"Biden's documents are different from Trump's documents"

haha no it’s not concealment is expected it’s a continuing crime. the mishandling happened right up to til the date they were discovered

The law isn't mishandling, it's taking documents illegally, if he even did, which is in doubt.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.​
The law isn't mishandling, it's taking documents illegally, if he even did, which is in doubt.

18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material​
(a) Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.​
the law makes removal and retention a crime.
Yes, both must happen to be a crime. Biden took the documents 6 years ago. That's when the clock started ticking.
incorrect…he took documents going back to his time as senator…the retention was happening up until nov 2022…the clock started running then when it was discovered. They have from then to bring charges.
incorrect…he took documents going back to his time as senator…the retention was happening up until nov 2022…the clock started running then when it was discovered. They have from then to bring charges.


You're truly brain dead. The law literally reads the crime is knowingly taking documents without authority and with the intent to retain them. That did not happen in November, 2022.


You're truly brain dead. The law literally reads the crime is knowingly taking documents without authority and with the intent to retain them. That did not happen in November, 2022.

i know because at that point one of his lawyers found them in reported what xiden was doing. Up until that point xiden was intending to retain them…hence the clock starts ticking. The only question at this point is, will there be enough dem senators willing to do the right thing and remove him once he is impeached so that he can be indicted
i know because at that point one of his lawyers found them in reported what xiden was doing. Up until that point xiden was intending to retain them…hence the clock starts ticking. The only question at this point is, will there be enough dem senators willing to do the right thing and remove him once he is impeached so that he can be indicted


Nut, again... the violation of that law is taking the documents without authority.

Again... that did not happen in November, 2022.

So you are perfectly OK with documents being uncovered by Joe’s lawyers who most likely lack the high clearance level and the “need to know” to view the information contained in those classified documents. What’s to say that those lawyers will not destroy evidence to protect Joe or sell it to some foreign nation for a nice profit? If they had a clearance that might not happen but a high level clearance takes time.

Yes, if it is necessary for the FBI to raid Trump’s home to find classified information he illegally took, it should be necessary to raid Biden’s home. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. The FBI shouldn’t look at Tump as a Washington D.C. outsider who is hated by the establishment and go after him with gusto while treating Joe as an establishment nice guy who is a well know Democrat who can do no wrong.

Now we find Joe has classified information he acquired while a Senator. How did he do that? He was supposed to view that information in a secure room and leave it IN THAT ROOM. What the hell was he doing with that information in his home? His coke addicted kid, Hunter, could have been selling that information to the Russians and the Chinese for cash to buy drugs and prostitutes.

I worked with classified information daily for almost half a century before I retired. I sure as hell never took it home with me to show my wife or daughter. In the Air Force I worked on a program and couldn’t tell my wife what the mission of that program was. (She found out at a hair dressers anyway.)

Little peons like me follow the law to the letter and if we don’t we pay a high price. Politicians like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are above the law and treat the rules on handling classified information like they are just chickenshit.
It is a very important question to ask, "Do Quid Pro's lawyers have the clearance necessary to see and handle classified documents?". If not, they should not be doing the search. If they do, well and good, but then you have to ask why they were granted the clearance.
So Trump’s defense is going to plead insanity then.

Because you’d have to be insane to think those documents were personal.
My question for Quid Pro is, if he didn't know the documents were there, as some have been pantingly declaring as a defense, why did he not know it? If he is responsible for the classified documents, as I believe he is, it is on him to make sure they get put back where they belong. Not doing so is negligence and incompetence, and if done by a person lower on the totem pole, criminal. Personally, I would not be surprised if he did not know there were classified documents in his garage, but that's because I believe his mind has been permanently out to lunch for years now and he just didn't give a flying rat's patoot what happened to them.
And the DOJ requested more security be placed on the docs they did not retrieve in June. They did not retrieve those docs because the subpoena they were using did not include those.

And a padlock is a pretty lame security device
It's what they asked for.

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