Biden will go after your retirement accounts, and here's how it starts...

I guarantee you if left unchecked the Democrats will eventually push for a national bank, then we're all fucked.
You asked, I answered.

If you want to cut spending, do it. For a change.

You did answer, which is more than your usual smiley, thank you garbage.

The first two suggestions from you involve increasing taxes...Why is that you immediate go to? Do you not believe that the money I get paid for my labor is mine? or what?

The third suggestion involving means testing, you do realize that people pay their money into this system right? So, you want the government to be able to say, 'Ah, well, at retirement, you left with a healthy 401K, and an IRA, so, we are keeping your money? What? Outright theft.

The fourth suggestion, raising the retirement age, is actually they only thing that they can do....As, I've told my children for years, SS was never meant to provide an income for 15 to 20 years plus after retirement. In fact, it is easy to see that this ponzi scheme was always meant to steal peoples money from the jump. They expected people to collect for 2 to 5 years, then die leaving the surplus to the government....
You did answer, which is more than your usual smiley, thank you garbage.

The first two suggestions from you involve increasing taxes...Why is that you immediate go to? Do you not believe that the money I get paid for my labor is mine? or what?

The third suggestion involving means testing, you do realize that people pay their money into this system right? So, you want the government to be able to say, 'Ah, well, at retirement, you left with a healthy 401K, and an IRA, so, we are keeping your money? What? Outright theft.

The fourth suggestion, raising the retirement age, is actually they only thing that they can do....As, I've told my children for years, SS was never meant to provide an income for 15 to 20 years plus after retirement. In fact, it is easy to see that this ponzi scheme was always meant to steal peoples money from the jump. They expected people to collect for 2 to 5 years, then die leaving the surplus to the government....
Then cut Social Security. Run on that. Good stuff. Quit whining.

Problem solved.
Cut spending for a change.

Problem solved.


Good idea! Have you written Joe yet? You start, after all, Democrats are in charge! Let us know-)
Nope. No tax hike at all. We should be working longer than our ancestors did because we are living longer.

I was told you are not a Democrat but an independent. Is this true? If so, how can you make such a statement, when we have millions of people who don't want to work at all?

There is always an excuse, isn't there! 15 bucks an hr, the rich are getting richer, we aren't making a living wage, etc.

When you THINK about it, the Democrats aren't all that much on the wrong page if we accept the USA young voters. Import workers, have them work and pay into S.S. to help make the system solvent. And yet, if we can't get our own people to work, then why pay them at all when they get older?

I will tell you why! Because if someone stands up and tells everyone that..............if you don't pay in, you don't get anything...........they will never be elected.

I have been called by my former employer, AND other employers in the area, to see if I would consider returning to work to run equipment, AND was offered a bonus to do so. I am over 60! How bad is that?????????? I would do it, just because the country needs it, were it NOT for taking a hit on S.S.

There is NOT a shortage of jobs, or people available to DO the jobs; there is a shortage of people WILLING to work, especially blue collar.

If anyone has EVER read any sort of history, this reminds me of Rome in its heyday. Some Americans sit on their rear ends, and wonder why things are falling apart before their very eyes.

We older people have let this country down, because we didn't teach many of those who came after us what is required to be Americans. These younger people now want to change the rules, with no way to pay it forward!
Then cut Social Security. Run on that. Good stuff. Quit whining.

Problem solved.
You freaking hit and run artist....You constantly complain that there is no debate around here, yet when I give you a post deserving of such, what do you do?

Call names, throw out some bs and run....You're pathetic.
Funny Trumpster. Your deity is just as guilty, even if Tucker hasn't told you.


Brilliant, absolutely BRILLIANT! Just think, if you elected him for 4 more years, you would actually have a case. Now that you have Biden, it is on YOU PEOPLE!

You as a party are screwed. I know it, you know it, and so this conversation has ended, since I can see you are totally off the deep end because we both know it is true, lol!
You freaking hit and run artist....You constantly complain that there is no debate around here, yet when I give you a post deserving of such, what do you do?

Call names, throw out some bs and run....You're pathetic.

Now-now, you have to understand, good ole Mac has duel personalities. One is when he wants to co-exist with Conservatives and get them to see it his way while lambasting their leaders; and another when he knows his peeps are hosed, and he goes off the deep end cause his Socialist ideas are about to be voted into oblivion.

Which Mac you think we got now-) I will give you 3 guesses, and the first 2 do not count, lol.
You freaking hit and run artist....You constantly complain that there is no debate around here, yet when I give you a post deserving of such, what do you do?

Call names, throw out some bs and run....You're pathetic.

I used to think that Rightwinger and Lacooter were the biggest phony-e-baloneys on this site. Mac 1958 has just challenged them for the title-)
Social security is one of the greatest things this nation has ever done. Go ahead and run on getting rid of it. End it and mass chaos ensues. It would be historical horrific.
Social security is one of the greatest things this nation has ever done. Go ahead and run on getting rid of it. End it and mass chaos ensues. It would be historical horrific.
Social Security is the biggest Ponsi-Scheme/swindle ever put over on American taxpayers.

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