Biden's Economy Is Destroying Retirement Accounts in a Way Most People Are Overlooking


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And of course receives no coverage from the less than useless MSM.

And many expect this will get worse.

Government pensions that invested in commercial real estate are being hit hard by the ongoing crisis in the sector, which is threatening average Americans’ retirement plans, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Large U.S. public pensions lost 6% in the last 12 months on real estate investments, the largest loss since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service acquired by the WSJ. The losses are part of a broader crisis hitting commercial real estate due to a lack of demand and prohibitively high interest rates brought on by measures used to combat stubbornly high inflation under President Joe Biden.

“Folks are allocating less dollars, trying to understand what they have in their portfolio,” Shawn Quinn, managing director of Wilshire, told the WSJ. “Institutional investors are not quite sure if we’ve hit the bottom yet.”

The California State Teachers’ Retirement System lost around 9% on its $333 billion real estate portfolio in 2023 amid the downturn in commercial real estate, according to the WSJ. High rates spurred by the uptick in inflation under Biden have contributed largely to falling commercial property values.


Privately managed funds have also taken a hit, losing 12% in 2023 on their commercial real estate properties, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment acquired by the WSJ. Some funds are still holding on to properties in the hope that the crisis will ease, with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System not yet offloading an office tower in Manhattan worth $917 million, down 12% from when it was purchased in 2016.

The threat to Americans’ pensions comes at a time when retirement costs have skyrocketed due to inflation. Americans estimate that to comfortably retire, they will need $1.46 million saved, 15% more than they said in the previous year.

People were saving money under Trump today they are spending down their savings... and its starting to show in the economy... people aren't dining out or doing any unnecessary spending...
Even the golf course I play at is wide open during the week... that tells me we are back in Obama's economy...
And of course receives no coverage from the less than useless MSM.

And many expect this will get worse.

Government pensions that invested in commercial real estate are being hit hard by the ongoing crisis in the sector, which is threatening average Americans’ retirement plans, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
Large U.S. public pensions lost 6% in the last 12 months on real estate investments, the largest loss since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service acquired by the WSJ. The losses are part of a broader crisis hitting commercial real estate due to a lack of demand and prohibitively high interest rates brought on by measures used to combat stubbornly high inflation under President Joe Biden.
“Folks are allocating less dollars, trying to understand what they have in their portfolio,” Shawn Quinn, managing director of Wilshire, told the WSJ. “Institutional investors are not quite sure if we’ve hit the bottom yet.”
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System lost around 9% on its $333 billion real estate portfolio in 2023 amid the downturn in commercial real estate, according to the WSJ. High rates spurred by the uptick in inflation under Biden have contributed largely to falling commercial property values.
Privately managed funds have also taken a hit, losing 12% in 2023 on their commercial real estate properties, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment acquired by the WSJ. Some funds are still holding on to properties in the hope that the crisis will ease, with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System not yet offloading an office tower in Manhattan worth $917 million, down 12% from when it was purchased in 2016.
The threat to Americans’ pensions comes at a time when retirement costs have skyrocketed due to inflation. Americans estimate that to comfortably retire, they will need $1.46 million saved, 15% more than they said in the previous year.

Ours have gotten better, with more money in retirement asset investments, than any time trump was in office, and I retired in the fall of 2016. If you are behind, you just pay no attention or are a lousy investor.
And of course receives no coverage from the less than useless MSM.

And many expect this will get worse.

Government pensions that invested in commercial real estate are being hit hard by the ongoing crisis in the sector, which is threatening average Americans’ retirement plans, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
Large U.S. public pensions lost 6% in the last 12 months on real estate investments, the largest loss since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service acquired by the WSJ. The losses are part of a broader crisis hitting commercial real estate due to a lack of demand and prohibitively high interest rates brought on by measures used to combat stubbornly high inflation under President Joe Biden.
“Folks are allocating less dollars, trying to understand what they have in their portfolio,” Shawn Quinn, managing director of Wilshire, told the WSJ. “Institutional investors are not quite sure if we’ve hit the bottom yet.”
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System lost around 9% on its $333 billion real estate portfolio in 2023 amid the downturn in commercial real estate, according to the WSJ. High rates spurred by the uptick in inflation under Biden have contributed largely to falling commercial property values.
Privately managed funds have also taken a hit, losing 12% in 2023 on their commercial real estate properties, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment acquired by the WSJ. Some funds are still holding on to properties in the hope that the crisis will ease, with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System not yet offloading an office tower in Manhattan worth $917 million, down 12% from when it was purchased in 2016.
The threat to Americans’ pensions comes at a time when retirement costs have skyrocketed due to inflation. Americans estimate that to comfortably retire, they will need $1.46 million saved, 15% more than they said in the previous year.

If you rely on someone else to take care of you, when you retire, then you are more the fool. Pensions are like Social Security, a Ponzi Scheme taking money from the young to pay the old when they retire. The only way you know that you can retire with enough to survive on, is if you do it yourself, and learn the way Nancy Piglosi invested. She is by far the beast investor ever.
Ours have gotten better, with more money in retirement asset investments, than any time trump was in office, and I retired in the fall of 2016. If you are behind, you just pay no attention or are a lousy investor.

