"Biden's documents are different from Trump's documents"

But if he did tell someone, it would have prevented a huge legal battle.

Why didn't he do so? Did he want to have a search warrant served on his house? Did he want a DoJ investigation into his handling of the documents?
He probably assumed it would never be an issue. Plus, Trump doesnt report to people. His ego wont allow it and his executive privilege protects him from needing to do so anyway.
I am not asserting that he had to follow some formal procedure.

I'm stating that his failure to do so during his legal battle tells us that the assertion they're declassified is baseless.
So, yes you are asserting he has to follow some formal procedure.
Trump has never formally asserted to any authority in the government that these documents were declassified. Even if they were, there are still two problems. First problem is that they're still not his. Declassifying documents makes them available for FOIA request, which they weren't. Second problem is that he was issued a subpoena that compelled him to return the documents whether he declassified them or not. Trump had no legal authority to defy that subpoena.

I read the OP, and can poke more holes in it if needed.
if you want, you can poke holes into anything.

For example:

SC Patriot: I love my wife

Marener: What race is your wife

SC Patriot: She is white

Marener: So what you really are saying is you only love white women.

Now....Sure, I can say "I never siad that"

But then you will ask "how many black people have you loved"

And I would say none I can think of.

And now I am a racist.

Thats how it works...and you are one of the kings of that ploy.
Big Update!

Was just watching Steve Bannon talking with Boris Epshteyn and Boris is reporting that the documents were Top Secret SCI and the documents were at a think tank funded by the CCP.

As Biden was the VP at the time, he was subject to the Federal Records Act, not Presidential Records Act.

Big difference!
He probably assumed it would never be an issue. Plus, Trump doesnt report to people. His ego wont allow it and his executive privilege protects him from needing to do so anyway.
Your hypothesis makes no sense. It became quite clear to Trump that it did become an issue when NARA formally requested the documents back shortly after he left office and that was just the start of the issue.

And he still didn't tell anyone that they were declassified to this day.

I'm quite sure his ego plays a part, but that's not really a legal defense. Executive privilege also is not a legal defense since he's not the executive.
So, yes you are asserting he has to follow some formal procedure.
I'm saying that Trump's decision not to tell anyone about declassifying the documents makes no sense in light of the consequences he has faced for not doing so.

It's almost as if he doesn't actually want them declassified.
...I have been seeing a lot of people claiming this, so lets examine the differences.

"Biden's team reported it immediately, unlike Trump"

Correction, Biden's LAWYER who randomly found the documents reported it immediately. Why? Because he is a lawyer who knows that if he didnt do that, he would now be a part of this crime too. He isnt going to take the fall for The Big Guy. He already knows that the Biden's are going to be heavily investigated. He undoubtedly wants no part of that. Also, reporting it now doesnt mean that the crime of taking them in the first place wasnt committed. Admitting to murder doesnt mean you wont get in trouble for it.

"Biden only had 10 documents while Trump had 100"

Trump had a bunch of random stuff, like letters from Kim Jong Un. The amount of documents is irrelevant. Its either a crime to take documents or it isnt. Furthermore, according to CNN, Biden had material with the SCI classification, which is higher than Top Secret. This is the order of classification from lowest to highest... Classified, Secret, Top Secret, SCI. Also, its important to point out that Hillary had HUNDREDS of documents. Way more than Trump.

"Biden didnt know he had them, while Trump did know and he still refused to give them up."

You would have to be a fool to think that Biden didnt know. Aint no one gonna believe that horseshit. Biden also didnt have declassification powers as VP. Trump can declassify at will. I know you democrats will say "nuh uh", but you cant prove my statement wrong beyond that. Worse case scenario is that a legal debate will take place to determine if presidents can do what Trump did, but currently it isnt illegal. Biden taking them however is HIGHLY illegal and it isnt legally debatable.

More differences im seeing are the fact that we knew immediately in real time about Trumps documents. Bidens document scandal was hidden for 2 months. It was hidden right before the midterm elections in fact. I think we can all agree that there isnt a chance in fucking hell that Biden's homes will get raided by the FBI, unlike Trump. Hillary didnt get raided either, nor did Bill Clinton.

Bide 's documents are diffetent.

Being only a VICE President he dodnothsve any authority to declassify, making his violation much more serious.

6 years holding SECRET, TOP SECRET, and potentially higher classified information ... add in the fact that theentire Biden family are a bunch of political, influence / information / favor-peddling hores wh have betrayed throt country, broken laws, and sold just about anything not theirs to anyone....and you have potentially a VERY serious national security breach / violation.

I think the homes and offices of all the Bidens' shoud be raided and searched.

I think tbe FBI should be forced to hand over Hunter Biden's laptop immediately ... or the FBI HQ and homes / offices of Wray and top FBI officials should be raided to get it.

I think Biden should be forced to testify under oath about this stash of illegally obtained / possessed classified ASAP.

I think the contents of the classified material should be cataoged and released to tbe public:
- Subject / Source / original location from which it was illegally procured / Document Classification Level, classification source (who clasdified the documents and when)

Biden has declared he takes breaches of security and leaks of classified information seriously. Here's his chance to prove it...

....and it allneeds yo be done transparently, live on CNN, all except actual classified info being released / exposed
Big Update!

Was just watching Steve Bannon talking with Boris Epshteyn and Boris is reporting that the documents were Top Secret SCI and the documents were at a think tank funded by the CCP.

As Biden was the VP at the time, he was subject to the Federal Records Act, not Presidential Records Act.

Big difference!
Got it.

Democrats are true and honest. Republicans are liars and dishonest.

