Biden’s cancer charity took in $5 Million, spent $3 million on salaries, Donated $0 to cancer research.

Why does this not surprise me?

Slow day? You had to dig up old fake news because there is no new fake news? :auiqs.jpg:

But since this "surprises" you, let me also provide you with the reason why this supposed "scandal" went nowhere back in 2020. But hey, good luck trying to revive it. Especially when we can throw back at you the orange douchebag and his scam with charities. You know the one where a judge ordered Rump to pay millions in fines for his fake charity?

The Post story and the subsequent brouhaha are noteworthy because of their failure to recognize the fact that Biden had already obtained $1.8 billion for cancer research via the 2016 Moonshot—and their failure to distinguish between the Moonshot and a small nonprofit that was never intended to fund research. Creating confusion—conflating—seems to be the point.

Let’s untangle this knot:

  • The Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot is a government program resulting from an unprecedented bipartisan effort to double the rate of progress in cancer research. In 2016, then Vice President Biden’s leadership and steadfast congressional support for biomedical research culminated in the Moonshot legislation, which authorized $1.8 billion over seven years for cancer research (The Cancer Letter, Dec. 16, 2016).
  • The Biden Cancer Initiative, the object of coverage here, was a short-lived cancer nonprofit that was launched in New York on June 26, 2017, in the afterglow of the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot of 2016 (The Cancer Letter, June 30, 2017). The organization ran for two years, suspending operations during the Biden presidential run.
The stories demonstrate zero understanding of either the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot or the Biden Cancer Initiative:

Contemporaneous coverage by this reporter demonstrates that from the outset, the Biden Cancer Initiative was not designed to be a grant-giving organization.

It was created to allow Biden to continue playing the role of convener, and to maintain momentum generated by the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot, which at that time had already slated $1.8 billion for NCI over seven years and $500 million over a decade for FDA.

Shortly after Congress overwhelmingly approved the Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot—and months before the Biden Cancer Initiative was formed—Biden said the nonprofit’s primary purpose was not philanthropy (The Cancer Letter, Dec. 22, 2016).

“It’s not so much about raising money or philanthropy—though there will be some of that—but it’s more about keeping these guys cooperating and changing the culture,” Biden said Jan. 3, 2017

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Are you saying the calendar makes a difference?
I'm saying more than that. I'm saying Nostra is a lying sack of shit, because Biden wasn't offering cancer money or research. It wasn't intended for that. Read my fucking link. it's made idiots out of you toadies. You will be better served to leave this thread. Nostra made idiots out of all of you.
No shit mfr. Read my link dumb ass. It was never intended to go to research. How fucking stupid are you?
I did read the link.

So the fine print for his “cancer charity” didn’t give money to research, which means he took money in the name of cancer and paid his shill staff.
I'm saying more than that. I'm saying Nostra is a lying sack of shit, because Biden wasn't offering cancer money or research. It wasn't intended for that. Read my fucking link. it's made idiots out of you toadies. You will be better served to leave this thread. Nostra made idiots out of all of you.

That you actually believe a word that comes out of bidens mouth is pathetic.
Donald Trump has been cockteasing the cucks that he is going to run in 2024, but has yet to make it official. Since he is a possible candidate, he is a legitimate political target.

Donald Trump promised to DRAIN TH3 SWAMP. That became a chant at his hate rallies.

Trump also said he hires the best people.

The past is prelude. So let's take a look at the record, shall we, to get an idea of what we can expect from a second Trump administration.

Meet Donald Trump's campaign manager, convict Paul Manafort:


Paul Manafort sentenced to a total of 7.5 years in prison for conspiracy and fraud, and charged with mortgage fraud in N.Y.

Meet Donald Trump's campaign advisor, convict George Papadopoulous:


George Papadopoulos: Ex-Trump adviser goes to prison

Meet Donald Trump's National Security Adviser, Q-tard Michael Flynn:


Trump pardons Flynn despite guilty plea in Russia probe

Meet Donald Trump aide, convict Rick Gates:



Rick Gates, Ex-Trump Aide and Key Witness for Mueller, Is Sentenced to 45 Days in Jail

Meet Donald Trump fund-raiser Elliott Broidy:


Elliott Broidy Pleads Guilty in Foreign Lobbying Case

Meet Donald Trump's fixer, convict Michael Cohen:


Michael Cohen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Eight Counts, Including Criminal Tax Evasion And Campaign Finance Violations

Meet Donald Trump's advisor, convict Tom Barrack:


Trump ally Tom Barrack jailed on charges of acting as an agent of a foreign government

Meet Donald Trump's confidant, convict Roger Stone:


Roger Stone sentenced to over 3 years in prison

Meet Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, convict Steven Bannon:


Steve Bannon found guilty on both contempt of Congress charges

Bannon charged with fraud, money laundering, conspiracy in ‘We Build the Wall’

Meet Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani:


Court Suspends Giuliani’s Law License, Citing Trump Election Lies

Donald Trump made the swamp deeper and wider. Why would anyone in their right mind want to see this fraud back in the White House?

What crimes did they commit?
Read 'trumps Best People' theHawk
Were these "trumps best people" all framed?
Only an idiot believes it.
Let us put some people out of their misery. From the article:

“The Biden Cancer Initiative never intended to make research grants because we had a $2.5 million budget which was dedicated to creating collaborations among companies, universities, nonprofits, patient groups, researchers, and the government,” said Greg Simon, former president of the charity.

The mission “was to work with patients from the bottom up to make things change,” Simon said, adding that the organization created collaborations that helped cancer patients with things like accessing care, financial support, and community support. According to its website, the 501(c)3 charity brought together dozens of groups and organizations to leverage resources connecting patients to clinical trials, cancer prevention and early detection, and data sharing, for example.

As The Associated Press reported in 2019, the charity “promoted nearly 60 partnerships with drug companies, health care firms, charities and other organizations that pledged more than $400 million to improve cancer treatment.”

The Bidens founded the charity in 2017, two years after their son, Beau Biden, died from brain cancer at the age of 46. But the charity suspended its operations in 2019. Joe and Jill Biden left the organization in April 2019 when he launched his run for the presidency, and the organization closed shortly after, with news reports citing a lack of momentum without its namesake founders.

According to the nonprofit’s tax filings, which are publicly available using the charity tracking tool Guidestar, it paid just over $3 million in employee compensation during the time it was running. Simon told us that salaries at the charity were set by a compensation committee that used “comparables to other nonprofits” to set compensation rates.

The Biden Cancer Initiative was the philanthropic extension of the White House “Cancer Moonshot” program, an effort by the Obama administration “to dramatically accelerate efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer —  to achieve a decade’s worth of progress in five years,” per the Biden Cancer Initiative website. As vice president, Biden headed up that effort.


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