Biden’s cancer charity took in $5 Million, spent $3 million on salaries, Donated $0 to cancer research.

The Biden Cancer Initiative will largely not be a grant-giving organization and will accomplish its mission through convening, connecting partners, catalyzing new actions, and providing venues to discuss progress and develop new actions and collaborations.”

OK so it was just a money laundering operation.
Pertinent today because Grifter Joe just announced he is spending billions of our dollars to “end cancer”, Simp.

But nobody expects you to be up to speed on anything.
But it has nothing to do with the help given by government all the time to find cures, for research. It finds cures and saves people Millions of dollars or more, and it saves lives.
It took an extra 6 months, but Congress has finally completed its work on a spending plan for the 2018 fiscal year, which began last October. And the delay was good news for many federal science agencies.

President Donald Trump today signed into law a $1.3 trillion spending package that largely rejects deep cuts to research agencies proposed by the White House and, in many cases, provides substantial increases.

When it comes to federal research spending, there are "some silly good numbers in here," tweeted Matt Hourihan, who analyzes U.S. science spending patterns for AAAS (publisher of ScienceInsider) in Washington, D.C., when the deal was released this past Wednesday.

In an analysis, Hourihan and his colleague David Parkes note that the research spending increase is the largest in more than a decade. They estimate R&D spending in 2018 will reach "$176.8 billion, an increase of 12.8% or $20.1 billion above FY 2017 estimated R&D. … [T]otal federal R&D spending would reach its highest point ever in inflation-adjusted dollars. … Basic and applied research funding would receive its largest year-over-year increase since" the 2009 economic stimulus package.

The increases were made possible, in large part, by an agreement reached earlier this year to raise mandatory caps on civilian and military spending that gave lawmakers an additional $300 billion to spend this year and next.

[It is better than the Billions of cuts Trump proposed against needed research]

UsAgainstAlzheimer’s Chairman George Vradenburg released the following statement on President Trump’s proposed deep cuts to NIH and NIA funding for Fiscal Year 2020 and reallocation of Fiscal Year 2019 Funds:

“UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is wholeheartedly opposed to any reduction in funding for the NIH and NIA. We know we can find a cure for Alzheimer’s, but we can’t do it with an underfunded NIH. The proposed cuts demonstrate the President’s blatant disregard for the important research being done to cure and treat deadly diseases. We have seen firsthand the power of year-over-year increases to funding for research. Cancer and HIV/AIDS were once death sentences, but because research was funded at levels consistent with the severity of these diseases, mortality rates have sharply decreased.”

“It is not the time to decrease research funding for any disease, especially one as complex and devastating as Alzheimer’s. If we do, it would severely damage our ability to discover innovative new treatments and could cost countless lives.”

“Too many families are waiting for breakthrough treatments for Alzheimer’s. With massive funding increases in recent years, we have made important progress toward accelerating a cure for Alzheimer’s. However, President Trump’s proposed cuts to the NIH and NIA budgets would seriously undermine this progress and be at the extreme detriment to our country’s health.”

“With nearly 6 million Americans suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, a number that will only sharply increase as our population continues to age, it is without a doubt the public health crisis of the 21st century. Decreasing funding for Alzheimer’s research will only exacerbate the crisis and cost further lives. Beyond addressing the human toll, investing in cures will also rein in the nearly $300 billion in government and family spending on Alzheimer's and is the most direct path to long-term health care cost savings.”

Imagine sending the Clintons including Chelsea and the Mezvinsky's to a third world slave labor camp.
They have not committed any crimes and they will never be sent to a prison or labor camp in Siberia, or anywhere else, including in the US.

These are fascist dreams of the most embarrassing kind.
The Biden Cancer Initiative will largely not be a grant-giving organization and will accomplish its mission through convening, connecting partners, catalyzing new actions, and providing venues to discuss progress and develop new actions and collaborations.”

OK so it was just a money laundering operation.

I defy anyone to tell us what that paragraph means.
Is that one that Dems use as a slush fund?
Like the Clinton Family Foundation?

Are they still doing great that Hillary can't sell access?

It's true that the Clinton Foundation accepts money from wealthy donors, both inside the U.S. and out. Emails between the staff at the Clinton Foundation and State Department show that some of those donors wanted access to Hillary Clinton, and that she did take meetings with some of them as secretary of state. But there's no evidence that big donors got any special favors from the State Department.

Still, Noble said, appearances matter, "because we're talking about government officials. And the concern is when they get a large contribution, it will influence the decision they make. Even if, as secretary of state, she did not concern herself at all with what big donors wanted, people will think that it did, in fact, influence her. And it undermines the credibility of decisions."

"The Trump Foundation has engaged in documented, flagrant acts of violation," said Pamela Mann, a former head of the charities bureau in the New York attorney general's office. She is now a partner at Carter Ledyard & Milburn, LLP. "That's really different."

The Trump Foundation is organized as a private foundation. It was originally set up to give away Donald Trump's money. But as reporting by the Washington Post shows, Trump hasn't given any of his own money to the foundation since 2008. Instead, his foundation raises money from other donors, as it did at a fundraiser for veterans Trump held in January that raised $1.6 million in contributions, according to the Trump Foundation's website.

But that got the Trump Foundation in trouble, because technically it's not registered to accept donations in New York state, where it's based. This month, New York's attorney general ordered the foundation to stop fundraising in the state.

The Trump Foundation broke IRS rules, too, when it made a contribution to a superPAC supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi in 2013. Trump's foundation has described that contribution as a mistake and says Trump paid a penalty to the IRS. But Mann, the former charity watchdog, is skeptical.

"It suggests that they're not deeply concerned with playing by the rules," Mann said. "It's unclear whether that's because they don't know what the rules are, or they are willfully ignoring the rules."

There are also questions about whether the Trump Foundation has spent money on things it shouldn't have, including two paintings of Trump himself, and a Tim Tebow football helmet.

And there's evidence that Trump never delivered on his promise to donate $10,000 to help victims of the Sept. 11 attacks. New York City Controller Scott Stringer, who supports Hillary Clinton, told NPR his office pored over audited financial records for two big charities in the year following the attacks and found no donations from Trump.

"We found no evidence Mr. Trump contributed," Stringer said. "It's possible he gave anonymously, or in other ways. You'd have to ask him. Our review found Mr. Trump did not, in fact, contribute to these groups."


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