knew?

You focus upon infections.

I focus upon...

a. hospitalizations

b. deaths

And you refuse to zero-in on (a) and (b).

Your loss - and those dumb enough to believe what you're saying.
Within the domain of Americans who have become infected since the vaccines were readily available...

1. what percentage of vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
2. what percentage of vax'ed folks died?

3. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
4. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks died?


Game... set... match.
No doubt, if you believe a word of it.

Since these self-described "elites" lie and lie and lie and lie like dead roadkill, I don't believe anything they say anymore. In about five years there will be books maybe one could trust, if the country holds together; but now it's all just propaganda.
What does this have to do with you being on the wrong side of history when it came to how the Jews were treated during vaccinations and then after you realizing you were wrong trying to pretend you were right the whole time?

I can't have a serious or honest discussion with you.

this^^^ is called 'The Whirling Dervish'. common lefty tactic.
Funny how Bill Gates knew all about this in June 2020.

Bill Gates, in 2020, Knew of Biden's Coming "Winter of Death": Next Pandemic "WILL Get Attention"​


When they announced this weekend that Joe Jellybean Biden will give his big speech on Tuesday (tomorrow), my first thought was, why to wait till Tuesday if is an emergency.

But then I realized that "quantum solstice" is on Tuesday. The longest night.

All that was left to do is to connect the dots. Anyone remembers his "very dark winter" reference? Is that it? 💡

For those who don't remember what they had for breakfast this morning, it's useless to read any further.

For the rest... search for "Operation Dark Winter". Coincidence?

Also, see reference: Senate hearing

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Pumping out the fear and division like only a good little totalitarian can.

All of us have a date with omicron,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “If you’re going to interact with society, if you’re going to have any type of life, omicron will be something you encounter, and the best way you can encounter this is to be fully vaccinated.”

Pumping out the fear and division like only a good little totalitarian can.

All of us have a date with omicron,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “If you’re going to interact with society, if you’re going to have any type of life, omicron will be something you encounter, and the best way you can encounter this is to be fully vaccinated.”


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