Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

Very telling that IM2 is conspicuously absent. An old white guy lecturing blacks who to vote for, and who can call themselves black.
I would immediately have respect for IM2 if he would publicly condemn Biden for those comments. If he would publicly admit that Biden is doing the very thing IM2 hates about white people talking down to black people, he would immediately be seen as someone who is consistent and not another partisan toeing the party line (or "on the plantation," if you're into those crude, insulting comparisons).

IM2 could still support Biden. He could still campaign for Biden. That would not be a problem for me at all. I would not blame him one bit for that continued support, despite Biden's clearly insulting and paternal comment, as long as IM2 acknowledges and condemns Biden's behavior.


The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities
Yes, we have been told this generality REPEATEDLY, but no one can list any real examples.

The Democrat party is controlling the message, and black folks are allowing it.


It's like this:
"If we want your opinions, black people, we will give them to you. Shut up and fall in line!"

IM2???? Where to fuck did you run off to???


“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

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This is your nuanced and biased comment. The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities; Donald Trump is an elitist who claimed some White Supremacists are good people too. Twisting Biden's words is not only dishonest, it is an effort to create one more BIG LIE, the grist which Right Wingers thrive on.

Twisting his words? Are you this fcking stupid? It was blantaly racist and anyone with an iota of common sense knows it.

The pedo had to go off script, I imagine his handlers had an oh fck moment
As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.
Don't try talking for me white boy.

Shouldn't you be telling Joe Biden that?
No. Because if you are black and have a problem pick between anyone and trump, you ain't black. It's that simple. I'd vote for you before I'd vote for trump.
It's hilarious how you let an old white guy tell you if you are black or not IM2
IM2 is working on a personal project. It's like this, If you are black and have a problem voting for anybody and trump, you ain't black. I see no problem with Biden telling a black man what we blacks already believe. If Charlemagne tha God is so dumb that he thinks trumps continuing appointments to the federal benches are not a problem, he needs to shut his black ass up and make more rap albums. Dumb ass young blacks are why trump is president now. Hillary Clinton didn't promise to given them everything they wanted so they didn't vote and now we get an asshole who gives blacks none of what we want. These spoiled ass children don't know what life was like when things were even worse than they are now and can't see that trump is appointing racist judges to lifetime positions who will end everything our generation and prior generations fought for. So then we are all supposed to get upset because you white folks want to make a big deal out of what Biden said. Hell, we said that shit about anyone black who supported trumps ass in 2016. So as far as I'm concerned Biden is 4 years too late in saying that.


Now show me trumps plan for black America.
As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.
Don't try talking for me white boy.

Shouldn't you be telling Joe Biden that?
No. Because if you are black and have a problem pick between anyone and trump, you ain't black. It's that simple. I'd vote for you before I'd vote for trump.
The guy was running out on BLACK MEDIA!! The Black Media guy still had questions.

That was Biden's response to SHUTTING DOWN BLACK MEDIA and running off without answer questions.

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? presumptive Democratic nominee's comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on "The Breakfast Club."

A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: "You can't do that to black media!"

"I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o'clock," Biden said, referring to his wife Jill Biden apparently needing to use the broadcast studio they've built in their basement in Delaware as the coronavirus pandemic has knocked Biden off the campaign trail. Glancing at his watch, Biden said, "uh oh, I'm in trouble."

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that "we've got more questions."

"You've got more questions?" Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Charlemagne responded, "It don't have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community."

"Take a look at my record, man!" Biden shot back.


So, let's get you on record, IM2.

Is this a correct statement:

If you have questions for a Democrat presumption nominee, you ain't black.

Is that a true statement in your opinion?

Nothing like an old white guy telling black people what makes them "real" black people. I can only imagine the fallout if Donald Trump had made this same comment. MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, the Blue Checkmark Brigade, etc. would all be in a 24 hour melt down right now, but since it was Biden who said it I imagine we'll hear very little outrage from our state run propagandists.
Biden is getting the same fallout so stop whining. The difference is that the republican party is full of racists who cheer when unarmed blacks gets killed by police, support the remembrance of the confederacy and spew racist bullshit in multitudes of forums like this one. State run propaganda will be calling Biden a racist while defending all of trumps actions against hispanics as fox has done.

Like I said, Biden is right. If you are black and support trump you have problems.
IM2 is working on a personal project. It's like this, If you are black and have a problem voting for anybody and trump, you ain't black. I see no problem with Biden telling a black man what we blacks already believe. If Charlemagne tha God is so dumb that he thinks trumps continuing appointments to the federal benches are not a problem, he needs to shut his black ass up and make more rap albums. Dumb ass young blacks are why trump is president now. Hillary Clinton didn't promise to given them everything they wanted so they didn't vote and now we get an asshole who gives blacks none of what we want. These spoiled ass children don't know what life was like when things were even worse than they are now and can't see that trump is appointing racist judges to lifetime positions who will end everything our generation and prior generations fought for. So then we are all supposed to get upset because you white folks want to make a big deal out of what Biden said. Hell, we said that shit about anyone black who supported trumps ass in 2016. So as far as I'm concerned Biden is 4 years too late in saying that.

