Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

Okay, smart guy. Your graphic makes factual assertions. Back it up with the data.
This one? Look it up moron

Many people are saying this is the most beautiful economy they've ever seen. If this wasn't Biden's economy he'd probably be dating it. Biden is the only one who can fix things.

Biden’s grade on the economy rises to A-

President Biden has an enviable problem: The economy under his watch is doing a lot better than voters give him credit for.

In the latest update of the Yahoo Finance Bidenomics Report Card, Biden’s grade on the economy rose from B+ to A-. This isn’t our opinion. It’s what the numbers tell us. We developed this methodology at the beginning of the Trump administration, with the help of Moody’s Analytics, and we’ve kept it in place for Biden. We determine each president’s grade by tracking six economic indicators back to the 1970s and rating how the current president compares with the prior seven at the same point in their first terms, going back to Jimmy Carter. (Here’s our full methodology.)

Of the eight presidents, Biden gets the highest marks for the total number of new jobs created since he took office, and also for real GDP growth per capita. Biden also gets top marks for the increase in exports during his presidency, although that data only goes back to 1993, so he’s the best of five presidents.

Biden gets second-best marks for the number of new manufacturing jobs, and for gains in the S&P 500 stock index. His only sub-par number is on average hourly earnings, where he ranks second-last.

More at the link.

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Oh, by all means....this needs to be front and center during his boring campaign.

Please run on this issue. Please. Please. Please.
My reply earlier today to a different thread from August, where MAGA supporter AzogtheDefiler predicted that a crash was about to occur under Biden:

There is no sign the economy is about to crash. On the contrary it is doing surprisingly well. Employment and wages up, productivity up, consumer sentiment improving, inflation steadily returning to pre-Covid levels, corporate profits likely to surprise to the upside next year, new factory construction at triple or more the level of the Trump era, and — my favorite — all this is happening during a return to reasonable interest rates, which allow middle class folks to save at good rates (FDIC protected CDs above 5%) without gambling in the stock market casino — which by the way is also way up at the moment and far above [S&P 1/3 above] Trump levels.

Can’t give the credit for all this to the Biden Administration of course — though it and the Fed have been doing a competent job, especially in encouraging reshoring / domestic high tech and meeting the inflation challenge.

There are plenty of possible “Black Swans” out there, however, and our fiscal spending / debt is still getting worse, but if this unexpected expansion continues — a big if considering the political stakes — most Americans will feel better off next year.

Of course the bottom 20%-30% of Americans will still struggle making ends meet. That never changes. But the great majority of skilled and even semi-skilled working people should do better. Most of the middle class and professionals should thrive, as their real income from all sources rises.
My reply earlier today to a different thread from August, where MAGA supporter AzogtheDefiler predicted that a crash was about to occur under Biden:

There is no sign the economy is about to crash. On the contrary it is doing surprisingly well. Employment and wages up, productivity up, consumer sentiment improving, inflation steadily returning to pre-Covid levels, corporate profits likely to surprise to the upside next year, new factory construction at triple or more the level of the Trump era, and — my favorite — all this is happening during a return to reasonable interest rates, which allow middle class folks to save at good rates (FDIC protected CDs above 5%) without gambling in the stock market casino — which by the way is also way up at the moment and far above [S&P 1/3 above] Trump levels.

Can’t give the credit for all this to the Biden Administration of course — though it and the Fed have been doing a competent job, especially in encouraging reshoring / domestic high tech and meeting the inflation challenge.

There are plenty of possible “Black Swans” out there, however, and our fiscal spending / debt is still getting worse, but if this unexpected expansion continues — a big if considering the political stakes — most Americans will feel better off next year.

Of course the bottom 20%-30% of Americans will still struggle making ends meet. That never changes. But the great majority of skilled and even semi-skilled working people should do better. Most of the middle class and professionals should thrive, as their real income from all sources rises.
We will definitely return to prosperity when Trump is reelected.
We will definitely return to prosperity when Trump is reelected.

Anyone who says “definitely” when it comes to predicting the future of the economy as a whole, or predicting political developments in the next period … or especially when trying to predict future economic policies of Donald Trump … is just a big fool.
Anyone who says “definitely” when it comes to predicting the future of the economy as a whole, or predicting political developments in the next period … or especially when trying to predict future economic policies of Donald Trump … is just a big fool.
Definitely not.

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