Biden's first three months: Over 170,000 Americans dead from the Wuhan coronavirus

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
"President" Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with Covid. He is spreading the disease via untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens swarming in from Biden's wide open southern border.

"President" Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with Covid. He is spreading the disease via untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens swarming in from Biden's wide open southern border.

Let's see if my math is correct that equates to 680,000 deaths in a year......many more than his inept presidential predecessor, right? But in libber, Dim math that equates to "Pinochijoe has eradicated the virus"
"President" Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with Covid. He is spreading the disease via untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens swarming in from Biden's wide open southern border.

Let's see if my math is correct that equates to 680,000 deaths in a year......many more than his inept presidential predecessor, right? But in libber, Dim math that equates to "Pinochijoe has eradicated the virus"

That's right, we may cross the 1,000,000 dead mark sometime in October, while Red Joe drools into his oatmeal and Kamala laughs like a maniac.

I think your math is off. When Trump left office the number was only around 200,000 COVID related deaths. Now it's around 579,000...

That makes Biden's total 279,000 in his first three months.


"President" Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with Covid. He is spreading the disease via untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens swarming in from Biden's wide open southern border.

Still beating this dead horse? OK, one more time.
Every..single..death belongs to Donald John Trump.
It was his inept, incompetent, uncaring response to the virus that
allowed it to spread unchecked in this county. He simply didn't care.
He was too busy tweeting, golfing, and holding pep rallies.
End of story.
"President" Biden has NO PLAN for dealing with Covid. He is spreading the disease via untested, unvaccinated illegal aliens swarming in from Biden's wide open southern border.

His ChiCom masters ordered him to start a race war and disarm law abiding Americans
I think your math is off. When Trump left office the number was only around 200,000 COVID related deaths.
As you well know it was more than double that, plus all the people Tramp still had in hospitals who were dying from his incompetence.
Loving the Trumpsters' meltdowns.
Turning on the TV and seeing the violence is such great entertainment. The men and women involved are funny but dangerous. The men and women who enable this are the real traitors to the nation.
Race Wars, Illegal Invasion and China Virus Deaths. This is what Biden has given us, and it's all going to get worse.
Tramp's America-hating scum want Americans to suffer.
Bring your Progressive Socialists selves into these areas and help them up from their position in life. Show us all the way. Watch their loving acceptance of you. Of course you getting in their faces may bring about a different response.
That makes Biden's total 279,000 in his first three months.

Sorry to disappoint you America-hating TrumpScum, but we had a high of 4,000 Americans dying per day at Tramp's peak of murdering Americans, and BIDEN has reduced Tramp's body count to under 1,000 per day.

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