Biden's Amazing Speech to Canada

You misfired or misunderstood my point.

"We're tackling the scourge of synthetic drugs that are devastating Canada and American communities particularly our young people. Fentanyl is a killer. Almost everyone knows someone who has been affected by this, lost a child or lost a friend. Canada and the United States are working closely with our partner in Mexico to attack this problem at every stage, from the precursor chemical ship from overseas to the powders to pills to the traffickers moving into all of our countries. We all know this epidemic has its roots around the globe not just here. So today we're announcing a commitment to build a new Global coalition of like-minded countries led by Canada and the United States to tackle this crisis. This is about public health it's about public health [applause], it's about public health our economic futures our national security."

Come on man, last I remember is the president of Mexico telling Joe to F-off fentanyl is an American problem.
/——-/ Pre Covid the economy was booming as you well know. The state governors shut down the economy not Trump as you well know.
Cherry Picking at its finest

Reminds me of when Republicans used to brag…….George Bush kept us safe AFTER 9-11
Cherry Picking at its finest

Reminds me of when Republicans used to brag…….George Bush kept us safe AFTER 9-11
The truth isn't cherry picking. You aren't even honest enough to admit Fauci was the "expert" that advised a national shutdown. You always have difficulty being honest.
The international community can respect an old and fading American President, if he is intelligent, decent, experienced, thoughtful and collaborative.
Nobody sane and wise can “respect” a President that has his nation on the brink of economic, military and social disaster….We get it….‘niceness’ is everything to you, we know you get giddy as fuck over niceness but NOBODY sane respects a ‘leader‘ who’s leading everybody and everything down the shitter.
What it will not respect is an ignorant, unstable, pugilistic, vulgar, untrustworthy, needy, overgrown orange child who makes them remember the term "ugly American".
“The international community”…….the people of the world respect a leader that bestows upon its citizenry low tax rates, a treasury hauling in record amounts, $2.40 fuel, low interest rates, high home values , cheap food, rising wages, one that puts more dark people to work than ever before, one that has foreign adversaries held in-check, one that keeps the people of Ukraine safe, one who insists on peace in the middle east, one that stops wetbacks at the border, one with the courage to leverage China on trade, one that has the corrupt media / social media exposed, one that thrusts corrupt prosecutors and the like in dangerous blue shitholes under the spotlight, one that has establishment D.C. filth shitting their pants.
Donald Trump did dick for 4 years. Biden has passed more meaningful legislation in 2 years than many presidents did in 4 years. And he is still going.
Trump did a lot of things within his purview without sitting back and waiting for the Dem congress to send him one protest bill after another.
He also signed a peace accord between Arab states and Israel and got nearly zero media coverage. If Biden had done this he would have gotten a Nobel Prize.
Biden really leads from the front. His message to our rock solid ally and neighbor was funny, inspirational, engaging, and offered real meaningful insights on the future of energy, the Ukraine war, NATO and NORAD partnerships, Infrastructure improvements, an economy not based on the trickle down mirage, strong labor unions, fentanyl action, migration solutions, native American relations, and the partnership with Canada on the moon landing

Biden hails ‘China’ instead of Canada in Ottawa gaffe —pulls punch on fentanyl

By Steven Nelson March 24, 2023 4:43pm

President Biden mistakenly praised “China” when he meant to say Canada in a Friday speech in Ottawa — making the gaffe moments after he conspicuously failed to mention China’s role in fentanyl smuggling.

“Today, I applaud China for stepping up,” the 80-year-old president said in a speech to Canada’s parliament. “Excuse me, I applaud Canada.”

/——/ Trump got NATO members to pay more, and Putin waited until Trump was out of office to invade Ukraine, but you already knew that.

