Biden's first 100 days: Has he really acccomplished anything?

He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.

One report amongst the many he got every day, how many of those other reports turned out to discuss possible events that never happened?

And ask several Democrats about their views on the virus in late January 2020. Saying to keep going out to restaurants, saying don't avoid Chinatowns because the virus was in China, keeping Mass transit systems open.

It's amazing how your side tries to re-write history, but it shouldn't be. Orwell called you idiots out.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.

One report amongst the many he got every day, how many of those other reports turned out to discuss possible events that never happened?

And ask several Democrats about their views on the virus in late January 2020. Saying to keep going out to restaurants, saying don't avoid Chinatowns because the virus was in China, keeping Mass transit systems open.

It's amazing how your side tries to re-write history, but it shouldn't be. Orwell called you idiots out.
Yea that's your excuse. Sorry pal but let me quote Trump before he became President. He said, "leadership, no matter what happens, you're responsible and if it doesn't happen, you're responsible."

But I never recall once you Republicans saying Trump was responsible for anything other than the rocking economy. Why don't you suck his dick a little harder? You clearly swallow.

Several democrats said it? That's a trump technique. Who are these Democrats you refer to? And I'm sorry but they weren't leading the free world. I don't give a fuck what some liberal governor somewhere had to say.

Oh, and when our liberal governor tried to get you to wear your masks and social distance you tried to kidnap her. Said she was hurting your freedom. Just look at the Karen's online who hate masks.

And when you say one of many reports he got that day are you referring to Trump or Bush? And you think that any president who is warned of an upcoming event gets to use that excuse? I get a lot of warnings? If that's the case why bother warning/briefing them?
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.

One report amongst the many he got every day, how many of those other reports turned out to discuss possible events that never happened?

And ask several Democrats about their views on the virus in late January 2020. Saying to keep going out to restaurants, saying don't avoid Chinatowns because the virus was in China, keeping Mass transit systems open.

It's amazing how your side tries to re-write history, but it shouldn't be. Orwell called you idiots out.
Yea that's your excuse. Sorry pal but let me quote Trump before he became President. He said, "leadership, no matter what happens, you're responsible and if it doesn't happen, you're responsible."

But I never recall once you Republicans saying Trump was responsible for anything other than the rocking economy. Why don't you suck his dick a little harder? You clearly swallow.

Several democrats said it? That's a trump technique. Who are these Democrats you refer to? And I'm sorry but they weren't leading the free world. I don't give a fuck what some liberal governor somewhere had to say.

Oh, and when our liberal governor tried to get you to wear your masks and social distance you tried to kidnap her. Said she was hurting your freedom. Just look at the Karen's online who hate masks.

And when you say one of many reports he got that day are you referring to Trump or Bush? And you think that any president who is warned of an upcoming event gets to use that excuse? I get a lot of warnings? If that's the case why bother warning/briefing them?
Biden is a hand puppet. A bad one. That false potentate has the easiest schedule any President ever has had.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

The president has raised Pelosi’s visit several times in recent days to counter criticism that he was slow to react to the coronavirus. He repeatedly mentions that he issued travel restrictions on China, which he did on Jan. 31. Meanwhile, he points out, the House speaker was urging people to go to Chinatown.

Trump is mischaracterizing and exaggerating what she said during her visit. And while Trump did issue the travel restrictions, as we have reported, he also downplayed the danger of the virus in a series of remarks and tweets from Jan. 22 to March 10.

So, Pelosi mentioned the Chinese New Year parade. But she did not say, “‘Let’s all have the big parade — Chinatown parade,'” as Trump maintained during the April 13 coronavirus briefing. In fact, the parade occurred on Feb. 8.

As for the coronavirus, Pelosi didn’t deny its existence — contrary to Trump’s remarks — while visiting Chinatown. She struck a middle ground. “Prevention, prevention, prevention. We want people to be concerned and vigilant,” she said. “However, we don’t want them to be afraid.”

On March 29, on CNN’s “State of the Union,” she said, “his denial at the beginning was deadly. His delaying of getting equipment to where — it continues — his delay in getting equipment to where it’s needed is deadly.”

Trump returned fire the following day in an interview on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” assailing Pelosi as a “sick puppy.”
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.

One report amongst the many he got every day, how many of those other reports turned out to discuss possible events that never happened?

And ask several Democrats about their views on the virus in late January 2020. Saying to keep going out to restaurants, saying don't avoid Chinatowns because the virus was in China, keeping Mass transit systems open.

