Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

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You know there’s no denying that Biden says really dumb things sometimes, but how republicans pretend Trump doesn’t on a daily basis really blows my mind.
I agree. People who defend their guy at all costs make me sick.

I just listened to the audio for the first time today. It wasn't just the words themselves, it was the way he delivered them. Fucking amazing, he was actually chastising blacks if they don't vote for him !
We all know this guy is losing his sanity, but this takes it to a whole new level ! What a dumbfuck !
Was he doing a finger wag??
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You know there’s no denying that Biden says really dumb things sometimes, but how republicans pretend Trump doesn’t on a daily basis really blows my mind.

  1. the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.Also called whataboutery.
Yep, President Trump has made some gross exaggerations and other foolish comments.

But, BOY, President Trump sure hasn't come within light-years of this one.

One just has to look at all the different retractions, cover-ups, walking back and one Democrat after another falling all over themselves trying to make this disappear. Blacks, in particular, are attacking him.
Hey moron I wasn’t using a whataboutism if I first acknowledged Biden’s dumb comment. Second, as usual, you minimize Trump’s retardation which is flat out shocking. Maybe you think he’s smart? Maybe you think windmills cause cancer? Maybe you think injecting chemicals will cure the beer virus. I don’t know. Which one is it?
"On the Senate Judiciary Committee, Biden helped rewrite our crime laws with the 1984 Comprehensive Crime Control Act (mandatory minimums for drug offenses), 1986 Anti-Drug Abuse Act (harsher sentences for crack over powdered cocaine), 1994 crime bill. "

i notice now that i watched the interview again that Biden laughs directly after he makes the "you ain't black" remark. maybe he really meant it in jest? no? anyone?
Shut up and show me trumps plan for black America white race pimped piece of trash.
The better question is, what should his or any other candidate's plan be?

I posted a link to Bidens plan motherfucker, so show me trumps.
Is there anyone left who still takes you seriously?

Mother fucker n stuff?
The question is not whether you take me seriously but if I take YOU seriously. After the racist names I have been called, my use of words like motherfucker is not to be questioned by the likes of you.

i notice now that i watched the interview again that Biden laughs directly after he makes the "you ain't black" remark. maybe he really meant it in jest? no? anyone?
He said he was joking but nobody laughed at the joke.
Thank Gaea we have white liberals to dictate who is and who isn't black.
And this is coming from another person who has repeatedly talked about black democrats as slaves on a plantation.

i notice now that i watched the interview again that Biden laughs directly after he makes the "you ain't black" remark. maybe he really meant it in jest? no? anyone?
Of course! Biden gets the benefit of doubt, but Donnie never does. So it goes.
It was
Shut up and show me trumps plan for black America white race pimped piece of trash.
The better question is, what should his or any other candidate's plan be?

I posted a link to Bidens plan motherfucker, so show me trumps.
We don't fuck our Mother’s. It’s generally more of a Negro wandering nomad thing you now exposed white man fake. was a joke.....I didn’t mean misheard.
All is forgiven now
Lib 101 Core Course
I don't think you want to take it there. You descend from buckbreakers.

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You are toast mr white guy pretending he’s black
I am black and I ain't worried about what you racists think. I agree with Biden. I am not saying he should have said that, but then again its funny how political correctness is now wanted here. However, any black person who thinks trump is an option in this election is not black.

i notice now that i watched the interview again that Biden laughs directly after he makes the "you ain't black" remark. maybe he really meant it in jest? no? anyone?
Of course! Biden gets the benefit of doubt, but Donnie never does. So it goes.
Biden has got no benefit. But Biden also doesn't have a 50 year record of racism. trump has never apologized. Biden apologized for his remarks 3-4 hours later. And trump tells his "jokes" looking serious as hell.

Trump said he was joking when he said this. I don't see a smile.
I do. Any black dumb enough to support trump or be confused as to who to vote for in this election is not black.
If this were true, given IQ tests, black support for Trump should be what support they give Biden.
Biden just letting the black people know to get back down there and shine that shoe. But, libs are the party of slavery and segregation. They shape-shift with the times and package their contempt for blacks differently with every generation.
You know there’s no denying that Biden says really dumb things sometimes, but how republicans pretend Trump doesn’t on a daily basis really blows my mind.