You obviously didn't read the OP (your comprehension seems that of a 3rd grader anyway).
Yeah, and your gasoline and food prices have gone up 50%. Did your investments double?
My gas is usually bought at .40 to .60 off/gallon, so not a bother. Besides, we are producing more than ever before, just not enough to make up for the cutbacks of OPEC and others, trying to maintain world supply at lower level, to continue to maximize profit. Not a Biden result, though it surprises many Republicans, our oil output and new oil and gas approved under the Biden admin has worked out this way. I don't care if we (with 6th largest reserves) increase output more or not, as we cannot make up for what is not being produced elsewhere in the world, and will only draw down our reserves faster. I am not interested in running out before the 5 countries with much higher reserves. I doubt if terms at that time will be favorable to us. That is why I like the approach of continuing to develop technology and infrastructure in alternatives now.
Food is higher, but not 50% higher. You do your argument no good by exaggeration. Did you see the woman testifying before congress, suggesting the 5 largest grocers in the country are controlling prices to keep their profits higher. I have friends and relatives in farming, agriculture, cattle and pigs. I have not heard them crowing about the increase in sale prices, probably because, that is not where the big money is being made. If you are hearing different from producers in your area, I would be interested to hear it. Donny says if elected, he is going to sock it to China on trade. Sounds like another hit, to US Farmers, who had to be paid off by the US Government for the loss of markets, last time. No wonder BIG Agra is doing so well. They got the biggest payoff and the number of small farms taken over by Bid Agra increase steeply under the Trump administration.
You obviously didn't read the OP (your comprehension seems that of a 3rd grader anyway).
Oh, I read and understand. It is just not affecting me, nor people I know. If real estate is dropping, it isn’t in evidence around here. Prices are high and homes and land not staying on the market long. I don't know how it is where you are. Beach homes for lease, certainly are not dropping, I can tell you that.
My gas is usually bought at .40 to .60 off/gallon, so not a bother. Besides, we are producing more than ever before, just not enough to make up for the cutbacks of OPEC and others, trying to maintain world supply at lower level, to continue to maximize profit. Not a Biden result, though it surprises many Republicans, our oil output and new oil and gas approved under the Biden admin has worked out this way. I don't care if we (with 6th largest reserves) increase output more or not, as we cannot make up for what is not being produced elsewhere in the world, and will only draw down our reserves faster. I am not interested in running out before the 5 countries with much higher reserves. I doubt if terms at that time will be favorable to us. That is why I like the approach of continuing to develop technology and infrastructure in alternatives now.
Food is higher, but not 50% higher. You do your argument no good by exaggeration. Did you see the woman testifying before congress, suggesting the 5 largest grocers in the country are controlling prices to keep their profits higher. I have friends and relatives in farming, agriculture, cattle and pigs. I have not heard them crowing about the increase in sale prices, probably because, that is not where the big money is being made. If you are hearing different from producers in your area, I would be interested to hear it. Donny says if elected, he is going to sock it to China on trade. Sounds like another hit, to US Farmers, who had to be paid off by the US Government for the loss of markets, last time. No wonder BIG Agra is doing so well. They got the biggest payoff and the number of small farms taken over by Bid Agra increase steeply under the Trump administration.
Even at 40 to 60 cents lower, it is still 1 dollar more per gallon, but hey, i guess the poor and lower middle class can just suck it up, right?
Even at 40 to 60 cents lower, it is still 1 dollar more per gallon, but hey, i guess the poor and lower middle class can just suck it up, right?
Perhaps, you forgot about the shut down in production under Trump, during Covid. Everybody else went back to work around Easter, but oil production stayed in the toilet to create the shortage that gave Big Oil Record breaking profits on low world supply. They could have turned on the pumps and helped Donny out, but did not. Of course, as I said and is easily documented the other large oil producing countries have actually cut back to limit supply, though we produce more than ever in the history of our country, easily more than any other country.
its $3.25 near me. Under Trump is was $2.. Thats an extra $60 out of my pocket every week! Food costs around here are also very much elevated. A decent steak at the store is $20. It used to be $10. Bred used to be $3.29 its now 6.29 Buy chips lately? $4.49 for a 7 oz 'family size' bag of chips. Family size 5 years ago was 20+ ounces. now its 7.
Perhaps, you forgot about the shut down in production under Trump, during Covid. Everybody else went back to work around Easter, but oil production stayed in the toilet to create the shortage that gave Big Oil Record breaking profits on low world supply. They could have turned on the pumps and helped Donny out, but did not. Of course, as I said and is easily documented the other large oil producing countries have actually cut back to limit supply, though we produce more than ever in the history of our country, easily more than any other country.
So when the gasoline prices were $1.85 during Covid, was that the shutdown of oil that caused that?

its $3.25 near me. Under Trump is was $2.. Thats an extra $60 out of my pocket every week! Food costs around here are also very much elevated. A decent steak at the store is $20. It used to be $10. Bred used to be $3.29 its now 6.29 Buy chips lately? $4.49 for a 7 oz 'family size' bag of chips. Family size 5 years ago was 20+ ounces. now its 7.
But the Mod W6 just doesnt give a shit about you or the people on a fixed income who voted for Mr Potato head thinking he would unite the country and keep orange man with mean tweets out of office.
So when the gasoline prices were $1.85 during Covid, was that the shutdown of oil that caused that?