It's amazing how your side tries to re-write history, but it shouldn't be. Orwell called you idiots out.
Yea that's your excuse. Sorry pal but let me quote Trump before he became President. He said, "leadership, no matter what happens, you're responsible and if it doesn't happen, you're responsible."

But I never recall once you Republicans saying Trump was responsible for anything other than the rocking economy. Why don't you suck his dick a little harder? You clearly swallow.

Several democrats said it? That's a trump technique. Who are these Democrats you refer to? And I'm sorry but they weren't leading the free world. I don't give a fuck what some liberal governor somewhere had to say.

Oh, and when our liberal governor tried to get you to wear your masks and social distance you tried to kidnap her. Said she was hurting your freedom. Just look at the Karen's online who hate masks.

And when you say one of many reports he got that day are you referring to Trump or Bush? And you think that any president who is warned of an upcoming event gets to use that excuse? I get a lot of warnings? If that's the case why bother warning/briefing them?

It's amazing you only hold Trump to hard standards when it suits your hatred of him.

Pelosi, Cuomo, DiBlasio to name a few. But keep ignoring it like the hack you are.

I don't live in Michigan, so I don't see why you link me to that, other than the usual attempt to link anyone to the right of mitt romney to neo-nazis.

Look at the Karens online who bitch about people not wearing masks on sidewalks or in parks.

Did the warning Bush got give specifics on time, place and methods?

It was a generic warning of possible terrorist attacks, like many he probably got before and after 9/11.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
She said "Come to Chinatown" when the China Plague had just arrived in the U.S.
Stop defending the indefensible.
I see Biden made his speech (indoors) without a mask. But then he speaks to world leaders in a zoom meeting wearing a mask.
Textbook virtue signalling.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Yea when you factor in the first few years when he was getting us out of the Bush Great recession. The greatest recession we've seen since the great depression. Never forget that you intellectually dishonest con.

Here is a fact. In Obama's last year Trump was dogging Obama for only having 2.2% growth the prior year. Trump said he would have 3, 4 or even 5% growth. In 2019, long before the pandemic, Trump had 2.3% growth.

So eat a dick you idiot. Trump had no better numbers than Obama.

Back when Obama was doing good we said look at the stock market. You guys said yea but look at growth. Should be higher. But then you guys got in and we said what about your 2.3% growth and you said yea but look at the stock market. Do you know you do this?
Barry having the worst recovery since WWII really triggers you, huh Simpleton?
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Yea when you factor in the first few years when he was getting us out of the Bush Great recession. The greatest recession we've seen since the great depression. Never forget that you intellectually dishonest con.

Here is a fact. In Obama's last year Trump was dogging Obama for only having 2.2% growth the prior year. Trump said he would have 3, 4 or even 5% growth. In 2019, long before the pandemic, Trump had 2.3% growth.

So eat a dick you idiot. Trump had no better numbers than Obama.

Back when Obama was doing good we said look at the stock market. You guys said yea but look at growth. Should be higher. But then you guys got in and we said what about your 2.3% growth and you said yea but look at the stock market. Do you know you do this?
Trumpers hate data and graphs and stuff....feels are more important....

Like how they want to "FEEL" that Obama didn't really lower black unemployment by the largest percent reduction in US history.....because it feels better to pretend Trump did...

View attachment 485182

Or how they want to "FEEL" that Trump delivered stronger annual GDP numbers than any other president ever ever ever...when he didn't beat out the previous guy...View attachment 485183
Funny how your graph magically stops right before Trump's 2 quarters of over 30% growth.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
She said "Come to Chinatown" when the China Plague had just arrived in the U.S.
Stop defending the indefensible.
What's wrong with going to Chinatown? Do you blame Chinese American's for what happened in China?
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Yea when you factor in the first few years when he was getting us out of the Bush Great recession. The greatest recession we've seen since the great depression. Never forget that you intellectually dishonest con.

Here is a fact. In Obama's last year Trump was dogging Obama for only having 2.2% growth the prior year. Trump said he would have 3, 4 or even 5% growth. In 2019, long before the pandemic, Trump had 2.3% growth.

So eat a dick you idiot. Trump had no better numbers than Obama.

Back when Obama was doing good we said look at the stock market. You guys said yea but look at growth. Should be higher. But then you guys got in and we said what about your 2.3% growth and you said yea but look at the stock market. Do you know you do this?
Trumpers hate data and graphs and stuff....feels are more important....