Uh... our expenses grew by more than anyone's. Everyone has gone up due to the Ukraine response and look at how small the dark blue bars are on this chart, except ours... you were sold a bill of goods. If Trump shit on a plate and told you it was steak you'd eat it.
You misfired or misunderstood my point.
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/——/ So why was it stronger with Trump pre-Covid an horrific under Biden? Inflation up 400%, gas prices doubled, food prices at historic highs? How come?
Your boy Fauci advised Trump to shut it down. Get honest.
Trump was President. Had that dude stand next to him for months. You dont like the results blame the fucking leader not some deep state bullshit. Have the guts to face reality.
/——/ So why was it stronger with Trump pre-Covid an horrific under Biden? Inflation up 400%, gas prices doubled, food prices at historic highs? How come?
Why are you giving Trump a break for covid impacts but not Biden? Youre being moronic.... you cant separate out the impacts for one and not the other. Trump shutdowns impacted the GDP under Trump and Trump shutdowns impacted the supply shortfall leading to inflation under biden. Covid impacted oil output under Trump and then Trump pushed for a lower OPEC output that raised prices when demand returned. What are you stupid?
You misfired or misunderstood my point.
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A detailed breakdown of each administration and a breakdown of each year would give this some impetus. If any issue caused a problem and when did the problem, have a beginning.
You misfired or misunderstood my point.
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Hahaha….look at you Father Government loving statists…. Mac1958
As overall GDP grows so to does population, so to does welfare dependency, poverty and despair, so to does crime, so to does division among the citizenry….so to does income inequalities and other disparities….you know, all those things you bitch about.
Where are inequalities greater than in California and New York where pissed off people live on top of pissed of people and where much of the nations elites produce using all those bottom feeding peasants that Dems claim to advocate for?
Don’t most people in those GDP yielding metropolises live check to check and barely get by? Aren’t the poverty levels some of the highest in the nation in those overpopulated, dirty, dangerous blue shitholes?
What about the quality or lack-thereof in public education and healthcare in those GDP giants…..I thought Dems were all about better education and better healthcare for the ’minorities’ that populate these cities and states?
Trump was President. Had that dude stand next to him for months. You dont like the results blame the fucking leader not some deep state bullshit. Have the guts to face reality.
You just blamed sky high Bidenflation on Trump.

What a moron.
Continuing with the speech:

The year after President Kennedy spoke in Canada's parliament he delivered a famous speech at Rice University issuing a challenge for Americans to go to the Moon in a decade's Time. You remember what he said, you probably do, because we had to learn that when we were in school:

'we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do other things not because it's easy because they're hard because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept one that we're willing unwilling to postpone and one which we will win'.

That speech tapped into something deep in America's character something powerful a belief that we can do big things. If you hold a second just think about it, turn on the television the last two years, whether it's in your country or mine, after two years of covid people began to wonder can we still do big thing? Big things. We sure in hell can! That confidence, I believe, a with every fiber in my opinion that confidence can make the most audacious dreams reality. In less than seven years after Kennedy's speech the entire world watched as Humanity left his first footprints on those further shores. It inspired a generation and spurred much of the technology advancement we now enriches our daily lives. Today, once more, today our world once more stands at the cusp of breakthroughs and possibilities that have never before even been dreamed of and Canada and the United States are leading, will continue to lead the way.

In just a few days, in just a few days, NASA is going to announce an international team of astronauts who will crew the Artemis II Mission. The first human Voyage of the moon since Apollo Mission ended more than 50 years ago will consist of three Americans and one Canadian. We choose to return to the Moon together, together to return to the Moon. And from there, we look forward to Mars and to the Limitless possibilities that lie Beyond.

Here on Earth our children who watch that flight are going to learn the names of those new Pioneers. They'll be the ones who carry us into the future. We hope to build. The Artemis generation! Ladies and gentlemen we're living in an age of possibilities. Xi Jinping asked me in the Tibetan Plateau could I define America, I could have said the same thing if he asked about Canada, I said yes, one word, and I mean it one word: "possibilities". Nothing is beyond our capacity. We can do anything. We have to never forget, we must never doubt our capacity. Canada and the United States can do big things. We stand together, do them together, rise together, we're going to write the future together, I promise you God bless you all and may God Bless you and protect our troops.
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