Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

And finally Biden didn't say that. He did say this:

Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."

And he is right. If you have a problem figuring out of if you are fr a man with a racial discrimination finding on his record, a man who wanted innocent black and Hispanic kids dead and still does so even after they were proven innocent by a confession of the man who actually did it, the man who decided that Obama was not American, the man who said Mexicans were rapists and murderers, the man who call black governed countries shitholes, the man who was going to send troops into black communities, the man who said that good people existed in the neo nazis at Charlottesville, the man who told 4 women of color to go back to where they came from, the man who is consistently rude to black and reporters of color at press conferences, the man who said a long time black congressional member was low IQ, a man who attacked a black community calling it rat infested, a man who has gutted the civil rights department, relaxed enforcement of civil rights laws and created a fake name for black groups who protest against injustice while taking white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list, then you ain't black.

Just to let you know, IM2? Posting in BOLD letters...then making those letters RED doesn't make you more persuasive. If anything it makes you look triggered.
They make the point I want to make and your racist ass opinion doesn't matter.


So, if we disagree with your interpretation of Biden's statements, we're racist.

Move along, child.

Since you are white, you interpretation of what Biden says doesn't represents black people. Since I am black perhaps my interpretation is a better indication of how blacks see this than yours So for you to believe that you can think for blacks because blacks can't think for ourselves is racist.

How do Blacks see or interpret Biden’s comments? Is it a good thing?
Biden is right. Again, we will say that same thing to each other and have said as much about blacks who support trump as well as many black conservatives. What will happen here is the racists will try making these comments into a big thing and Biden will be called a racist.

Lol. Trying to cover his backside for him?
Since you are white, you interpretation of what Biden says doesn't represents black people. Since I am black perhaps my interpretation is a better indication of how blacks see this than yours So for you to believe that you can think for blacks because blacks can't think for ourselves is racist.
Is it as racist as your claim you speak for all other blacks? I'm sure blacks see Biden the way everyone else does more or less: as a career politician who has lost control of his mind and panders to black voters when he
has to. His claim that this NY black broadcaster isn't black if he doesn't back Joe is indicative of that.
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“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452

OMG Joe Biden actually said that??? Can he be any more insulting to African Americans. smh
Biden is right. If a black person is actually thinking about supporting trump, they ain't black. We will say that to each other and have said that about black trump stooges. Biden was being politically incorrect, ain't that what you whites like?
Biden thinks if he talks down to blacks they'll think he's one of them. Like I said before...he's got a lot of Archie Bunker in him!
Biden's Dementia Checklist--Tell Black Man "If you don't support me, you ain't Black

And finally Biden didn't say that. He did say this:

Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."

And he is right. If you have a problem figuring out of if you are fr a man with a racial discrimination finding on his record, a man who wanted innocent black and Hispanic kids dead and still does so even after they were proven innocent by a confession of the man who actually did it, the man who decided that Obama was not American, the man who said Mexicans were rapists and murderers, the man who call black governed countries shitholes, the man who was going to send troops into black communities, the man who said that good people existed in the neo nazis at Charlottesville, the man who told 4 women of color to go back to where they came from, the man who is consistently rude to black and reporters of color at press conferences, the man who said a long time black congressional member was low IQ, a man who attacked a black community calling it rat infested, a man who has gutted the civil rights department, relaxed enforcement of civil rights laws and created a fake name for black groups who protest against injustice while taking white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list, then you ain't black.

Just to let you know, IM2? Posting in BOLD letters...then making those letters RED doesn't make you more persuasive. If anything it makes you look triggered.
They make the point I want to make and your racist ass opinion doesn't matter.


So, if we disagree with your interpretation of Biden's statements, we're racist.

Move along, child.

Since you are white, you interpretation of what Biden says doesn't represents black people. Since I am black perhaps my interpretation is a better indication of how blacks see this than yours So for you to believe that you can think for blacks because blacks can't think for ourselves is racist.
How would you know how to interpret what a white guy says since you are black?
trump is at 3 percent black support according to the most recent poll from Quinnipiac. Nobody black is moving to the republican party. The only race pimps are republicans, they are white and they are pimping you.
Three percent??? What are you smoking, bro?