That was the oil glut on the market, while factories were shutting down across the globe, dude. You should have begged big oil to keep the gut going. You gotta admit, they didn't do jacksht, because it was not in their business interests, politics be damn.
That was the oil glut on the market, while factories were shutting down across the globe, dude. You should have begged big oil to keep the gut going. You gotta admit, they didn't do jacksht, because it was not in their business interests, politics be damn.
So if there is an oil glut why wouldnt some oil production be cut? And of course Tony Fauxci told everyone that he was Mr. Science and new everything.
And of course receives no coverage from the less than useless MSM.

And many expect this will get worse.

Government pensions that invested in commercial real estate are being hit hard by the ongoing crisis in the sector, which is threatening average Americans’ retirement plans, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
Large U.S. public pensions lost 6% in the last 12 months on real estate investments, the largest loss since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service acquired by the WSJ. The losses are part of a broader crisis hitting commercial real estate due to a lack of demand and prohibitively high interest rates brought on by measures used to combat stubbornly high inflation under President Joe Biden.
“Folks are allocating less dollars, trying to understand what they have in their portfolio,” Shawn Quinn, managing director of Wilshire, told the WSJ. “Institutional investors are not quite sure if we’ve hit the bottom yet.”
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System lost around 9% on its $333 billion real estate portfolio in 2023 amid the downturn in commercial real estate, according to the WSJ. High rates spurred by the uptick in inflation under Biden have contributed largely to falling commercial property values.
Privately managed funds have also taken a hit, losing 12% in 2023 on their commercial real estate properties, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment acquired by the WSJ. Some funds are still holding on to properties in the hope that the crisis will ease, with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System not yet offloading an office tower in Manhattan worth $917 million, down 12% from when it was purchased in 2016.
The threat to Americans’ pensions comes at a time when retirement costs have skyrocketed due to inflation. Americans estimate that to comfortably retire, they will need $1.46 million saved, 15% more than they said in the previous year.

This is silly

Things go up and down all the time in financial markets
And of course receives no coverage from the less than useless MSM.

And many expect this will get worse.

Government pensions that invested in commercial real estate are being hit hard by the ongoing crisis in the sector, which is threatening average Americans’ retirement plans, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
Large U.S. public pensions lost 6% in the last 12 months on real estate investments, the largest loss since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to data from Wilshire Trust Universe Comparison Service acquired by the WSJ. The losses are part of a broader crisis hitting commercial real estate due to a lack of demand and prohibitively high interest rates brought on by measures used to combat stubbornly high inflation under President Joe Biden.
“Folks are allocating less dollars, trying to understand what they have in their portfolio,” Shawn Quinn, managing director of Wilshire, told the WSJ. “Institutional investors are not quite sure if we’ve hit the bottom yet.”
The California State Teachers’ Retirement System lost around 9% on its $333 billion real estate portfolio in 2023 amid the downturn in commercial real estate, according to the WSJ. High rates spurred by the uptick in inflation under Biden have contributed largely to falling commercial property values.
Privately managed funds have also taken a hit, losing 12% in 2023 on their commercial real estate properties, according to data from the National Council of Real Estate Investment acquired by the WSJ. Some funds are still holding on to properties in the hope that the crisis will ease, with the California Public Employees’ Retirement System not yet offloading an office tower in Manhattan worth $917 million, down 12% from when it was purchased in 2016.
The threat to Americans’ pensions comes at a time when retirement costs have skyrocketed due to inflation. Americans estimate that to comfortably retire, they will need $1.46 million saved, 15% more than they said in the previous year.

Bulls make money
Bears make money.
Pigs get eaten.
Welcome to investing 101.

Not sure how you blame Biden for dumb investment decisions but, let's face it...

Joe Biden could raise the dead and you'd blame him for devaluing graves.
its $3.25 near me. Under Trump is was $2.. Thats an extra $60 out of my pocket every week! Food costs around here are also very much elevated. A decent steak at the store is $20. It used to be $10. Bred used to be $3.29 its now 6.29 Buy chips lately? $4.49 for a 7 oz 'family size' bag of chips. Family size 5 years ago was 20+ ounces. now its 7.
So what EXACTLY did Joe Biden do to reduce the size of your potato chip bag?

Seriously, we need this information.

Was it some ultra-secret Bag Reduction EO?
An EO setting chip numbers?

Tell us!!!

So when the gasoline prices were $1.85 during Covid, was that the shutdown of oil that caused that?

Lack of demand honey.
supply and demand
The foundation of the market economy.,

I thought they taught you guys this in KKKlown KKKollege.


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