  1. the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counteraccusation or raising a different issue.Also called whataboutery.
Yep, President Trump has made some gross exaggerations and other foolish comments.

But, BOY, President Trump sure hasn't come within light-years of this one.

One just has to look at all the different retractions, cover-ups, walking back and one Democrat after another falling all over themselves trying to make this disappear. Blacks, in particular, are attacking him.
Hey moron I wasn’t using a whataboutism if I first acknowledged Biden’s dumb comment. Second, as usual, you minimize Trump’s retardation which is flat out shocking. Maybe you think he’s smart? Maybe you think windmills cause cancer? Maybe you think injecting chemicals will cure the beer virus. I don’t know. Which one is it?
You stupid fuck! You denied using 'whataboutism' in your first sentence and then went on to post 'but what about Trump......'?
Truly one of the most stupid posters I've ever encountered.
What Biden accomplishes on almost a daily basis is expose the democrats bullshit and expose them as the frauds they truly are.

These are the people that see racism in everything. Math is racist, proper English is racist, hell even PB&J sandwiches are racist. Until Biden comes along and drops racism right on their heads. Then suddenly that’s not racist. Basically all their race bullshit is just that, it was all bullshit. They never cared about racism.

Should we discuss believing all women here as well? More democrat bullshit.

Biden is Democrat kryptonite. Destroying everything they claimed to stand for.
trump is at 3 percent black support according to the most recent poll from Quinnipiac. Nobody black is moving to the republican party. The only race pimps are republicans, they are white and they are pimping you.

Yeah, and Hillary has it in the bag.

I get it though, if you couldn't corrupt young minds with your putrid hate, no one would pay you to do anything. Purfesir of Hate Whitey at the Jr. College.

Tell me Purfesir, when a student you mind raped is granted a sheep skin from the JC, what are they qualified to do? See, I'm a simple guy. I have an Sc.D. in supply chain management, which leverages an MBA. I design systems and methods to ensure that goods and materials are where they need to be to build things, rockets and planes, just as they are needed using concepts of LEAN, Six Sigma, obviously JiT. What is my education good for? Well, anyone can tell that at a glance.

But someone comes into your class and gets really good at hating whitey. Goes on to a university and gets a masters in hate whitey. Now what? What benefit are they to society? I guess they can become a pimp like you and mind rape others in the hatred you spew. But how many "ethnic studies" teaching jobs are there? Not enough to employ all your victims, not even close. So what do they do with this mal-education you vomit on them? They can organize riots and race wars, but even those are a limited commodity. But it's okay, your hate convinced them that their inability to gain employment is cuz whitey dun be opressifying them, not because you failed to teach them a skill set that has value.

Imagine if these kids learned avionics, material science, electronics, etc. instead of the mindless hate you teach - what better lives they would have. You're a pimp, you destroy lives, you destroy black lives. Because black lives don't matter to you, just your unearned paycheck.
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"let's see if he tells me i'm not black to my face" - Big Burgess Owens

Black Democrats are angry.

So are Independents and even Black Twitter.

I don’t think the media truly appreciates yet what a GIANT PILE OF SHIT #JimCrowJoe stepped in yesterday.

As well as the TRUE SPOTLIGHT it’s put on his REAL RECORD of pro-segregation, social ignorance and disparaging criminal justice policies.

This is why Democrats didn’t want him as their nominee the first place. And they still don’t.
The worst fear that the Democrats have is that the Blacks will escape from their welfare plantation and start thinking for themselves.

Biden voiced that fear yesterday.

Of course Biden is a fucking idiot that doesn't know what he is saying half the time so no telling what he was thinking.

Crooked Hillary screwed up real bad when she said her "deployables" statement. This was Biden's deplorable statement. Fucking idiot! He is a clown. Only a moron would vote for him.

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