Biden's increasing lead in the polls over Trump!

Biden remains silent in his basement in the face of this brutal assault on our nation

Joe Biden has surrendered to his party and to the left-wing mob

He has no control. Does anybody honestly think he controls these radial maniacs?

You know what he says to his wife when he’s not confusing her with his sister? ‘Get me the hell out of there. These people are crazy.’
Biden is sitting pretty as Trumps presidency is collapsing around him
A debate will happen, maybe more than one? It could swing some votes

Trump had better hit a home run.
He needs something to stop the bleeding
Does it matter? All politicians suck. If you cannot see that then you're beyond help. At least Trump was great for the stock market. Biden will sink it.

Obama and Biden nearly tripled the stock market
Dow the day Barry was inaugurate: 7949

Day he left: 19,804.

Your lie has it at 23,847 when Barry left.

Sorry, but when you threaten to leave NATO, and praise Russian intelligence, and withhold aid from Ukraine, YOU WALK WITH PUTIN!

NATO has been abusing America for decades. Leaving NATO made the deadbeats pay their fair share. oh the shame!

Russian Intelligence is way above and beyond yours. You jealous?

Witholding aid from Ukraine. Son, you really are clueless. :itsok:

NATO is one of the United States greatest creations, and Trump trashed it. Wanted to leave, but couldn't convince anyone in his cabinet to do that. Praising Russian Intelligence in a meeting with Putin televised to the world in Finland in 2018, while trashing U.S. intelligence is not what we want in a President. We don't want a Putin back scratcher.

Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles were held up in the summer of 2019 from Ukraine in order to pressure Ukraine to dig dirt up on Biden. That is why the U.S. House Of Representatives impeached Donald Trump in December 2019. Its why Mitt Romney was the first Senator in history to vote to convict a President, in his own party, during the impeachment trial in the Senate.

Donald Trump is an impeached President, and he would have been removed in February of 2020 if not for all Republicans with the exception of Romney falling in line to support him under threat's that they would be attacked and face primary challenges later in 2020.
Partisan impeachment. Even Leftist Dershowitz defended Trump. He is right about NATO. China and radical Islam are bigger threats than Russia and other countries need to pay their fair share.
Partisan dismissal by those who would have looked the other way if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue.
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
Where does trump get the energy he’s in Arizona right now speaking to a stadium full of college students young kids Joe Biden is in his little bunker lol He’s got 15 people watching his online show lol
And still 14 points ahead.
Dukakis was up by 17 at this point.

Dukakis had a short lived post convention bump.
Biden remains silent in his basement in the face of this brutal assault on our nation

Joe Biden has surrendered to his party and to the left-wing mob

He has no control. Does anybody honestly think he controls these radial maniacs?

You know what he says to his wife when he’s not confusing her with his sister? ‘Get me the hell out of there. These people are crazy.’
Biden is sitting pretty as Trumps presidency is collapsing around him
A debate will happen, maybe more than one? It could swing some votes

Trump had better hit a home run.
He needs something to stop the bleeding
Does it matter? All politicians suck. If you cannot see that then you're beyond help. At least Trump was great for the stock market. Biden will sink it.

Obama and Biden nearly tripled the stock market
Dow the day Barry was inaugurate: 7949

Day he left: 19,804.

Your lie has it at 23,847 when Barry left.

Dow sunk to 6500 and rose to 19,804

What has Trump done?
Biden remains silent in his basement in the face of this brutal assault on our nation

Joe Biden has surrendered to his party and to the left-wing mob

He has no control. Does anybody honestly think he controls these radial maniacs?

You know what he says to his wife when he’s not confusing her with his sister? ‘Get me the hell out of there. These people are crazy.’
Biden is sitting pretty as Trumps presidency is collapsing around him
A debate will happen, maybe more than one? It could swing some votes

Trump had better hit a home run.
He needs something to stop the bleeding
Does it matter? All politicians suck. If you cannot see that then you're beyond help. At least Trump was great for the stock market. Biden will sink it.

Obama and Biden nearly tripled the stock market
Dow the day Barry was inaugurate: 7949

Day he left: 19,804.

Your lie has it at 23,847 when Barry left.

Dow sunk to 6500 and rose to 19,804

What has Trump done?
Look at your 401k now compared to before he took office and you tell me.
We'll have to drag the pos trump kicking and screaming ,out of the WH
Where does trump get the energy he’s in Arizona right now speaking to a stadium full of college students young kids Joe Biden is in his little bunker lol He’s got 15 people watching his online show lol
And still 14 points ahead.
Dukakis was up by 17 at this point.