Like how they want to "FEEL" that Obama didn't really lower black unemployment by the largest percent reduction in US history.....because it feels better to pretend Trump did...

View attachment 485182

Or how they want to "FEEL" that Trump delivered stronger annual GDP numbers than any other president ever ever ever...when he didn't beat out the previous guy...View attachment 485183
Funny how your graph magically stops right before Trump's 2 quarters of over 30% growth.

What you are saying is half true

And by the way, we don't judge our economy in 2 quarter blocks. How did he do for the year? What was his GDP that year? According to Candidate Trump his number that year was unacceptable. I believe it was under 4%?

The record growth in the third quarter came after a record drop in the quarter before, and the economy is not back to where it once was.

In terms of jobs, 9.6 million fewer people are employed than a year ago.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Yea when you factor in the first few years when he was getting us out of the Bush Great recession. The greatest recession we've seen since the great depression. Never forget that you intellectually dishonest con.

Here is a fact. In Obama's last year Trump was dogging Obama for only having 2.2% growth the prior year. Trump said he would have 3, 4 or even 5% growth. In 2019, long before the pandemic, Trump had 2.3% growth.

So eat a dick you idiot. Trump had no better numbers than Obama.

Back when Obama was doing good we said look at the stock market. You guys said yea but look at growth. Should be higher. But then you guys got in and we said what about your 2.3% growth and you said yea but look at the stock market. Do you know you do this?
Trumpers hate data and graphs and stuff....feels are more important....

Like how they want to "FEEL" that Obama didn't really lower black unemployment by the largest percent reduction in US history.....because it feels better to pretend Trump did...

View attachment 485182

Or how they want to "FEEL" that Trump delivered stronger annual GDP numbers than any other president ever ever ever...when he didn't beat out the previous guy...View attachment 485183
Funny how your graph magically stops right before Trump's 2 quarters of over 30% growth.
Funny how you cant' refute a single thing I said tho....

Oh by the way........Biden's first quarter of GDP growth is 6.4%.....and this is the guy you claim is destroying America....

Which tells me your faux interest in GDP numbers is full of shit.....
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Yea when you factor in the first few years when he was getting us out of the Bush Great recession. The greatest recession we've seen since the great depression. Never forget that you intellectually dishonest con.

Here is a fact. In Obama's last year Trump was dogging Obama for only having 2.2% growth the prior year. Trump said he would have 3, 4 or even 5% growth. In 2019, long before the pandemic, Trump had 2.3% growth.

So eat a dick you idiot. Trump had no better numbers than Obama.

Back when Obama was doing good we said look at the stock market. You guys said yea but look at growth. Should be higher. But then you guys got in and we said what about your 2.3% growth and you said yea but look at the stock market. Do you know you do this?
Trumpers hate data and graphs and stuff....feels are more important....

Like how they want to "FEEL" that Obama didn't really lower black unemployment by the largest percent reduction in US history.....because it feels better to pretend Trump did...

View attachment 485182

Or how they want to "FEEL" that Trump delivered stronger annual GDP numbers than any other president ever ever ever...when he didn't beat out the previous guy...View attachment 485183
Funny how your graph magically stops right before Trump's 2 quarters of over 30% growth.

What you are saying is half true

And by the way, we don't judge our economy in 2 quarter blocks. How did he do for the year? What was his GDP that year? According to Candidate Trump his number that year was unacceptable. I believe it was under 4%?

The record growth in the third quarter came after a record drop in the quarter before, and the economy is not back to where it once was.

In terms of jobs, 9.6 million fewer people are employed than a year ago.
Half true? It was 100% true. He cut the numbers off right before the two 30%+ growth quarters.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Yea when you factor in the first few years when he was getting us out of the Bush Great recession. The greatest recession we've seen since the great depression. Never forget that you intellectually dishonest con.

Here is a fact. In Obama's last year Trump was dogging Obama for only having 2.2% growth the prior year. Trump said he would have 3, 4 or even 5% growth. In 2019, long before the pandemic, Trump had 2.3% growth.

So eat a dick you idiot. Trump had no better numbers than Obama.

Back when Obama was doing good we said look at the stock market. You guys said yea but look at growth. Should be higher. But then you guys got in and we said what about your 2.3% growth and you said yea but look at the stock market. Do you know you do this?
Trumpers hate data and graphs and stuff....feels are more important....

