Biden's America: Burger King to close up to 400 Restaurants


Energy prices are higher under biden

Which is what he promised the little snowflake in 2020
So what?

Energy prices are always higher under some president always have been always will be.

Just like the price of gas always goes up before Memorial day no matter who the president is
So what?

Energy prices are always higher under some president always have been always will be.

Just like the price of gas always goes up before Memorial day no matter who the president is
Its different when the higher prices are deliberate as they are under biden
This is an economic indicator that Biden's policies are destructive to businesses. Things are only going to get worse until we put Trump back in office.


There is no argument that Biden has been bad for America.

And that your Orange Baboon-God made the trains run on time.

But he set aside the American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power and summoned, incited and aimed a riotous mob to assault Congress on January 6, 2021.

He thereby joined the ranks of traitors such as Benedict Arnold.

For that he can never gain hold high office in the United States.


Find someone else who will advance and effectively execute Rumpian policies and I'll vote alongside you on Election Day.

Stupidly run Rump again and I'll vote for a fence-post before I vote on your side.

I am not alone in that sentiment.

As you will learn the morning after the November 2024 general election if you are stupid enough to run Rump again.
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Or maybe Biden’s inflation is killing the economy….

I wouldn't say it's Biden's fault but his policies certainly didn't help. The costs for food and labor shot up during his few years in office with no remedy in sight.

The quality of BK has been sinking for the past few years. Only us older folks remember what a real Whopper tasted like. If people today could have a Whopper like when they first came out and have a Whopper today, it's like two totally different burgers. What I wouldn't pay for an original Whopper today, but most people wouldn't. That's why they kept using less and less quality of ingredients.
I sincerely hope fast food as an industry continues to fail.

It’s a free country, and everyone has the right to eat fast food as much as they do to drink or smoke. But the decline of fast food is 100% a good thing. Shitty food. Shitty jobs. Shitty service. Shitty looking buildings even.
Jesus, this has to be an act from you, nobody is this stupid…
You seem to be.
Its the governments fault when they make policy designed to punish these corporations fiscally, not understanding that these costs are passed through to consumers.
WHAT policy?
Biden made the POLICY for the entire world?
AJ didn’t return the item because the battery was sold separately, he returned it because the cost of the item was prohibitive….
WOW............what a fucking idiot.
And he didn't SEE it was "cost prohibitive" on the fucking box?
And that, is directly a result of this assault on corps….you dolt.
You're FOS.
WHAT "assaulting"?
And let's not forget why inflation exists. It's a combination of too much demand chasing too little supply, partially because of supply chain problems, and higher gas prices which can raise the prices for all goods that are shipped everywhere by diesel trucks. And yet, the economy is still chugging along while wages are going up due to a lack of workers in an employees market.

And it's those increased wages that are leading inflation. The definition of inflation is paying more for everything than you used to pay before. The more you pay, the higher the inflation.

But it's as the late Rush Limbaugh said so many times: If you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't. So when people are staying home instead of working, industry has to compete for workers using higher wages. That gets passed down to all of us.

The solution is to severely cut down on social programs for people physically and mentally capable of holding a job. But under Dementia, it's the exact opposite.

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If fast food is cheaper than groceries (which it is), can we really blame inflation?
So it's Biden's fault that you figured you could buy a rechargable Dewalt weedeater for $169.00 & when you got home & took your head out of your ass you saw that the battery wasen't included?

Ever think of looking at the box where it says in block letters "BATTERY SOLD SEPERATELY", instead of blaming Biden?
wow. is that what you got out of his post? It's no wonder the dembots are so easily dupped by their cult.
Explain how it's Biden's fault that people aren't stuffing their face with Whopper's like they used to?


Families with a working mother used to depend on FF because they didn't have the time to make a home made meal. Not that it was cheap before, but today, getting FF for you and your two kids could run you a $30.00 bill or so each visit. That's not feasible to do several times a week anymore.

There is no argument that Biden has been bad for America.

And that your Orange Baboon-God made the trains run on time.

But he set aside the American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power and summoned, incited and aimed a riotous mob to assault Congress on January 6, 2021.

He thereby joined the ranks of traitors such as Benedict Arnold.

For that he can never gain hold high office in the United States.


Find someone else who will advance and effectively execute Rumpian policies and I'll vote alongside you on Election Day.

Stupidly run Rump again and I'll vote for a fence-post before I vote on your side.

I am not alone in that sentiment.

As you will learn the morning after the November 2024 general election if you are stupid enough to run Rump again.

Do you have to try and derail every topic so you can perform your stupid TDS rants?
So what?

Energy prices are always higher under some president always have been always will be.

Just like the price of gas always goes up before Memorial day no matter who the president is

Oh please. Fuel going up ten or twenty cents a gallon before a holiday is much different than hitting new US records for fuel costs. Our electric company announced that prices for electricity will nearly double this summer. It has everything to do with Biden.
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weird, how it's still open....

That is a new location. This store was not built prior to 1998


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