Biden's Big 800k Jobs Boom Blasts the Labor Market off to Start the Year

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Jobs Jobs and more Jobs !
800+k jobs to start the year !!! What a print !

Biden is the Jobs president. The workers president. Biden has given us the best labor market ever. And there is plenty more to come. Even if there is an economic slow down, due to Putin's war, Trump's free money policies, and Trump begging the FED for too much stimulus, it won't last long because Biden's labor market is just too good.
Biden made investments in infrastructure which have led to jobs and the strongest jobs market of the century, stronger than Trump's. This is what happens when you invest in jobs versus handing out money to billionaires.

Every American should be proud of Biden's 800k new jobs to start the year, only traitors would be jealous of this! Go Joe !

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Jobs Jobs and more Jobs !

Biden is the Jobs president. The workers president. Biden has given us the best labor market ever. And there is plenty more to come. Even if there is an economic slow down, due to Putin's war, Trump's free money policies, and Trump begging the FED for too much stimulus, it won't last long because Biden's labor market is just too good.
Biden made investments in infrastructure which have led to jobs and the strongest jobs market of the century, stronger than Trump's. This is what happens when you invest in jobs versus handing out money to billionaires.

Every American should be proud of Biden's 800k new jobs to start the year ! Go Joe !

were they good paying jobs or just more minimum wage jobs?....just asking.....
Jobs Jobs and more Jobs !

Biden is the Jobs president. The workers president. Biden has given us the best labor market ever. And there is plenty more to come. Even if there is an economic slow down, due to Putin's war, Trump's free money policies, and Trump begging the FED for too much stimulus, it won't last long because Biden's labor market is just too good.
Biden made investments in infrastructure which have led to jobs and the strongest jobs market of the century, stronger than Trump's. This is what happens when you invest in jobs versus handing out money to billionaires.

Every American should be proud of Biden's 800k new jobs to start the year ! Go Joe !

"President Joe Biden loves to take credit where it isn’t due on the economy.

“Americans are back to work,” he said Friday of the latest jobs report, citing “record job-creation” and “record wage gains.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Nominal wage gains since Biden took office have been wiped out by sky-high inflation, now around 8%. All jobs now come with a built-in pay cut that’s only going to get worse unless the prez changes course. Worse, employment will crater if he gets the tax hikes he proposes.

And he and his administration have not created a single job, as the nearby chart shows."

Trumpers are jealous of Biden's booming labor market, stronger than any labor market Trump or Bush ever had.

Biden is the jobs president

Don't believe your lying eyes.

Trying to get breakfast for family of six yesterday. The parking lot of restaurant was half full and the wait was 30 minutes to be seated. After being seated I noticed 1/3rd of the tables were empty and service was slow at best.

Asked our waitress were they understaffed? She said yes, they were running at roughly half staff.

Many places in the area are the same.

If this is the best *biden can do, so be it, no surprise to me. But don't try telling me this economy is better than Trump's.

It's very easy to see that it's not.
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Don't believe your lying eyes.

Trying to get breakfast for family of six yesterday. The parking lot of restaurant was half full and the wait was 30 minutes to be seated. After being seated I noticed 1/3rd of the tables were empty and service was slow at best.

Asked our waitress were they understaffed? She said yes, they were running at roughly half staff.

Many places in the area are the same.

If this is the best *biden can do, so be it, no surprise to me. But don't try telling me this economy is better than Trump's.

It's very easy to see that it's not.
It reminds me of when Obama was President, saying that our Economy was booming, but when you drove around downtown's, or through strip malls, more than half the stores were shuttered, boarded up....
"President Joe Biden loves to take credit where it isn’t due on the economy.

“Americans are back to work,” he said Friday of the latest jobs report, citing “record job-creation” and “record wage gains.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

Nominal wage gains since Biden took office have been wiped out by sky-high inflation, now around 8%. All jobs now come with a built-in pay cut that’s only going to get worse unless the prez changes course. Worse, employment will crater if he gets the tax hikes he proposes.

And he and his administration have not created a single job, as the nearby chart shows."

8%? Don't believe that! It's more than double that!! They use fake accounting to lower the number. They assume that if the price of a good rises too much the consumer automatically finds a cheaper replacement.
Jobs Jobs and more Jobs !
800+k jobs to start the year !!! What a print !

Biden is the Jobs president. The workers president. Biden has given us the best labor market ever. And there is plenty more to come. Even if there is an economic slow down, due to Putin's war, Trump's free money policies, and Trump begging the FED for too much stimulus, it won't last long because Biden's labor market is just too good.
Biden made investments in infrastructure which have led to jobs and the strongest jobs market of the century, stronger than Trump's. This is what happens when you invest in jobs versus handing out money to billionaires.

Every American should be proud of Biden's 800k new jobs to start the year, only traitors would be jealous of this! Go Joe !

Wow, that's classic bending, twisting, cherry-picking and outright fibbing to credit Quid Pro and blame TRUMP!. Absolutely classic. It's almost admirable how that one is able to completely ignore inconvenient information.

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