Like how they want to "FEEL" that Obama didn't really lower black unemployment by the largest percent reduction in US history.....because it feels better to pretend Trump did...

View attachment 485182

Or how they want to "FEEL" that Trump delivered stronger annual GDP numbers than any other president ever ever ever...when he didn't beat out the previous guy...View attachment 485183
Funny how your graph magically stops right before Trump's 2 quarters of over 30% growth.
Funny how you cant' refute a single thing I said tho....

Oh by the way........Biden's first quarter of GDP growth is 6.4%.....and this is the guy you claim is destroying America....

Which tells me your faux interest in GDP numbers is full of shit.....
That would be Trump's growth, Stupid.

Pedo Joe hasn't passed a budget yet.
He has managed to play one game of golf.
He has accomplished one goal and that's to get Trump off my fucking tv every day. It's so nice going an entire day without hearing his name. Or even weeks go by and I don't think about him anymore. Like GW Bush.

But he's still living rent free in your dime store head.
Trumpers were yelling lock her up about Hillary for Trump's whole term -- but now you fragile minded little bitches wanna whine about anyone mentioning Trump 3 months into Biden's term??
FOH....don't want us to mention Trump, wipe that orange jizz off your mouth first

And living rent free in your nickel store head.

Dumber than sealy, that takes effort.
You Republicans don't live in reality. This guy at the dog park called me a libtard and said something about Trump doing a good job. I said no he didn't do a good job. He said look at the stock market. I said look at jobs growth. Only around 2.3% growth. Almost identical to Obama's numbers. And, I told the stupid fuck, the reason I bring up GDP is because that's what you guys did when we told you Obama was doing a good job and pointed to the stock market doing good.

Do you see the double standard? The stock market wasn't good enough indication that Obama was or wasn't doing a good job. What about growth? Less than 3%? Pathetic guys like you and Trump said. Trump said he would have 3, 4 even 5% growth.

So I don't know why you would call me dumb. You're the one who holds us liberals up to a much higher standard than you hold yourselves. You are hypocrites no?

And also remember when we said look at how low unemployment numbers were on Obama's watch you didn't believe those numbers. But the minute Trump took office and the number went down 00.0001%, you suddenly believed the numbers and said Trump was doing better than Obama did. If you aren't going to be fair why even talk to an idiot liar like you? If you were intellectually honest with us, you'd be a fucking idiot to say the things you say. Mental midget.

And the unemployment numbers should have gone down and the GDP should have been through the roof in 2019 after those Trump tax breaks but the fact is Trump gave all those tax breaks away and it hardly stimulated the economy. Only 2.3% growth in 2019 is proof.

Oh, I forgot my point. So as soon as my facts made my dog park friend uncomfortable, you should have seen his classic tactic Republicans use to shut down the debate they are losing. He says, "prove GDP was only 2.3% in 2019". I said, "you have a phone, look it up", and he said no the burden of proof is on me. I said listen you lazy cock sucker, if you can't tell me that GDP is something other than 2.3% in 2019 then fuck you. You must accept my number. He said FAKE NEWS and walked away.

Classic idiot Republican who doesn't care what the facts are.
"Only" 2.3% gdp???
So your annual growth is only 1.40% in Europe?
Sounds like the growth we had under Barry....1.9%
Which is still better than the historical negative in one quarter Trump was killed with.

Remember Bush was warned about 9-11 and did nothing?

Trump was warned on Jan. 28, 2020, about the deadliness of the virus in an Oval Office meeting with national security advisers yet he neglected to inform the American public of the threat posed by the virus in his State of the Union address on Feb. 9, 2020, nine days after he was briefed on it. It was a dereliction of basic duty.
And in response Pelosi told everyone to go to Chinatown without masks and hug Chinese because Trumphitler is a racist.

Why do you have to lie?

Are youm denying that Pelosi urged people to visit Chinatown during the pandemic?

To sum up: Pelosi did visit Chinatown in late February in an effort to encourage people to go there to eat and shop. But she did not support parades or parties, try to show the coronavirus didn’t exist or delete a tweet of her visit, as Trump claimed.
She said "Come to Chinatown" when the China Plague had just arrived in the U.S.
Stop defending the indefensible.
What's wrong with going to Chinatown? Do you blame Chinese American's for what happened in China?
What's wrong with going to Chinatown in February 2020?
Peak libtard.

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