Biden's America: Burger King to close up to 400 Restaurants

“Extended Manufacturing recession”? You mean the pandemic, in which Democrat governors totally freaked out and shut down the country to win an election? Really?
That was your dear leader.

Trump extends virus guidelines, braces US for big death toll​

AP News › article › public-health-donald-trum...

Mar 29, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Bracing the nation for a coronavirus death toll that could exceed 100000 people, President Donald Trump extended ...
Teabaggers blame the government for what corporations charge consumers?
Must be the "gubmints" fault that the moron couldn't read the box too.
Jesus, this has to be an act from you, nobody is this stupid…

Its the governments fault when they make policy designed to punish these corporations fiscally, not understanding that these costs are passed through to consumers.

AJ didn’t return the item because the battery was sold separately, he returned it because the cost of the item was prohibitive….And that, is directly a result of this assault on corps….you dolt.
That was your dear leader.

Trump extends virus guidelines, braces US for big death toll

View attachment 783373
AP News › article › public-health-donald-trum...
Mar 29, 2020 — WASHINGTON (AP) — Bracing the nation for a coronavirus death toll that could exceed 100000 people, President Donald Trump extended ...
March 24, 2020 2:51 PM
A group of 20 House Democrats led by Representative Ro Khanna of California released a letter on Monday calling for a nationwide shelter-in-place order to stem the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

Who said that straw king?
hundreds of those chain stores close every year so you saying that those closing this year are somehow the fault of the president is fucking stupid.

and before you start the usual bullshit of calling me a "leftist" or a "prog" I didn't vote for Biden and have repeatedly called him a senile old man here
All I do is state facts but the partisan idiots here don't actually care about facts.
1) His bad decision to allow the printing of many billions of dollars out of thin air.
2) His decision to send most of those billions of dollars to his money-laundering buddy in Ukraine.
3) His policy to reduce America's energy independence, thus reducing the supply of fuel (gasoline & diesel) which forced the fuel prices up. That affects the entire supply chain, which forces all prices up.

So his policies have helped devalue the dollar, and it's buying power while, simultaneously, forced prices on goods and services to rise.

1) So the printing of money led to inflation?

"The Federal Reserve does have a balance sheet of $9 trillion, but it hasn't added $8 trillion anytime recently. And that number isn't close to accurate in terms of physical cash, of which there is about $2 trillion currently in circulation,"

Well, the rumors were something like he printed $8 trillion. Clearly not.

"That was indeed a sharp increase from past practice, as the assets had hovered around $4 trillion from 2014 to 2020. The asset balance is currently about $9 trillion.

But the post's use of the Biden picture implies a connection between that figure and his administration. But Federal Reserve assets have only grown by about $1.6 trillion since he took office in January 2021."

Literally here's the information. It increased MASSIVELY under... drum roll... TRUMP.

24th February it was $4.2 tillion, 1st June it was $7.1 tillion. Why do you think that was?
Biden came in at about $7.4 tillion and it rose to $8.9 trillion, or about $1.5 trillion, compared to Trump's $2.9 trillion.
I do think Biden could have stopped the war had he been a little more forceful at the beginning. Hard to know what Trump would have done in the same situation. Yes, the US has sent a lot of money to the Ukraine.

2) How Much Aid Has the U.S. Sent Ukraine? Here Are Six Charts.

As of February, $76.8 billion in one year.

The Iraq War cost the US more per year in direct costs. From 2003 to 2010. Possibly $2 trillion up to 2020.

That doesn't include the Afghan War.

Then there's the costs of medical care and disability care for veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. I can't find a yearly figure, other than

" the costs of caring for post-9/11 war vets will reach between $2.2 and $2.5 trillion by 2050"
So, that's $44 billion A YEAR. Every year. Probably it's actually higher, because once veterans start committing suicide and dying, then they don't claim any more, though I understand some people are starting to claim now, when they didn't before.

So, you can say Biden added $76.8 billion in one year, but really, the US has been paying way more for so long, it really shouldn't be an issue.
He pulled out of Afghanistan.

The war was costing at least $52 billion a year, which he's saved, for two years, which means he's actually saved some money, something like $25 billion.

3) Gas prices, oil prices, are not set by the US.

Oil consumption dropped massively during the coronavirus period and then has increased rapidly and then dropped off.

US oil consumption did more or less exactly the same thing.

US oil production dropped during covid, and then increased after this.

The US hit zero on net imports September 2019, and has wavered around zero since then.

World oil prices dropped because of covid and then rose after that.

For everyone, and nothing to do with Biden. But they're lower now than September 2018, for example. When... TRUMP was president.

So, essentially you've brought up three points, didn't really make an argument, and it turns out you're wrong on all three points. WAYDAGO.
hundreds of those chain stores close every year so you saying that those closing this year are somehow the fault of the president is fucking stupid.

and before you start the usual bullshit of calling me a "leftist" or a "prog" I didn't vote for Biden and have repeatedly called him a senile old man here
All I do is state facts but the partisan idiots here don't actually care about facts.
So you’re saying the Biden policies have nothing to do with these closures, or prices?
So you’re saying the Biden policies have nothing to do with these closures, or prices?

That's up to you to prove since that is your contention. Just because you say the president is responsible for the closing of some chain stores which happens all the time even under different presidential administrations in no way proves what you say is true.
So you’re saying the Biden policies have nothing to do with these closures, or prices?
Did you read the link in the OP?

it clearly states that the stores are closing because of increased competition. This is from the link.

as fast food giant fails to keep up with fast-casual competition​

That's up to you to prove since that is your contention. Just because you say the president is responsible for the closing of some chain stores which happens all the time even under different presidential administrations in no way proves what you say is true.
Biden is not directly responsible for Burger King closings

There is a lot of heavy competition in the burger business and BK is losing out to other brands like MacDonalds or In-N-Out Burger

Which is too bad because I like BK

But inflation is hurting everyone, sellers and consumers alike

And its on biden’s watch
“Extended Manufacturing recession”? You mean the pandemic, in which Democrat governors totally freaked out and shut down the country to win an election? Really?
No, I mean the extended manufacturing recession that happened long before COVID. Was COVID here in 2019? Nope.

You don't know about it, because you weren't told about it in your world. As usual.

Your ignorance is not my problem.

And you are definitely ignorant.

Biden is not directly responsible for Burger King closings

There is a lot of heavy competition in the burger business and BK is losing out to other brands like MacDonalds or In-N-Out Burger

Which is too bad because I like BK

But inflation is hurting everyone, sellers and consumers alike

And its on biden’s watch
Of course he isn't.

And BK closes hundreds of stores every year under every presidential administration even when inflation is low.

The president doesn't have as much power over the economy as you people like to think
This is an economic indicator that Biden's policies are destructive to businesses. Things are only going to get worse until we put Trump back in office.

BK has been closing stores for the past 5 o5 6 years. They have fallen far behind the rest of the fast food pack

This is nothing new for them
Of course he isn't.

And BK closes hundreds of stores every year under every presidential administration even when inflation is low.

The president doesn't have as much power over the economy as you people like to think
Biden is responsible for high energy prices which are a drag on the economy and our standard of living
The box didn't say that, you brainless dolt. If it did … it was in very fine print. Secondly, the picture on the box showed the complete unit. Quit blabbering until you know the facts, you Demwit.

Secondly … Biden IS at fault for creating America's current economic crisis. Anyone with at least one eye and a couple of brain cells can figure it out. Apparently you're lacking in at least one of those departments.

If you look at the HD website, the trimmer under 200 bucks clearly says "Tool only".

You are blaming Biden for your lack of reading skills

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