Biden’s Approval Rating at 48% — 9 Points Under Trump When He Entered Office, 3 Points Under Trump As He Left

I wouldn't care if his approval ratings hit 1% and stays that way until 2024...AS LONG AS DONALD J. TRUMP KEEPS HIS RACIST IGNORANT CORRUPT WHITE ASS OUT OF FUCKIN WASHINGTON D.C....UNDERSTAND?
So you support the man who wrote the Senate version of the Clinton Crime Bill...legislation that put more American blacks into Federal prisons than any other piece of legislation in the history of this country because he's NOT the guy who gave blacks the best unemployment numbers since they started keeping the statistic and pardoned many of the same blacks that Biden helped imprisoned?

You're not the brightest person...are you Tiger?
History much? Listen, the man apologized for it, as he apologized for the Iraqi vote he made, unlike some people, black folk now how to forgive....And can you rednecks please please get off the past of what employment did for black folk? Ok so Trump rode the Obama wave to huge job numbers, but HE ALSO TOOK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM BACK...UNEMPLOYMENT FOR MINORITIES IS STAGERING RIGHT NOW....SO 3 YEARS OF GOOD UNEMPLOYMENT, AFTER 200 PLUS YEARS......WOOOOOP DE DO....NEXT?
Oh, he apologized for being a racist who put thousands of blacks in Federal prison? He apologized for the vote to invade Iraq? If it wasn't for the pandemic blacks would STILL have great unemployment you're going to see what happens when you put an idiot in office who doesn't have a clue how to fix an economy and create jobs! The Obama "wave"? You mean the Obama trickle...right? The worst recovery from a recession in modern US economic history? That's what Joe Biden and the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is about to give us one more time and you'll have nobody to blame for it but yourself!
Pedo Joe has the same approval rating as Brussel sprouts.

And Donald Judas Trump had never, will never and couldn't get to 50 if his dick depended on it..... :abgg2q.jpg:

Certainly not with so many losers in this country voting for "free" stuff and buying into left-wing propaganda.
Free stuff? Who's on the news every fuckin night begging for government help? WHITE SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS. Cause it sure as hell ain't us black folk.
It wasn't Trump that shut down the economy and put all those people on the brink of bankruptcy! That was done by liberal Governors like Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsome! Their States are the ones that have the most business owners begging for help!
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

Trump never got over 50% in any reputable poll.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

As long as the worst president ever is no longer there most of us dont care. NOBODY can be worse that fat Donnie.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

As long as the worst president ever is no longer there most of us dont care. NOBODY can be worse that fat Donnie.
"W" was. Trump is low, agreed, but could have been much, much worse. We really dodged a bullet that he didn't do more harm. What the incoming administration will do is impossible to say, but the start it has made is not encouraging.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.

They are returning the favor after four years of abuse from the MSM and left wing. And they will even kick it up a few notches.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

As long as the worst president ever is no longer there most of us dont care. NOBODY can be worse that fat Donnie.

I have always thought that it was a tie between Obama and Bush jr for the worst president ever. I actually started to like Trump the last year or so.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
So you are citing a poll based on the Democrats 'political theater', no doubt a skewed poll run by a Fake News surrogate....cute.

:p cute as quoting Rasmussen for anything at all!
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
That was before Biden fucked up Covid response
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

Just wait until gas hits 4 dollars a gallon because he killed keystone. Oh yea, not only gas will go up, EVERYTHING will go up. Because EVERYTHING you buy gets carried by trucks. And all we do if fuel prices go up is pass the costs onto our customers. So congrats, Biden will not only cost thousands of jobs but also cost you thousands of dollars.

But its ok because he LOVES little girls.
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...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What would you whack-a-doodle right wingers have if you didn't have your lies and delusions?
Trump's final approval rating was 41% on the day he left office.

And yeah, Biden got 81 million votes. But feel free to continue to spin in your own fantasy world.
Biden cost us thousands of jobs, abused our troops, started a new war and tells us there is nothing he can do about covid. In his two days in office. He is going to open the door for Trump in 2024. Just like Obama did in 2016.
...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

Maybe they don't poll dead people and illegals.
I wouldn't care if his approval ratings hit 1% and stays that way until 2024...AS LONG AS DONALD J. TRUMP KEEPS HIS RACIST IGNORANT CORRUPT WHITE ASS OUT OF FUCKIN WASHINGTON D.C....UNDERSTAND?
Who are you to call anyone a racist given your posts--White people this WHITE people that delusional nonsense as you hold your hands out wanting money from those that pay taxes? And oh btw, the vaccines are showing SIDE EFFECTS including deaths along with only being very very short term. THE VIRUS IS HERE to stay fool and nothing BIDEN can or will do will be any better than what Trump would have done---well except Trump would expect you to work instead of mooching off taxpayers.
Lets get something clear antagonism is against CONSERVATIVE REDNECKS....I have a lot of white people, I consider friends and all of them are aware of my hatred of ignorant low life conservative whites bc I hold nothing back. Secondly, just as influenza met its match, so will Covid....of course its not going anywhere, but at least we now have human beings with brains directing a course that can bring this thing under control and Trump, that bitch....I will never ever engage you in any conversation touting his non approach to Covid. My talking to brick walls, ended 1/20
Biden already stated he can't do anything about covid. The first time he has told the truth in his plagiarism life.
And Donald Judas Trump had never, will never and couldn't get to 50 if his dick depended on it.....

