Biden’s gas prices soar to $3.50/gal.

The 'upcoming recession" opposed to the NON recession you recently touted

You leftists really hate truth, don't you?

Without a recession OPEC will continue their cuts and Dementia will fight any new drilling. There is only one way for fuel to go without a recession and that is up.
Yea...Ray. Tell us another made up story about someone you know ...

Why would I give a shit if you believe me or not. You think people that make investments can't hold a full time job? No wonder you leftists are failures and blame everybody but yourself for your lack of success. Not only was I a full time truck driver and played the market, I still managed my rental properties as well, or are you going to tell me that's impossible too?
Dementia will fight any new drilling.

On March 8, President Joe Biden announced a ban on Russian oil imports to the U.S. and called on companies to drill more domestic oil from federal lands.
“They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year,” Biden said.
Twitter users have also claimed that oil companies are refusing to use 9,000 drilling leases.

On March 8, President Joe Biden announced a ban on Russian oil imports to the U.S. and called on companies to drill more domestic oil from federal lands.
“They have 9,000 permits to drill now. They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year,” Biden said.
Twitter users have also claimed that oil companies are refusing to use 9,000 drilling leases.

Yeah, 9000 leases much of which they can't use.

Yeah, 9000 leases much of which they can't use.

Dude… your link says that 7,000 out of those 9,000 leases are NOT being held up by regulatory issues.

SEVEN THOUSAND leases not be used that could be
Yeah, 9000 leases much of which they can't use.

And IF biden signed a bunch of NEW leases, would they start drilling on those immediately?
You KNOW that answer is NO.

There are LEASES available, OIL companies are choosing NOT to drill.
Why do you blame this ^^^^ on biden?
I know, it fits your agenda.
Try learning how to use a calculator. $3.60 a gallon is about $1.50 per gallon more than we were paying when Trump left office. Under Trump even during the best economic times in our life, gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon nationwide.
... and just wait until Spring/Summer rolls around again... Anyone who thinks that the price highs of last year are now "over and done with" (which were a bit over $4/gal here in farmer-country Wisconsin) are complete and utter morons...

So one must ask oneself what changed from Obama to Trump to Biden?? The national level energy policies are what changed.

The Trump agenda (embracing the feasible fuels of coal, oil, natural gas) led to dirt cheap gasoline prices (never once did they ever reach $3/gal WI price throughout his entire term...they were usually around $2.00, or $2.20... for a short bit they got around $2.60/$2.70 and the libbies were then screaming about high gas prices being Trump's fault).

The Obama/Biden agenda (embracing the unfeasible fuels of wind/solar, warring against all feasible fuels) only leads to sky high gasoline prices (which after rising above $3/gal shortly after Biden's installation as Chief Puppet maxed out above $4/gal (when libbies were then blaming high gas prices on Putin and "greedy" oil companies) have only dipped barely below $3/gal one time recently (when libbies were praising Biden for "low gas prices" even though they're still higher than they ever were under Trump when they were bitching about "high gas prices" under Trump because they rose up to like $2.60/$2.70 at one point for a short bit) and they only dipped below $3/gal one time recently due to decreased demand due to people being broke due to Democrat caused inflation and Democrat caused rising prices of everything (and now also due to Winter).

As I type this out, gas prices have already climbed back up above $3/gal WI price ($3.10-$3.30+, depending on location) and will only get higher and higher as Winter winds down and demand returns. $4/gal gas is coming back this Summer, and likely even higher than that this time around.

The low gas prices that we saw in 2017- early 2020 (before "COVID" tyrannical dictates severely decreased demand and led to $1/gal gasoline for a while) were entirely due to Trump's America First pro-feasible fuels national energy policies. This is why I will always support Trump over DeSantis or any other Republican for President (besides wanting a second MAGA party to oppose the DNC/RNC Uniparty)... Trump will be a nationalist and his economic/energy policies will lead to low inflation and low gas prices. ALL other candidates, regardless of being a Republican or a Democrat, will be globalists and their economic/energy policies will continue our current high inflation and high gas prices. But hey, at least the DNC/RNC are getting power and money..... meanwhile us proles here on Main Street are struggling to get by...

Trump 2024 or bust!
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exxon thanks you for blaming biden.

Do you know what inflation is?
Do you know what cost to extract raw materials is?
Do you know what cost of goods sold is?
Do you know what a profit margin is?
Do you know what Exxon's profit margin is?
Do you even know how Exxon makes its money to begin with?

You really gotta stop letting NPR do your thinking for you...
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When gas prices went up under the Rapist and Traitor, MAGA was about how the WH has no control over gas prices. Suddenly it is all Biden's fault.

Gasoline never hit $3.00 a gallon on the national level during Trump's entire term, even amid the best economy we had in years. So nobody was complaining about it. Predictions are we will be hitting $4.00 a gallon by summer. That's not to mention the ridiculous utility bills that doubled.

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