Biden's America: Burger King to close up to 400 Restaurants

Well, what is killing these places is:
  1. The 2 years of Covid lockdowns.
  2. The new democrat living wage.
  3. The Biden Economic Initiative.
I ate at a fast food drive through a couple years ago and was shocked how expensive it was. At least 50% up from the last time I ate there. Between the two of us, I think the bill came to $56. You'd think I had ordered lobster. Worse, the food was not anything to brag about. Last time I ordered from a pizza shop, after tipping the driver $9, I found out my calzone was half the size of normal, the salad was sparse on ingredients and it came with only one small cup of dressing, not enough to even wet the salad and when I called the owner to see if a mistake had been made, the owner was rude and obstinate and pretty much told me to pound sand. Before that in 2020, the chinese restaurant around here closed for a month then when they reopened, they no longer delivered.

Suffice it to say fuck all of them--- no more business ever from me.
4. sub standard shit “food”.
Nothing but market forces.
This is an economic indicator that Biden's policies are destructive to businesses. Things are only going to get worse until we put Trump back in office.

More people eating NaziCon chikin...

And you obviously don't.

The president doesn't have as much control over the economy as you people think and I have provided links that explain it.
Never the less, the president gets blamed…

And that’s your biggest problem…Biden sucks, and the people know it.
They are not stupid TDS rants - such comments are merely my way of helping to keep Rump's traitorous behavior and unsuitability at the forefront.

The 'rants' go away when your orange -tinted modern-day Benedict Arnold goes away. Your discomfiture at their ubiquitous presence is immaterial.

The Biden’s are owned by China, and Trump is the traitor? No.
More opinion.

"Biden is waging war on small businesses, hitting them hard with new regulations, taxes".
Just because Ortiz claims it, doesn't make it true.
What are the new regulations and taxes?

"As with the recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, First Republic buckled under the weight of plummeting asset values due to the Federal Reserve's rapidly raised interest rates to fight Bideninflation".'s Biden's fault the bank speculated..........and lost?

Those poor banks...But not their employees.

"Silicon Valley Bank workers reportedly received their annual bonuses just hours before the financial institution collapsed — and ahead of an expected Monday morning run by customers desperate for their cash".

"Employees who agree to stay on with the failed bank also will receive 1.5 times their normal pay for the next 45 days, with hourly workers getting double their normal rate, Axios reported Saturday".

"The banking crisis is limiting access to credit for small businesses, preventing them from operating at capacity or expanding".

So, a bank, a decent bank, should know a clients risk, if they are over extended, why loan them $$$?

"Small banks, which make 60% of small business loans and 80% of farm loans, are especially vulnerable as depositors flee for big banks in a perceived flight to safety".
Free markets?

"Biden's reckless spending has fueled historic and prolonged inflation that's eroded small businesses' already thin profit margins".

Sure Biden created worldwide inflation?
For being so stupid, he sure has complete control over every country's economy.

"Sensible legislation passed by the House of Representatives last week to rein in this inflationary spending and help small businesses has been rejected by Biden and his fellow Democrats". this.

"Job Creators Network's American Small Business Prosperity Plan fights back in an effort to bring Main Street back. Each of the plan's eight proposed policy provisions, co-developed with former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, enjoys over 70% support from American small business owners. Three of the plan's provisions, ending reckless spending, regulatory relief, and work requirements for welfare, were passed in last week's House legislation".

Of course, NOOT.
Sure..............teabaggers just can't prove it.
Just because the Trump bult repeats it 1000 times a day, DOESN'T make it true.
The sham commission has been threatening to have people testify under oath for 2 years, yet ZERO, have.

Meanwhile your dear leader is the one owned by China.

Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China​

Politico › news › 2020/04/24 › trum...

Apr 24, 2020 — The debt included $211 million from the state-owned Bank of China, which matures in the middle of what could be Trump's second term. Steps from ...
Damn I miss my.poor diet when I loved the Whopper. I didnt think they ever closed franchises. Or very rarely. I wonder how Mcd is doing.

Very badly. Their restaurants are so old and dirty that people won’t go there anymore.

McDonald’s headquarters sucks every dollar they can out of the franchisees leaving them with barely enough to live on.

Store owners cut expenses by cutting things like cleaning daily cleanings at the Playlands.
Never the less, the president gets blamed…

And that’s your biggest problem…Biden sucks, and the people know it.
Getting blamed and being responsible are two entirely different things and the former is usually done by the ignorant.
The Biden’s are owned by China, and Trump is the traitor? No.
Correction. The Bidens appear to be corrupt. That is different from trying to stage a traitorous Beer Hall Putsch in order to hold onto political power.

And even if your assumption IS true - that the Bidens are traitors - that does not clear your Orange Baboon-God of ALSO manifesting traitorous behavior.
The box didn't say that, you brainless dolt. If it did … it was in very fine print. Secondly, the picture on the box showed the complete unit. Quit blabbering until you know the facts, you Demwit.

Secondly … Biden IS at fault for creating America's current economic crisis. Anyone with at least one eye and a couple of brain cells can figure it out. Apparently you're lacking in at least one of those departments.

Everything bad that happens in your life is Bidens fault even if yours, even if the real cause is your stupidity or corporate incompetence.

How is Biden responsible for creating an economic crisis that began before he was elected? This reminds me of the fact that so many Republicans blame Obama, for his failed Katrina response three years before he was elected.

If everyone with “a couple of brain cells and one eye”, can figure it out, clearly you’re both blind and brainless because you’re blaming Biden for Trump’s failed Covid response which crashed the economy.
Correction. The Bidens appear to be corrupt. That is different from trying to stage a traitorous Beer Hall Putsch in order to hold onto political power.