We get it with you
Your hypothesis makes no sense. It became quite clear to Trump that it did become an issue when NARA formally requested the documents back shortly after he left office and that was just the start of the issue.
...at which point a LEGAL battle in court began. Then out of nowhere the DOJ raids his home.

I REALLY hope they dont raid Bidens home. Do you have any idea how fucking terrible that is going to look for dems? Everything us conservatives have been saying about unequal justice will once again be proven. We are winning like crazy recently, and you guys are losing badly. Hypocrisy is not a great way to win people over.
The difference is as simple as one President Republican the other Democrat the Republican this is worse than Watergate the Democrat nothing too see here. I don’t believe there was any malice or criminal intent in either case the real story is the total over the top reaction to one and the non reaction to the other.
I'm saying that Trump's decision not to tell anyone about declassifying the documents makes no sense in light of the consequences he has faced for not doing so.

It's almost as if he doesn't actually want them declassified.
So in light of 20/20 hindsight, it makes no sense?

You are some special kind of dumb fuck.

Read this:

There’s A Difference Between Biden And Trump’s Classified Documents Snafus, But It’s Not What You Think​

New House oversight chair { James Comer } explained it sunday
night on - Life,Liberty & Levin -. Mark Levin asked about the
possible problems with the National Archivist.Comer explained
that Prior to this summer and all the heat Trump & Co. faced with
Classified Docs and cooperation/authority of the National Archivist.
Comer said that for the last 6 years or so ... The Name and authority
of the National Archivist was briefly mentioned maybe just once
a year.And it was him and the National Archivist who reported on
that yearly news.So Comer knows all about the position of a National
Archivist who rarely ever gets mentioned.Because he was the only member
of the House who yearly covered whatever duty a National Archivist
is charged with.
Keep in mind that Barack Obama's Very First Executive Order
was EO 13489 within 24 hrs. of being Inaugurated {sworn-in }
January 21,2009.That EO used the authority of the National Archivist
to SEAL all of Obama's personals.Even his Kindergarten application.
Everything related to BO.That was why during the Birther dilemma
after sworn-in No Judge would dare touch any Birther lawsuit.
Because there was no way to check the authority of facts regarding
Barack Obama.Nothing factual would be admissible in court.
Due to EO 13489.
...at which point a LEGAL battle in court began. Then out of nowhere the DOJ raids his home.

I REALLY hope they dont raid Bidens home. Do you have any idea how fucking terrible that is going to look for dems? Everything us conservatives have been saying about unequal justice will once again be proven. We are winning like crazy recently, and you guys are losing badly. Hypocrisy is not a great way to win people over.
Out of nowhere?

Trump's lawyers were engaged in legal arguments with NARA lawyers, DoJ lawyers for more than a year. If he believed it wouldn't be an issue, he was proven wrong almost immediately after leaving office. He even received a grand jury subpoena which he refused to comply with.

At any point in time, informing anyone that these documents were declassified would have changed the conversation. The only rational explanation for the decision not to do so is that Trump doesn't actually want these documents declassified.
Did Pedo Joe feed nuclear secrets to his buddy Putin from his stolen top secret documemts?
Did Biden refuse to comply with a grand jury subpoena?
Irrelevant to my point. You're still attempting to say, "Orange Man worse", then hoping against hope that will provide cover for Quid Pro. Either it's okay for a president and/or a VP to take such documents with them when they leave office or it's not. If it is, leave TRUMP! alone, and if it's not, condemn Quid Pro. It's really that simple.
So in light of 20/20 hindsight, it makes no sense?

You are some special kind of dumb fuck.
Hmm, hindsight. Interesting choice of words.

Almost as if he didn't actually declassify the documents and only said so in hindsight.
...I have been seeing a lot of people claiming this, so lets examine the differences.

"Biden's team reported it immediately, unlike Trump"

Correction, Biden's LAWYER who randomly found the documents reported it immediately. Why? Because he is a lawyer who knows that if he didnt do that, he would now be a part of this crime too. He isnt going to take the fall for The Big Guy. He already knows that the Biden's are going to be heavily investigated. He undoubtedly wants no part of that. Also, reporting it now doesnt mean that the crime of taking them in the first place wasnt committed. Admitting to murder doesnt mean you wont get in trouble for it.

"Biden only had 10 documents while Trump had 100"

Trump had a bunch of random stuff, like letters from Kim Jong Un. The amount of documents is irrelevant. Its either a crime to take documents or it isnt. Furthermore, according to CNN, Biden had material with the SCI classification, which is higher than Top Secret. This is the order of classification from lowest to highest... Classified, Secret, Top Secret, SCI. Also, its important to point out that Hillary had HUNDREDS of documents. Way more than Trump.

"Biden didnt know he had them, while Trump did know and he still refused to give them up."

You would have to be a fool to think that Biden didnt know. Aint no one gonna believe that horseshit. Biden also didnt have declassification powers as VP. Trump can declassify at will. I know you democrats will say "nuh uh", but you cant prove my statement wrong beyond that. Worse case scenario is that a legal debate will take place to determine if presidents can do what Trump did, but currently it isnt illegal. Biden taking them however is HIGHLY illegal and it isnt legally debatable.

More differences im seeing are the fact that we knew immediately in real time about Trumps documents. Bidens document scandal was hidden for 2 months. It was hidden right before the midterm elections in fact. I think we can all agree that there isnt a chance in fucking hell that Biden's homes will get raided by the FBI, unlike Trump. Hillary didnt get raided either, nor did Bill Clinton.

Trump declassified his documents before taking them to Mar-A-Lago.

Biden as VP had no such authority.

Therefore, we know for a fact that Biden illegally possessed the documents.

So there is the biggest difference of all.

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