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Now show me trumps plan for black America.
IT WAS NOT ABOUT TRUMP!!! presumptive Democratic nominee's comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on "The Breakfast Club."

A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: "You can't do that to black media!"

"I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o'clock," Biden said, referring to his wife Jill Biden apparently needing to use the broadcast studio they've built in their basement in Delaware as the coronavirus pandemic has knocked Biden off the campaign trail. Glancing at his watch, Biden said, "uh oh, I'm in trouble."

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that "we've got more questions."

"You've got more questions?" Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Charlemagne responded, "It don't have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community."

"Take a look at my record, man!" Biden shot back.


Right, IM2?


“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452

This is your nuanced and biased comment. The fact is Biden has a long record of building support for minorities; Donald Trump is an elitist who claimed some White Supremacists are good people too. Twisting Biden's words is not only dishonest, it is an effort to create one more BIG LIE, the grist which Right Wingers thrive on.
You have to work hard to be this stupid.
Dr. Pelosi throws the body shaming door wide open

19 May 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
You may have noticed that democrats have morals. The problem is that those morals are so very malleable. All women were supposed to be believed until Biden was accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women. Those women weren’t believable. That’s how they roll. Continuously.
Body shaming was a bad thing until yesterday. Then “Dr.” Nancy Pelosi had some interesting words for Donald Trump to a smirking Anderson Cooper:

Hydroxychloroquine is being used by doctors worldwide to treat COVID 19 and it is being researched by some high profile immunologists. The results suggest that early intervention with HCQ is preferred and there is frankly a large body of anecdotal evidence to support its use.
Karen Cavuto of Fox News called the drug dangerous.
“If you are in a risky population here, and you are taking this as a preventative treatment to ward off the virus, or in a worse-case scenario you are dealing with the virus and you are in this vulnerable population, it will kill you,”​
That’s stupid. It’s been around for 70 years and has been used to save countless lives. I know someone personally who took it for three years for Rheumatoid Arthritis without a single problem. I also know of thousands of patients who have taken it without side effects. Of course, it should be taken under a doctor’s supervision.
Trump is taking it under a doctor’s supervision.
But that aside, Pelosi opens the door for us. I immediately thought of two people who also should not consider taking the drug. One is a runway model.

and the other…

Both are morbidly obese- they say- and absolutely should shy away from HCQ.
If and when HCQ is clearly shown to be effective used at the right time and under the proper supervision I trust that democrats will continue to avoid the “dangerous” drug.
Especially those morbidly old and wrinkled.
Let’s be clear. democrats are not afraid of HCQ. They are scared to death of something else- that Donald Trump could be right.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and especially Botox Nan are mostly afraid that the HCQ +Zn and AZT is the most economical treatment that will shorten the epidemic before they can make full use of it. How could Big Pharma fund the DNC unless they come up with a new more expensive and less effective drug to shill to the public.
Nonetheless, HCQ has been used effectively as an antiviral for over 60 years and is safe when used even for heart patients. You have to ask why doctors are using it and politicians of all stripes have been prescribed when affected by the virus. If the drug was not safe and effective, why was Boris Johnson treated with the drug?
Another point to be made is, if HCQ is not an effective antiviral drug, why is it that tens of thousands of men and women are prescribed and treated with HCQ (Plaquenil) in the treatment of Lupus. rheumatoid arthritis and malaria?

Dr. Wallace has been using this drug on his patients for over 40 years and says no patient of his has ever had any complications! Dr. Oz is part of a trial study of 1,200 volunteers and says that so far none of them have had any complications, or more importantly none of them have COVID 19. I guess some people would rather listen to Dr. Pelosi, Dr. Scarbourogh Dr. Maddow, Dr. Todd, etc. that medical experts familiar with its use! If I were to get COVID 19 and my Doctor prescribed it, I wouldn't hesitate to take it!

Backing up your statement:

As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.
Don't try talking for me white boy.

Shouldn't you be telling Joe Biden that?
No. Because if you are black and have a problem pick between anyone and trump, you ain't black. It's that simple. I'd vote for you before I'd vote for trump.
The guy was running out on BLACK MEDIA!! The Black Media guy still had questions.

That was Biden's response to SHUTTING DOWN BLACK MEDIA and running off without answer questions.

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? presumptive Democratic nominee's comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on "The Breakfast Club."

A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: "You can't do that to black media!"

"I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o'clock," Biden said, referring to his wife Jill Biden apparently needing to use the broadcast studio they've built in their basement in Delaware as the coronavirus pandemic has knocked Biden off the campaign trail. Glancing at his watch, Biden said, "uh oh, I'm in trouble."

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that "we've got more questions."

"You've got more questions?" Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Charlemagne responded, "It don't have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community."

"Take a look at my record, man!" Biden shot back.


So, let's get you on record, IM2.

Is this a correct statement:

If you have questions for a Democrat presumption nominee, you ain't black.

Is that a true statement in your opinion?


