Biden White House facilitated DOJ's criminal probe against Trump, scuttled privilege claims: memos


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
It is all a set-up as Biden has used the DoJ for pure political reasons.

And Merrick 'The Rat' Garland was too weak to say no.

Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump's estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president's claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.
The memos show then-White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was engaged in conversations with the FBI, DOJ and National Archives as early as April, shortly after 15 boxes of classified and other materials were voluntarily returned to the federal historical agency from Trump's Florida home.
By May, Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor's claims to executive privilege, a decision that opened the door for DOJ to get a grand jury to issue a subpoena compelling Trump to turn over any remaining materials he possessed from his presidency.
The machinations are summarized in several memos and emails exchanged between the various agencies in spring 2022, months before the FBI took the added unprecedented step of raiding Trump's Florida compound with a court-issued search warrant.
The most complete summary was contained in a lengthy letter dated May 10 that acting National Archivist Debra Steidel Wall sent Trump's lawyers summarizing the White House's involvement.
"On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel's Office — affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum — formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific documents following its review of the boxes," Wall wrote Trump defense attorney Evan Corcoran.
That letter revealed Biden empowered the National Archives and Records Administration to waive any claims to executive privilege that Trump might assert to block DOJ from gaining access to the documents.
The memos provide the most definitive evidence to date of the current White House's effort to facilitate a criminal probe of the man Joe Biden beat in the 2020 election and may face again as a challenger in 2024. That involvement included eliminating one of the legal defenses Trump might use to fight the FBI over access to his documents.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and the committee's likely chairman if the GOP win control of Congress in November, called the Biden White House's involvement and privilege waiver "amazing news" with implications for past and future presidents.
"Look, the left, they've been out to get President Trump because President Trump's a threat to the clique, to the swamp, to the bureaucracy, to the deep state," Jordan told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show Tuesday night. "Whatever term you want to use. And they all know it.
"That's why they were out to get him before he was in office, and they set up the whole Russia collusion hoax. It's why they tried to get him while he was in office. And of course, obviously they continue to do so now that he's left. It's just never going to end."
Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard law professor emeritus and lifelong Democrat, reviewed some of the correspondence at Just the News' request. He said the Biden White House's eagerness to waive Trump's claims of privilege could have future implications for generations of presidents to come.
"I was very surprised," Dershowitz said after reading the text of Wall's letter. "The current president should not be able to waive the executive privilege of a predecessor, without the consent of the former president. Otherwise, [privilege] means nothing. What president will ever discuss anything in private if he knows the man who beat him can and will disclose it."
While some courts have upheld the notion of a successor president waiving privilege for a predecessor, Dershowitz said the matter remains to be decided definitively by the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The best thinking is that an incumbent president cannot waive the right of the previous president," he said in a phone interview with Just the News. "It would make a mockery of the whole notion of privilege."

It is all a set-up as Biden has used the DoJ for pure political reasons.

And Merrick 'The Rat' Garland was too weak to say no.

Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump's estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president's claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.
The memos show then-White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was engaged in conversations with the FBI, DOJ and National Archives as early as April, shortly after 15 boxes of classified and other materials were voluntarily returned to the federal historical agency from Trump's Florida home.
By May, Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor's claims to executive privilege, a decision that opened the door for DOJ to get a grand jury to issue a subpoena compelling Trump to turn over any remaining materials he possessed from his presidency.
The machinations are summarized in several memos and emails exchanged between the various agencies in spring 2022, months before the FBI took the added unprecedented step of raiding Trump's Florida compound with a court-issued search warrant.
The most complete summary was contained in a lengthy letter dated May 10 that acting National Archivist Debra Steidel Wall sent Trump's lawyers summarizing the White House's involvement.
"On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel's Office — affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum — formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days, with the possibility that the FBI might request copies of specific documents following its review of the boxes," Wall wrote Trump defense attorney Evan Corcoran.
That letter revealed Biden empowered the National Archives and Records Administration to waive any claims to executive privilege that Trump might assert to block DOJ from gaining access to the documents.
The memos provide the most definitive evidence to date of the current White House's effort to facilitate a criminal probe of the man Joe Biden beat in the 2020 election and may face again as a challenger in 2024. That involvement included eliminating one of the legal defenses Trump might use to fight the FBI over access to his documents.
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), the ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and the committee's likely chairman if the GOP win control of Congress in November, called the Biden White House's involvement and privilege waiver "amazing news" with implications for past and future presidents.
"Look, the left, they've been out to get President Trump because President Trump's a threat to the clique, to the swamp, to the bureaucracy, to the deep state," Jordan told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show Tuesday night. "Whatever term you want to use. And they all know it.
"That's why they were out to get him before he was in office, and they set up the whole Russia collusion hoax. It's why they tried to get him while he was in office. And of course, obviously they continue to do so now that he's left. It's just never going to end."
Alan Dershowitz, the famed Harvard law professor emeritus and lifelong Democrat, reviewed some of the correspondence at Just the News' request. He said the Biden White House's eagerness to waive Trump's claims of privilege could have future implications for generations of presidents to come.
"I was very surprised," Dershowitz said after reading the text of Wall's letter. "The current president should not be able to waive the executive privilege of a predecessor, without the consent of the former president. Otherwise, [privilege] means nothing. What president will ever discuss anything in private if he knows the man who beat him can and will disclose it."
While some courts have upheld the notion of a successor president waiving privilege for a predecessor, Dershowitz said the matter remains to be decided definitively by the U.S. Supreme Court.
"The best thinking is that an incumbent president cannot waive the right of the previous president," he said in a phone interview with Just the News. "It would make a mockery of the whole notion of privilege."

This is crap. Biden has maintained a hands off posture with the DOJ. Trump just broke the law. He claimed the documents belong to him. You toads are always blaming someone else for Trump's stupidity.
This is crap. Biden has maintained a hands off posture with the DOJ. Trump just broke the law. He claimed the documents belong to him. You toads are always blaming someone else for Trump's stupidity.

This is in the OP< which you obviously ddin't read. It is how trolls troll.

... the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president's claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.

The memos show then-White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was engaged in conversations with the FBI, DOJ and National Archives as early as April, shortly after 15 boxes of classified and other materials were voluntarily returned to the federal historical agency from Trump's Florida home.
By May, Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor's claims to executive privilege ...
This is crap. Biden has maintained a hands off posture with the DOJ. Trump just broke the law. He claimed the documents belong to him. You toads are always blaming someone else for Trump's stupidity.
He annulled Trump's executive privilege. That's some Stalin-type action that bears extreme scrutiny.

He did it like Pontius Pilate. He deferred Trump's executive privilege claims to the National Archives and FBI. That's insanity if the US is to continue in the manner it has for centuries. New presidents can just demean past presidents like that?

That's all kinds of wrong, and I bet you do not see why. This isn't Stalin's Russia, brah. This is the United States of motherfucking Aye! That dog ain't gonn' hunt.
This is in the OP< which you obviously ddin't read. It is how trolls troll.

... the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president's claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.
The memos show then-White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was engaged in conversations with the FBI, DOJ and National Archives as early as April, shortly after 15 boxes of classified and other materials were voluntarily returned to the federal historical agency from Trump's Florida home.
By May, Su conveyed to the Archives that President Joe Biden would not object to waiving his predecessor's claims to executive privilege ...
Jonathan Su sounds kinda like a Chinese name...Where do his loyalties lie?

Teh searching finds this:

Go figure a pedo-defender is in Biden's regime. :dunno:

Looks like his main motivator is teh dollars, though.
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Trump did this on his own from day one.

Trump was warned in late 2021 by his former White House lawyer that it was unlawful to retain the documents, especially classified information

Feb 2022 The national archives filed this paper

National Security Archive and CREW Request Criminal Inquiry into Trump’s Abuse of Records Practices

A Conviction Could Disqualify Former President from Holding Public Office

The Archive, CREW, and SHAFR filed a lawsuit, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington et al. v. Donald J. Trump et al., on May 7, 2019, to compel the White House to create and preserve records of the president's meetings with foreign leaders.
Trump did this on his own from day one.