It sure ain't the truth.
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“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452

Exhibit A: democrats loath Blacks
Nothing like an old white guy telling black people what makes them "real" black people. I can only imagine the fallout if Donald Trump had made this same comment. MSNBC, CNN, The New York Times, the Blue Checkmark Brigade, etc. would all be in a 24 hour melt down right now, but since it was Biden who said it I imagine we'll hear very little outrage from our state run propagandists.
The movie 'Get Out' is a biography of Biden and his family.
Black voters be hypnotized!
Dr. Pelosi throws the body shaming door wide open

19 May 2020 ~~ By DrJohn
You may have noticed that democrats have morals. The problem is that those morals are so very malleable. All women were supposed to be believed until Biden was accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women. Those women weren’t believable. That’s how they roll. Continuously.
Body shaming was a bad thing until yesterday. Then “Dr.” Nancy Pelosi had some interesting words for Donald Trump to a smirking Anderson Cooper:

Hydroxychloroquine is being used by doctors worldwide to treat COVID 19 and it is being researched by some high profile immunologists. The results suggest that early intervention with HCQ is preferred and there is frankly a large body of anecdotal evidence to support its use.
Karen Cavuto of Fox News called the drug dangerous.
“If you are in a risky population here, and you are taking this as a preventative treatment to ward off the virus, or in a worse-case scenario you are dealing with the virus and you are in this vulnerable population, it will kill you,”​
That’s stupid. It’s been around for 70 years and has been used to save countless lives. I know someone personally who took it for three years for Rheumatoid Arthritis without a single problem. I also know of thousands of patients who have taken it without side effects. Of course, it should be taken under a doctor’s supervision.
Trump is taking it under a doctor’s supervision.
But that aside, Pelosi opens the door for us. I immediately thought of two people who also should not consider taking the drug. One is a runway model.

and the other…

Both are morbidly obese- they say- and absolutely should shy away from HCQ.
If and when HCQ is clearly shown to be effective used at the right time and under the proper supervision I trust that democrats will continue to avoid the “dangerous” drug.
Especially those morbidly old and wrinkled.
Let’s be clear. democrats are not afraid of HCQ. They are scared to death of something else- that Donald Trump could be right.

Indeed, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and especially Botox Nan are mostly afraid that the HCQ +Zn and AZT is the most economical treatment that will shorten the epidemic before they can make full use of it. How could Big Pharma fund the DNC unless they come up with a new more expensive and less effective drug to shill to the public.
Nonetheless, HCQ has been used effectively as an antiviral for over 60 years and is safe when used even for heart patients. You have to ask why doctors are using it and politicians of all stripes have been prescribed when affected by the virus. If the drug was not safe and effective, why was Boris Johnson treated with the drug?
Another point to be made is, if HCQ is not an effective antiviral drug, why is it that tens of thousands of men and women are prescribed and treated with HCQ (Plaquenil) in the treatment of Lupus. rheumatoid arthritis and malaria?


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Yeap. He just lost a significant portion of the black vote with that remark.

Go ahead kiddies, try spinning this any way you can!
No he didn't.

Jessie Jackson Race pimps like you are losing your grip on black people. Many don't see a reason to remain in chains under the CCP democrats.
trump is at 3 percent black support according to the most recent poll from Quinnipiac. Nobody black is moving to the republican party. The only race pimps are republicans, they are white and they are pimping you.

Youz a real black, dats right! Youz a Biden Boy
lol. what a load. if anyone deserves being called a fatso it is this scumbag currently playing president. he opened that door decades ago.
lol. what a load. if anyone deserves being called a fatso it is this scumbag currently playing president. he opened that door decades ago.
yeah, but Pelosi wouldn't have done something so stupid a year ago. She owned Trump in upsmanship. Impeachment seems to have done her in. Time for a new leader.

“You’ve got more questions?” Biden replied. “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black."
Dementia Checklist #10:

"A person with dementia may experience mood swings or personality changes. For example, they may become irritable, depressed, fearful, or anxious.

They may also become more disinhibited or act inappropriately."

View attachment 339452

OMG Joe Biden actually said that??? Can he be any more insulting to African Americans. smh
Biden is right. If a black person is actually thinking about supporting trump, they ain't black. We will say that to each other and have said that about black trump stooges. Biden was being politically incorrect, ain't that what you whites like?

Youz gotsta defend the whitey!

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