Typical response from an establishmentarian. There are a number of effective treatment protocols. Too bad you don’t know them. Please get informed.
I can guarantee you I’m better informed than you.

Almost all of these treatment protocols are about as effective as coffee enemas are for treating cancer.
What does this have to do with you being on the wrong side of history when it came to how the Jews were treated during vaccinations and then after you realizing you were wrong trying to pretend you were right the whole time?

I can't have a serious or honest discussion with you.
You are on the wrong side of history now dummy. Only you are too blind to see it. Just like The Nazis were.
I can guarantee you I’m better informed than you.

Almost all of these treatment protocols are about as effective as coffee enemas are for treating cancer.
We’ve already proven you aren’t informed. You’ve already admitted your unaware of the many effective treatments.

No doubt you’re also unaware of the many adverse effects from the vaccines. You know only what the establishment has told you.
We’ve already proven you aren’t informed. You’ve already admitted your unaware of the many effective treatments.

No doubt you’re also unaware of the many adverse effects from the vaccines. You know only what the establishment has told you.
You keep saying “effective” as if the more times you say it, the more true it becomes.

It doesn’t work that way. It’s not effective because some doctor used it in a few patients and they got better. Especially when most people with COVID get better anyway.
You keep saying “effective” as if the more times you say it, the more true it becomes.

It doesn’t work that way. It’s not effective because some doctor used it in a few patients and they got better. Especially when most people with COVID get better anyway.
Again you’re completely unaware of the studies published proving very sick COVID patients were cured.
Again you’re completely unaware of the studies published proving very sick COVID patients were cured.
You love talking about these mythical studies but never actually produce any of them.

Like the teenager who claims to have a super hot girlfriend that no one has ever met.
The Nazis who you thought were forcing Jews to get vaccinated or the Nazis that actually took vaccines away from the Jews?
The Nazis you admire and emulate of course!

If you don't get vaccinated Megatron will kill you!
You love talking about these mythical studies but never actually produce any of them.

Like the teenager who claims to have a super hot girlfriend that no one has ever met.
If I produced them, we already know your response. I’m done trying to inform closed minded establishment dupes.

Ever heard of ivermectin, chloroquine, zinc combinations, and vitamin D and C, ETC?

If I produced them, we already know your response. I’m done trying to inform closed minded establishment dupes.

Ever heard of ivermectin, chloroquine, zinc combinations, and vitamin D and C, ETC?

Yes. Heard of all of them. Reviewed the literature surrounding them.

Question is whether you look at all the data and not just the studies which say what you want.

The other question is whether you know enough to evaluate methodologies.

After all, if one paper says it works and one says it doesn’t, how do you figure out what to believe?
Therefore, my initial claim is correct, the other deaths declined, and were recategorized as COVID.
I'm sure, for 2020. No idea for this year. Anecdotal evidence *I* am hearing is that influenza is BAD this year. Or whatever it is ------
If I produced them, we already know your response. I’m done trying to inform closed minded establishment dupes.

Ever heard of ivermectin, chloroquine, zinc combinations, and vitamin D and C, ETC?

Haha, nope, your sure don't know them.

What a bunch of bullshit. Stop spreading lies.
Yes. Heard of all of them. Reviewed the literature surrounding them.

Question is whether you look at all the data and not just the studies which say what you want.

The other question is whether you know enough to evaluate methodologies.

After all, if one paper says it works and one says it doesn’t, how do you figure out what to believe?
You support big pharma that has an enormous profit motive and a long history of wrong doing, yet you question my motives. Too funny.
You support big pharma that has an enormous profit motive and a long history of wrong doing, yet you question my motives. Too funny.
So do you. Do you have a job? Oh, you must be a lying sack of shit at your job then. Since that's what you thinknof other people.
You support big pharma that has an enormous profit motive and a long history of wrong doing, yet you question my motives. Too funny.
I support what the data supports. I don’t let any knee jerk reactions to “big pharma” cloud my judgement.

If a drug from big pharma works, I’ll use it. Why shouldn’t I? If a cheap generic drug works, I’ll use it. Why shouldn’t I?
You’re wrong. Here’s proof.

Stunning Covid data from Denmark​

But not for the reason you've been told; the story is vaccine failure, not Omicron​

The Danes are now publishing extremely detailed daily data about Covid cases and hospitalizations - not just about Omicron, but all Covid variants.

And, in news that will surprise precisely no one who has been alive the last two years, they paint a picture entirely different than what the media claims.

Omicron - which continues to appear significantly less dangerous though more transmissible than earlier variants of Covid - has been used as a cover for vaccine failure.

Most new Covid cases in Denmark occur in people who are vaccinated or boosted - and that is true for both Omicron and earlier variants. More than 76 percent of non-Omicron Covid infections in Denmark are in vaccinated people, along with about 90 percent of Omicron infections.
Stunning Covid data from Denmark
Within the domain of Americans who have become infected since the vaccines were readily available...

1. what percentage of vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
2. what percentage of vax'ed folks died?

3. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks were hospitalized?
4. what percentage of un-vax'ed folks died?


Game... set... match.

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