Ummm, dumbass, the link proves Trump's approval rating on his last day in office was 51%....which, evidently, is higher than your IQ.

You are the dumbass.

The final RCP polling average had Trump with a 41.1% approval rating. Rasmussen is a fake poll.
I wouldn't care if his approval ratings hit 1% and stays that way until 2024...AS LONG AS DONALD J. TRUMP KEEPS HIS RACIST IGNORANT CORRUPT WHITE ASS OUT OF FUCKIN WASHINGTON D.C....UNDERSTAND?
Who are you to call anyone a racist given your posts--White people this WHITE people that delusional nonsense as you hold your hands out wanting money from those that pay taxes? And oh btw, the vaccines are showing SIDE EFFECTS including deaths along with only being very very short term. THE VIRUS IS HERE to stay fool and nothing BIDEN can or will do will be any better than what Trump would have done---well except Trump would expect you to work instead of mooching off taxpayers.
Lets get something clear antagonism is against CONSERVATIVE REDNECKS....I have a lot of white people, I consider friends and all of them are aware of my hatred of ignorant low life conservative whites bc I hold nothing back. Secondly, just as influenza met its match, so will Covid....of course its not going anywhere, but at least we now have human beings with brains directing a course that can bring this thing under control and Trump, that bitch....I will never ever engage you in any conversation touting his non approach to Covid. My talking to brick walls, ended 1/20
You are a racist and I don't think you even to begin basics such as influenza hasn't met its match---it still kills every year--------and eventually one of these years, we will see ANOTHER new strain that wipes out a lot more people than it usually does. History generally repeats itself over and over and over...
And Donald Judas Trump had never, will never and couldn't get to 50 if his dick depended on it.....

Ummm, dumbass, the link proves Trump's approval rating on his last day in office was 51%....which, evidently, is higher than your IQ.

You are the dumbass.

The final RCP polling average had Trump with a 41.1% approval rating. Rasmussen is a fake poll.
Wow, you get really pussy when people point out the fact that Trump has a higher approval rating than the clown who just killed thousands of American jobs and just admitted he had / has no clue what he was talking about regarding COVID-19.

...but Biden SO got 81 million votes.


After laying off over 52,000 Americans on his 1st day in office and violating his own 'Mask mandate' EO only hours after he signed it, let's see how those Approval numbers go.

What poll you using?'s another one..Biden Viewed Positively, Trump More Negatively After Capitol Riot
These MAGA nuts just can't let it go, can they? The guys been in the WH, less than 72 hours and already the bullshit is starting....LOL 81 million people voted this man into office and pollsters call up, less than 2000 people...mostly rednecks from Whoville.
We won't snitch on the real terrorists bringing the worst of weapons to your cities. You did this. If people were violent as you, the media and entertainers would be dead. Because it would be easy.
Put it this way, now pay attention, I would rather live among ghetto gun murdering nigga's and I do, than be near a white racist brain dead fool, who's pissed off over least you can look out for a nigga coming at you, you mf's can be a cop, a cable guy a fuckin boss or, give me a thug any fuckin day of the week...just call me a white woman.....LOLOLOLOLO
Put it this way, now pay attention, I would rather live among ghetto gun murdering nigga's and I do, than be near a white racist brain dead fool, who's pissed off over least you can look out for a nigga coming at you, you mf's can be a cop, a cable guy a fuckin boss or, give me a thug any fuckin day of the week...just call me a white woman.....LOLOLOLOLO

You MAY be a woman but with those sort of statements you definitely ARE racist. But, on the plus side, you're honest about it.
I wouldn't care if his approval ratings hit 1% and stays that way until 2024...AS LONG AS DONALD J. TRUMP KEEPS HIS RACIST IGNORANT CORRUPT WHITE ASS OUT OF FUCKIN WASHINGTON D.C....UNDERSTAND?
Who are you to call anyone a racist given your posts--White people this WHITE people that delusional nonsense as you hold your hands out wanting money from those that pay taxes? And oh btw, the vaccines are showing SIDE EFFECTS including deaths along with only being very very short term. THE VIRUS IS HERE to stay fool and nothing BIDEN can or will do will be any better than what Trump would have done---well except Trump would expect you to work instead of mooching off taxpayers.
Lets get something clear antagonism is against CONSERVATIVE REDNECKS....I have a lot of white people, I consider friends and all of them are aware of my hatred of ignorant low life conservative whites bc I hold nothing back. Secondly, just as influenza met its match, so will Covid....of course its not going anywhere, but at least we now have human beings with brains directing a course that can bring this thing under control and Trump, that bitch....I will never ever engage you in any conversation touting his non approach to Covid. My talking to brick walls, ended 1/20
You are a racist and I don't think you even to begin basics such as influenza hasn't met its match---it still kills every year--------and eventually one of these years, we will see ANOTHER new strain that wipes out a lot more people than it usually does. History generally repeats itself over and over and over...
Please do me a favor, calling me a racist is a badge of stop trying to butter me up. And my idea of racist...I'm a equal opportunity hater.....I don't care what color you are, if you got ignorance in your head, I hate you!!

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