And even if your assumption IS true - that the Bidens are traitors - that does not clear your Orange Baboon-God of ALSO manifesting traitorous behavior.

I don’t even think the Bidens appear to be a corrupt. The Bidens are being attacked the same way that the Clintons were attacked.

The Republican party has a long, sad history of making up lies about Democrats, and then investigating the lies they make up.

25+ investigations into the “corruption” of the of Bill and Hillary Clinton produced no evidence of any corruption, and much evidence that Republicans lied about everything they were accusing the Clintons of doing.

Now they’re trying to do the same thing with the Bidens. The amount of slander and innuendo they’ve produced over a list of trust checks, written by a law firm dealing with Chinese energy companies is impressive, but’s there’s no evidence that any of these payments were improper or corrupt.
I don’t even think the Bidens appear to be a corrupt. The Bidens are being attacked the same way that the Clintons were attacked.

The Republican party has a long, sad history of making up lies about Democrats, and then investigating the lies they make up.

25+ investigations into the “corruption” of the of Bill and Hillary Clinton produced no evidence of any corruption, and much evidence that Republicans lied about everything they were accusing the Clintons of doing.

Now they’re trying to do the same thing with the Bidens. The amount of slander and innuendo they’ve produced over a list of trust checks, written by a law firm dealing with Chinese energy companies is impressive, but’s there’s no evidence that any of these payments were improper or corrupt.
Disagree. Professional politicians on both sides of the aisle are both full of $hit clean up to their ears. Dems sling mud just as well as Pubs.
Disagree. Professional politicians on both sides of the aisle are both full of $hit clean up to their ears. Dems sling mud just as well as Pubs.

They may be full of shit up to their ears, but they’re not all dishonest and corrupt. They may go right up to those lines, but they’re smart enough not to cross them.

Republicans accused Democrats because they’re corrupt and they think everyone is just as corrupt as they are.

But Democrats don’t falsely accuse Republicans. They don’t make stuff up and look for proof, they wait for stuff to happen, and then investigate the event.

That’s the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans in terms of politics. Republicans lie because they know their base won’t fact check. Democratic voters do fact check and hold their party to a higher standard.

Donald Trump didn’t take down Mario Cuomo, the Democratic Party did.
Everything bad that happens in your life is Bidens fault even if yours, even if the real cause is your stupidity or corporate incompetence.

How is Biden responsible for creating an economic crisis that began before he was elected? This reminds me of the fact that so many Republicans blame Obama, for his failed Katrina response three years before he was elected.

If everyone with “a couple of brain cells and one eye”, can figure it out, clearly you’re both blind and brainless because you’re blaming Biden for Trump’s failed Covid response which crashed the economy.
Most of the bad things happening to Americans, in general, can be attributed to Pedo Biden if those bad things revolve around high prices/inflation; high taxes; border insecurity; high crime; loss of Constitutional liberty; and liberal policies, in general.
Or simply your lack of prior planning let you down. :dunno:
Planning has zero to do with the extremely high prices due to Bidenomics. I bought the unit for my company to combat a bunch of weeds growing along the side of the building. My boss requested it. So "planning" had nothing to do with it. It was spur-of-the-moment. I have no need for a weed eater for myself. But the last time I bought one (many years ago), it was a fraction of the current price. I believe I paid something like $75.00 for a corded one. Today (thanks to high fuel costs [Bidenomics] and Chinese supply chain issues) it would have cost over $500.00 after tax. That's obscene in my opinion.

So I ended up buying a scythe and will cut them down by hand. With Biden in office ... we're headed back to the Stone Age. We'll be looking for a nice cave to live in by the time he's done with us.
Most of the bad things happening to Americans, in general, can be attributed to Pedo Biden if those bad things revolve around high prices/inflation; high taxes; border insecurity; high crime; loss of Constitutional liberty; and liberal policies, in general.

Inflation is worldwide.

Biden hasn’t changed your tax code. It’s the same tax code that Donald Trump passed.

Crime rates are going down, inflation is going down, unemployment is going down, poverty is going down.

All of your complaints about Biden are based on lies. The right wing media is telling you.

Gun violence and mass shootings are way up, especially in red states where Republicans have passed law after law, loosening restrictions on gun purchases, and ownership, in defiance of the wishes of their voters who want restrictions on weapons of mass death and destruction, background checks, and red flag laws.

Every state which has loosened restrictions on gun purchases and ownership has seen a huge spike in gun, deaths, and violence.
Inflation is worldwide.

Biden hasn’t changed your tax code. It’s the same tax code that Donald Trump passed.

Crime rates are going down, inflation is going down, unemployment is going down, poverty is going down.

All of your complaints about Biden are based on lies. The right wing media is telling you.

Gun violence and mass shootings are way up, especially in red states where Republicans have passed law after law, loosening restrictions on gun purchases, and ownership, in defiance of the wishes of their voters who want restrictions on weapons of mass death and destruction, background checks, and red flag laws.

Every state which has loosened restrictions on gun purchases and ownership has seen a huge spike in gun, deaths, and violence.
Thanks to the Petrodollar ... inflation has affected many nations. But if America had a competent leader with a talented and knowledgeable cabinet ... inflation could be overcome here in the United States of America.
That’s the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans in terms of politics. Republicans lie because they know their base won’t fact check. Democratic voters do fact check and hold their party to a higher standard.

You mean like if you take the covid shot, you will not catch covid? You mean like our border IS secure? You mean like Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation? You mean like if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? You mean like the average American family will save $2,500 a year on healthcare costs? You mean like our inflation is transitory? You mean like Joe never met any of Hunter's business partners, but had them over to the White House over 80 times? You mean like I cut the deficit?

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