Biden; You'll Know My Opinion On Packing The Courts After The Election

Shouldn't the NEW judge recuse herself knowing that the reason she was selected by the pos trump was because she's expected to vote against HC and Roe?
No. Just no.
Coney-Barrett had nothing to do with the Obama Care debacle or the long battle over Roe v. Wade unlike
Roberts who inserted himself into the Obama Care issue itself while sitting on the Supreme Court.
Big difference. Every SC justice ever has been put on the court with the expectation they would vote on way or the other on this issue or that.

You are grasping at straws.
Guess we'll see soon enough about me grasping at straws She has a history Trump knows that history Why else give her the lifetime job? Trump desperately wants an end to Obama care 1+1 =2 no?
Guess we'll see soon enough about me grasping at straws She has a history Trump knows that history Why else give her the lifetime job? Trump desperately wants an end to Obama care 1+1 =2 no?
Why did Obama give Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan lifetime jobs? Why does any president nominate certain judges, but not others, to the judiciary for lifetime appointments, speaking of grasping at straws?

Trump has made no secret of the fact he wants to replace Obama Care and there is a good case to be made in the SC that Obama Scare was improperly turned into law. Obama Care was designed to fail.
Why shouldn't it be junked?

Is there any doubt how Kagan and Sotomayor will vote on the issue? Does this trouble you?

How will John Roberts vote when
it becomes clear he took off his judge's robes and assumed the role of a partisan legislator to drag
the ACA across the finish line?
Guess we'll see soon enough about me grasping at straws She has a history Trump knows that history Why else give her the lifetime job? Trump desperately wants an end to Obama care 1+1 =2 no?
Why did Obama give Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan lifetime jobs? Why does any president nominate certain judges, but not others, to the judiciary for lifetime appointments, speaking of grasping at straws?

Trump has made no secret of the fact he wants to replace Obama Care and there is a good case to be made in the SC that Obama Scare was improperly turned into law. Obama Care was designed to fail.
Why shouldn't it be junked?

Is there any doubt how Kagan and Sotomayor will vote on the issue? Does this trouble you?

How will John Roberts vote when
it becomes clear he took off his judge's robes and assumed the role of a partisan legislator to drag
the ACA across the finish line?
Yes I'm partisan ,extremely so ...How many Republicans will be hurt with the overturn of Roe V Wade and the ACA?? How many millions of Americans? EVEN most republicans believe a woman has the right to choose

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