Trump was warned in late 2021 by his former White House lawyer that it was unlawful to retain the documents, especially classified information

Feb 2022 The national archives filed this paper

National Security Archive and CREW Request Criminal Inquiry into Trump’s Abuse of Records Practices

A Conviction Could Disqualify Former President from Holding Public Office

The Archive, CREW, and SHAFR filed a lawsuit, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington et al. v. Donald J. Trump et al., on May 7, 2019, to compel the White House to create and preserve records of the president's meetings with foreign leaders.
You fucking ridiculous morons, Trump was president, and as president he possessed absolute unfettered ability to do whatever the fuck he wished with any classified material, period, stop, end of story!

A president requires no permission, no oversight in his decision processes, before classifying/declassifying, no fucking nothing, the president is the top of the heap, commander & chief, and sole final arbiter on what can be declassified and when! :banana:
You fucking ridiculous morons, Trump was president, and as president he possessed absolute unfettered ability to do whatever the fuck he wished with any classified material, period, stop, end of story!

A president requires no permission, no oversight in his decision processes, before classifying/declassifying, no fucking nothing, the president is the top of the heap, commander & chief, and sole final arbiter on what can be declassified and when! :banana:

Seems you like the word moron as you probably hear it a lot .Still you miss the point. Trump can change classifications but he must notify the authority that originally placed the classification. They can agree or fight it as it still needs to be classified.

Still let see here, you belief that Trump can change the top secret classification based on he wants to take it with him when he goes home for good.

Okay glad we had this discussion for all to see how you brain works or maybe its that MAGA feeling one gets when eating a bad banana.

Still if you can read , you should read the EO that was done by Obama. yeah Trump could have done an EO to justify his taking secret records home with him. All he had to do was make a wish and put it in writing.

Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information​

This is crap. Biden has maintained a hands off posture with the DOJ. Trump just broke the law. He claimed the documents belong to him. You toads are always blaming someone else for Trump's stupidity.
haha this post is crap....geez man, Xiden has completely weaponized the DOJ against his political rivals....much like his former boss did.

The demafascist have gone full Stalinist
haha this post is crap....geez man, Xiden has completely weaponized the DOJ against his political rivals....much like his former boss did.

The demafascist have gone full Stalinist

That's just silly. The DOJ prides itself on a long history of not caving in to partisan nonsense. Trump claimed the DOJ, FBI, CIA etc were all partisan. He tried to destroy all American institutions and traditions especially after he demeaned US intelligence in favor of Russia. Trump even believes he could stack the supreme court to do his bidding instead of following the constitution and the law.
That's just silly. The DOJ prides itself on a long history of not caving in to partisan nonsense. Trump claimed the DOJ, FBI, CIA etc were all partisan. He tried to destroy all American institutions and traditions especially after he demeaned US intelligence in favor of Russia. Trump even believes he could stack the supreme court to do his bidding instead of following the constitution and the law.
I could careless what they say, what we are seeing first hand from the Demafascist is just the opposite....Obama used the CIA to spy on Americans...we know that thanks to Snowden, Xiden has used the FBI to raid his political rivals....the Demafascsit have destroyed our institutions, and their traditions. Trump not once has suggested "stacking" the Court...actually it was the Dems that have suggested packing it, because and only because they don't respect the rule of law, and the opinions that undermine their demafascsit agenda
That's just silly. The DOJ prides itself on a long history of not caving in to partisan nonsense. Trump claimed the DOJ, FBI, CIA etc were all partisan. He tried to destroy all American institutions and traditions especially after he demeaned US intelligence in favor of Russia. Trump even believes he could stack the supreme court to do his bidding instead of following the constitution and the law.
Up until Obama was elected that was true. Obama spent his eight years in the White House staffing the DOJ with reliable liberal activists. They have now risen through the ranks and can be relied upon by the democrats to place their thumbs on the scales of justice in favor or liberal politicians and policies.

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