Biden Was Just Asked About Ending Title 42 For Illegal Immigrants And Instead He Rambled About Masks On Planes.

Wow that was bad. He obviously was confusing the mask mandate appeal, with the Title 42 story. The way he abruptly blended them together was as if he had a sudden mini-stroke.
Remember the Star Trek episode where the landing party beams down to a planet to check up on how things are going a couple years after the Federation left one of their own people there to guide that society to good governance or something like that? When they arrive on the surface of the planet, they find a Nazi style government.

In the end, Kirk and company discover that the Federation guy they left there has been kept at a desk in front of television camera behind a microphone large enough to cover his mouth so that nobody could see that he was in a drugged stupor and that a voice synthesizer was being used to produce his voice aggressively pushing the Nazi agenda.

Think that could ever happen on earth? Well, not that exact thing, but . . .
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Remember the Star Trek episode where the landing party beams down to a planet to check up on how things are going a couple years after the Federation left one of their own people there to guide that society to good governance or something like that? When they arrive on the surface of the planet, they find a Nazi style government.

In the end, Kirk and company discover that the Federation guy they left there has been kept at a desk in front of television camera behind a microphone large enough to cover his mouth so that nobody could see that he was in a drugged stupor and that a voice synthesizer was being used to produce his voice aggressively pushing the Nazi agenda.

Think that could ever happen on earth? Well, not that exact thing, but . . .
You understand Star Trek was just a TV show, right? It wasn't real.
No conspiracy theory left behind, right?

In that clip xiden had no clue what Title 42 was. He was totally confused and the first bitch keeps marching him out to be humiliated. And you are complicit, you commies don't care about the man, he's just a mindless means to an end.

Saying they are the same is the best you can do, but nobody believes that.
Its crazy how you just ignore your dishonest posting in this thread. Aaaand then try to gaslight your way out of it. Thats just tops it off :lol:
Fuck off, hack.
Its crazy how you just ignore your dishonest posting in this thread. Aaaand then try to gaslight your way out of it. Thats just tops it off :lol:
Fuck off, hack.
What dishonest posting? I understand that trump has taught you to cry dishonest every time the right's disgusting behavior is pointed out, but if it actually happened, it's not dishonest.
What dishonest posting? I understand that trump has taught you to cry dishonest every time the right's disgusting behavior is pointed out, but if it actually happened, it's not dishonest.
Deflection and gaslighting is a dishonest debate tactic.
Its what losers do when their feelings hurt and they have nothing.
Good day, dumbfuck.

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