You are lying and that's not a true question. But if you are black and are confused as to voting for trump or biden you ain't black. I'd say that if Sanders, Warren, Klobachar, Buttigieg, Yang, Steyer, Castro, and even Tulsi Gabbard. Anybody nut trump. I'd vote for William Weld before Trump.

So I am going to like you racists bust gaskets over this, To Biden I will say AMEN BROTHER! Somebody has to tell these young blacks something because we old blacks have been cleaning up their messes for 30 years. We're the ones who had to take them out of gangs. We're the ones who had to implement programs to stop their stupid asses from shooting up each other. Not you whites. All you pussies have done is sit online talking racist bullshit. So I think we can tell them that your ass is confused in who you should vote for in this election that you ain't black or support someone who says that to them.
Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

It was about trump Bootney.

Now show me trumps plan for black America.
As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.
Don't try talking for me white boy.

Shouldn't you be telling Joe Biden that?
No. Because if you are black and have a problem pick between anyone and trump, you ain't black. It's that simple. I'd vote for you before I'd vote for trump.
The guy was running out on BLACK MEDIA!! The Black Media guy still had questions.

That was Biden's response to SHUTTING DOWN BLACK MEDIA and running off without answer questions.

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? presumptive Democratic nominee's comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on "The Breakfast Club."

A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: "You can't do that to black media!"

"I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o'clock," Biden said, referring to his wife Jill Biden apparently needing to use the broadcast studio they've built in their basement in Delaware as the coronavirus pandemic has knocked Biden off the campaign trail. Glancing at his watch, Biden said, "uh oh, I'm in trouble."

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that "we've got more questions."

"You've got more questions?" Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Charlemagne responded, "It don't have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community."

"Take a look at my record, man!" Biden shot back.


So, let's get you on record, IM2.

Is this a correct statement:

If you have questions for a Democrat presumption nominee, you ain't black.

Is that a true statement in your opinion?


You are lying and that's not a true question. But if you are black and are confused as to voting for trump or biden you ain't black. I'd say that if Sanders, Warren, Klobachar, Buttigieg, Yang, Steyer, Castro, and even Tulsi Gabbard. Anybody nut trump. I'd vote for William Weld before Trump.

So I am going to like you racists bust gaskets over this, To Biden I will say AMEN BROTHER! Somebody has to tell these young blacks something because we old blacks have been cleaning up their messes for 30 years. We're the ones who had to take them out of gangs. We're the ones who had to implement programs to stop their stupid asses from shooting up each other. Not you whites. All you pussies have done is sit online talking racist bullshit. So I think we can tell them that your ass is confused in who you should vote for in this election that you ain't black or support someone who says that to them.
For you, stupid comes easy.

Race baiting fuck nugget.
As long as it is the correct old rich white racist dude, he's OK with it.
Don't try talking for me white boy.

Shouldn't you be telling Joe Biden that?
No. Because if you are black and have a problem pick between anyone and trump, you ain't black. It's that simple. I'd vote for you before I'd vote for trump.
The guy was running out on BLACK MEDIA!! The Black Media guy still had questions.

That was Biden's response to SHUTTING DOWN BLACK MEDIA and running off without answer questions.

ARE YOU SERIOUS??? presumptive Democratic nominee's comment came at the end of an at times tense interview with Charlamagne tha God on "The Breakfast Club."

A staffer interjected that Biden needed to go, and Charlamagne shot back: "You can't do that to black media!"

"I do that to white media and black media because my wife has to go on at 6 o'clock," Biden said, referring to his wife Jill Biden apparently needing to use the broadcast studio they've built in their basement in Delaware as the coronavirus pandemic has knocked Biden off the campaign trail. Glancing at his watch, Biden said, "uh oh, I'm in trouble."

Charlamagne told Biden that he should come to the studio in New York City for another interview, telling the former vice president that "we've got more questions."

"You've got more questions?" Biden replied. "Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."

Charlemagne responded, "It don't have nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with the fact, I want something for my community."

"Take a look at my record, man!" Biden shot back.


So, let's get you on record, IM2.

Is this a correct statement:

If you have questions for a Democrat presumption nominee, you ain't black.

Is that a true statement in your opinion?


You are lying and that's not a true question. But if you are black and are confused as to voting for trump or biden you ain't black. I'd say that if Sanders, Warren, Klobachar, Buttigieg, Yang, Steyer, Castro, and even Tulsi Gabbard. Anybody nut trump. I'd vote for William Weld before Trump.

So I am going to like you racists bust gaskets over this, To Biden I will say AMEN BROTHER! Somebody has to tell these young blacks something because we old blacks have been cleaning up their messes for 30 years. We're the ones who had to take them out of gangs. We're the ones who had to implement programs to stop their stupid asses from shooting up each other. Not you whites. All you pussies have done is sit online talking racist bullshit. So I think we can tell them that your ass is confused in who you should vote for in this election that you ain't black or support someone who says that to them.
For you, stupid comes easy.

Race baiting fuck nugget.
Shut up and show me trumps plan for black America white race pimped piece of trash.

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