Biden's Horrific failure on the Baby Formula crisis.............

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You cannot back up your claims you mean.

The only claim I made was that it is not the government's job to produce baby formula. Do I really need to back that up for you?

I d mobilize the military and ensure that formula is produced via three shifts until the shortage is revolved.

How about using them to clean the damn factory up so it is not a threat to the babies drinking the formula.

I d mobilize the military and ensure that formula is produced via three shifts until the shortage is revolved. I d seek help from Canada and Europe as well.

What other "shortages" should the government handle in this manner? Should we be using them to ensure ships are being off loaded 24/7? Should we use them to ensure that cars are being produced 24/7?

Is there anything at all that you do not think is the job of the government to fix?
i wish i was, but xiden polices have caused a massive wave of inflation, which has also impacted supply

Then provide some pictures. Otherwise I am not going to believe you.
The only claim I made was that it is not the government's job to produce baby formula. Do I really need to back that up for you?

How about using them to clean the damn factory up so it is not a threat to the babies drinking the formula.

What other "shortages" should the government handle in this manner? Should we be using them to ensure ships are being off loaded 24/7? Should we use them to ensure that cars are being produced 24/7?

Is there anything at all that you do not think is the job of the government to fix?
Medical supplies and baby food. Like we did with ventilators under Trump when COVID began. You have my answer. Biden is a terrible leader.
Medical supplies and baby food. Like we did with ventilators under Trump when COVID began.

Well, actually almost 4 months after COVID began...

You have my answer. Biden is a terrible leader.

Yes he is, and he replaced a terrible leader, who had replaced a terrible leader who had replaced a terrible leader who had replaced a terrible leader....
It is an ant hill that people are trying to make into a mountain for political gain.
people are switching their location setting on Amazon in order to get supplies, from United States to Canada…thanks joey xiden
people are switching their location setting on Amazon in order to get supplies, from United States to Canada…thanks joey xiden

Why do you think it is the president's job to produce baby formula?
Well, actually almost 4 months after COVID began...

Yes he is, and he replaced a terrible leader, who had replaced a terrible leader who had replaced a terrible leader who had replaced a terrible leader....
Well actually we didn’t know how bad it would be and we ended up not needing as many. There are levels of terrible. Biden has trumped even Dubya. Congrats to him.
Post number 89
yeah don’t see where i said he was in charge of producing baby formula

He does however execute federal laws, and make regulations…which has greatly slowed down production and driven up cost…hence the xidenflation
Why do you think it is the president's job to produce baby formula?
It’s his job to help resolve a crisis. Why was it Trumps job to mobilize the military and enact warp speed? He was a better leader than Biden as was Obama. There are levels of awful and Biden is the highest level
yeah don’t see where i said he was in charge of producing baby formula

but it is his fault that there is not enough. Thus you must thing he makes the stuff

He does however execute federal laws, and make regulations

He does not make the regulations for making baby formula.

which has greatly slowed down production and driven up cost…hence the xidenflation

The regulations for making baby formula are the same now as they were under Trump
There are levels of terrible. Biden has trumped even Dubya. Congrats to him.

Bush II has one area where he is far better than any that came after him, he had enough integrity to take responsibility for his decisions.
Biden really isn't in charge of what you see on your store shelves in normal order.

But lets say he is.

Most people today can find everything they are looking for at the grocery store. Are you going to give Biden credit for being able to find 99% of what you're shopping for?
Right, Putin's in charge
but it is his fault that there is not enough. Thus you must thing he makes the stuff

He does not make the regulations for making baby formula.

The regulations for making baby formula are the same now as they were under Trump
sure he does, or his admin does

Yes it’s his fault for not handling the situation properly
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