Biden's Amazing Speech to Canada

Are you kidding? Donald Trump's only contribution in 4 years was lowering the taxes on the rich and corporations that directly led to deficits and was the largest source of inflation increases after covid supply reductions.
Lol, the economy was booming and inflation and energy was low. Trump even handed Biden a recovering economy and he still screwed it up.
Wow, I did not know I am rich. Sweet.

Biden is the most corrupt POTUS ever.
Youre not rich you are stupid... your tax rates expire... corporations dont and the rich still make out. Tell me what this says:


Donald Trump did dick for 4 years. Biden has passed more meaningful legislation in 2 years than many presidents did in 4 years. And he is still going.
/——/ Stop lying. Trump got more accomplished in 4 years than other presidents did in 8. Now play stupid and pretend you never saw this link before.
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Donald Trump did dick for 4 years. Biden has passed more meaningful legislation in 2 years than many presidents did in 4 years. And he is still going.
Trump is meaningless, as he is no longer president. Besides infrastructure, which the United States desperately needs, what are the top 3 - 5 legislative masterpieces that are meaningful?
The fentanyl problem is from Biden's open border. So the person that caused the problem is going to fix it. The definition of liberalism right there.
The primary source is from China through ports (90%) where the Biden administration proposed $182B bill for border enhancements being blocked by the GOP.

Read this and you'll learn somthingt.


The drug was mainly seized from smugglers at legal ports of entry, not illegal border crossings. OFO seizures amounted to 2,600 pounds in 2019 (93 percent of the total fentanyl seized by CBP), 4,000 pounds in 2020 (83 percent), 10,200 pounds in 2021 (91 percent), and 10,900 pounds so far in 2022 (84 percent). The Drug Enforcement Agency confirms the port trend, saying that "the most common method employed [by Mexican cartels] involves smuggling illicit drugs through U.S. [ports of entry] in passenger vehicles with concealed compartments or commingled with legitimate goods on tractor-trailers."


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