Biden was correct for originally not wanting to shoot the Chinese balloon down.

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
China has dozens of satellites in space circling the earth with powerful telescopic camera's that can read the license plate on a car. They already know the locations of our airbases and nuclear missile silos.
So most likely it really was just a weather data gathering balloon that had gone astray.
But the whole Chinese balloon situation turned into a political hot potato.
When the tard media and the American people were transfixed on the so called enemy spy balloon for 4 days and demanding the administration do something.
Basically, forcing Biden to finally order the balloon shot down using a $137 million dollar F-22 firing a $600 thousand dollar missile.
Making the entire U.S. government and military look like bumbling idiots. ... :cuckoo:
China has dozens of satellites in space circling the earth with powerful telescopic camera's that can read the license plate on a car. They already know the locations of our airbases and nuclear missile silos.
So most likely it really was just a weather data gathering balloon that had gone astray.
But the whole Chinese balloon situation turned into a political hot potato.
When the tard media and the American people were transfixed on the so called enemy spy balloon for 4 days and demanding the administration do something.
Basically, forcing Biden to finally order the balloon shot down using a $137 million dollar F-22 firing a $600 thousand dollar missile.
Making the entire U.S. government and military look like bumbling idiots. ... :cuckoo:
With all due respect, have you thoroughly thought this situation through entirely? You understand Chinese culture of "saving face" right? Even if it was just a kite, to not act sends a message. This wasn't a.Canadian balloon, it was.Chinas, half a world away.
With all due respect, have you thoroughly thought this situation through entirely? You understand Chinese culture of "saving face" right? Even if it was just a kite, to not act sends a message.
If the U.S. government had just let the balloon pass on thru without taking any action. Would have allowed the Chinese to "save face" for letting their weather balloon go astray.
But we slapped the Chinese in the face by shooting it down.
They won't forget this national insult towards them.
And in the future if we ever happen to have an aircraft accidentally fly over even one foot of Chinese territory.
They will quickly blast it out of the sky and say, now we are even.
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In practice, using an old Sidewinder missile costs nothing. Only 1% of them get used up in combat. The rest eventually get expended in training. Like this one was, essentially a training mission against a balloon. The Air Force doesn't get a cash refund if they don't use an old missile.
China has dozens of satellites in space circling the earth with powerful telescopic camera's that can read the license plate on a car. They already know the locations of our airbases and nuclear missile silos.
So most likely it really was just a weather data gathering balloon that had gone astray.
But the whole Chinese balloon situation turned into a political hot potato.
When the tard media and the American people were transfixed on the so called enemy spy balloon for 4 days and demanding the administration do something.
Basically, forcing Biden to finally order the balloon shot down using a $137 million dollar F-22 firing a $600 thousand dollar missile.
Making the entire U.S. government and military look like bumbling idiots. ... :cuckoo:
Disagree... satellites can't test for holes in radar like a balloon can.
Satellites can't hack into communication and other systems like a balloon can.
Being in the air can test for what kind of radar signals bounce off of it, what frequency, wavelength etc. to help them try and figure out how to get around it.

As noted by the Pentagon, this balloon carried more sophisticated hardware then any other Chinese balloon they have seen.
In practice, using an old Sidewinder missile costs nothing. Only 1% of them get used up in combat. The rest eventually get expended in training. Like this one was, essentially a training mission against a balloon. The Air Force doesn't get a cash refund if they don't use an old missile.
The missile used wasn't an old surplus Sidewinder missile from the 1970's
The F-22 fired an advanced generation top of the line AIM-9X Sidewinder missile to knock the balloon out of the sky.
If the U.S. government had just let the balloon pass on thru without taking any action. Would have allowed the Chinese to "save face" for letting their weather balloon go astray.
But we slapped the Chinese in the face by shooting it down.
They won't forget this national insult towards them.
And in the future if we ever happen to have an aircraft accidentally fly over even one foot of Chinese territory.
They will quickly blast it out of the sky and say, now we are even.
So, you believe their freedom to fly whatever they please over.U.S sovereign is more important than defending your airspace? Ok

It was a shiny thing to distract the idiots from the Evil of the Tater and his whoring junkie son, as we are exposing them.

Look at your outrage for shooting it down.
Imagine your outrage if we had let it float away over the Atlantic.

Since you're mentioning "Whoring junkie son" how about we revisit some other whoring from the trump family. Fair game?
With all due respect, have you thoroughly thought this situation through entirely? You understand Chinese culture of "saving face" right? Even if it was just a kite, to not act sends a message. This wasn't a.Canadian balloon, it was.Chinas, half a world away.
What the fuck do you care whether China saves face or not?

And he did act. First they jammed the electronics so that it was just a big balloon, then he shot it down once there was no danger of anyone on the ground being hurt or killed.

Some of the components weighed a couple of hundred pounds. The debris field would have been the equivalent of 15 football fields. What if a piece went through the windshield of a car, killing a baby? What would you wingnuts be saying then? You'd have a party in your pure joy at being able to blame President Biden for recklessly endangering Americans while you danced on that baby's grave.

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And that's why no one takes your whining seriously. You're only pissed because Biden is competent and not a complete fuck-up like Trump.
What the fuck do you care whether China saves face or not?

And he did act. First they jammed the electronics so that it was just a big balloon, then he shot it down once there was no danger of anyone on the ground being hurt or killed.

Some of the components weighed a couple of hundred pounds. The debris field would have been the equivalent of 15 football fields. What if a piece went through the windshield of a car, killing a baby? What would you wingnuts be saying then? You'd have a party in your pure joy at being able to blame President Biden for recklessly endangering Americans while you danced on that baby's grave.

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. And that's why no one takes your whining seriously. You're only pissed because Biden is competent and not a complete fuck-up like Trump.
I'm not sure of your point there. The point regarding face was into regards to if the U.S did nothing, China would celebrate hiow.much freedom they have over U.S skies. Sorry, but the rest of your text seemed like an I'll founded rant to me, I'm not sure what it achieved.
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