That is just one poll. The difference with REAL CLEAR POLITICS, is that it presents the AVERAGE of all the latest polls, for a more accurate look at the state of the Presidential race.
Well, I'm a Republican myself and totally disagree with that. A lot of Republicans have moved away from the party registered as independents or Democrats over the past ten years. So the pool of people left in the Republican party is smaller, and more blindly loyal for a variety of reasons. Plus a lot of them just vote based on party identification without realizing that they disagree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. George Bush and Ronald Reagan have far more in common with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton than they do with Donald Trump.
If he is a Republican then I am Michael Jordan. What a lie!

No lie. I think George W. Bush is one of the best Presidents the United States ever had. If John McCain had been elected President, he would have been the best President in United States history. I've been a life long Republican. My first vote for a Democrat was in 2016 and then just for Hillary. In 2018, I voted straight Democrat in the congressional elections. I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket in November, because there is only one Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican left in Congress, and that's Mitt Romney.
You support Universal one Republican who supports that. You also said we should shut the country down for five years due to COVID-19. Another huge Republican talking point. So John Kasich is not a Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican? How so?

I was referring to current Republicans serving in the House and Senate. John Kasich is not serving in the House and Senate.

I think Colin Powell and Robert Gates would support Universal Health Care, and President Nixon supported Universal Healthcare.
Kasich was running for President? You're guessing and I debunked Nixon already. Ancient history and a much different country back then. So you like to use that impeached president as your go to?

Kasich ran for President in 2016, but then dropped out. I was talking about who was in the Senate and the House in over the past year. Mitt Romney is the only one that meets my definition of a Republican.
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
New poll released after you posted this thread:
NYT/Siena National Poll

Biden 50%
Trump 36%

That new poll has now been including in the average for the national results:

BIDEN - 51.1%
TRUMP - 40.9%
Biden leads by 10.2%.

Biden's record lead over Trump in the past 18 months was 11.8% points last year. Now at 10.2% points were getting close to that. There is not a lot of time left. Just four months now. There is very little Trump can do to change things in just four months. The economy is in recession and the covid-19 pandemic is raging uncontrolled through the the United States. Anything that Trump had going for him is now gone. Its over for Trump. He knows it. He is likely preparing in private for his legal battles once he returns to private life on January 20, 2021.

Say goodbye to Trump and say hello to the Biden era.

Hillary led Trump by 14 points and still lost. ;-)

Not in the real clear politics AVERAGE of the latest polls. Plus, Hillary Clinton still won the popular vote by 2.09%. If Hillary Clinton had been able to win by a larger popular vote margin, say 3.5%, that would have been enough to sweep away any electoral college fluke victory.

The largest margin that an electoral victor has overcome in the popular vote is 3%. Any candidate that has won the popular vote by at least 3.1%+ has always won the electoral college as well.

LOL! Good luck with all that.
time trump.jpg
Well, I'm a Republican myself and totally disagree with that. A lot of Republicans have moved away from the party registered as independents or Democrats over the past ten years. So the pool of people left in the Republican party is smaller, and more blindly loyal for a variety of reasons. Plus a lot of them just vote based on party identification without realizing that they disagree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. George Bush and Ronald Reagan have far more in common with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton than they do with Donald Trump.
If he is a Republican then I am Michael Jordan. What a lie!

No lie. I think George W. Bush is one of the best Presidents the United States ever had. If John McCain had been elected President, he would have been the best President in United States history. I've been a life long Republican. My first vote for a Democrat was in 2016 and then just for Hillary. In 2018, I voted straight Democrat in the congressional elections. I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket in November, because there is only one Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican left in Congress, and that's Mitt Romney.
You support Universal one Republican who supports that. You also said we should shut the country down for five years due to COVID-19. Another huge Republican talking point. So John Kasich is not a Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican? How so?

I was referring to current Republicans serving in the House and Senate. John Kasich is not serving in the House and Senate.

I think Colin Powell and Robert Gates would support Universal Health Care, and President Nixon supported Universal Healthcare.
Kasich was running for President? You're guessing and I debunked Nixon already. Ancient history and a much different country back then. So you like to use that impeached president as your go to?

Kasich ran for President in 2016, but then dropped out. I was talking about who was in the Senate and the House in over the past year. Mitt Romney is the only one that meets my definition of a Republican.
Sumthin definitely wrong with you then. Kasich and Romney are pos.
Well, I'm a Republican myself and totally disagree with that. A lot of Republicans have moved away from the party registered as independents or Democrats over the past ten years. So the pool of people left in the Republican party is smaller, and more blindly loyal for a variety of reasons. Plus a lot of them just vote based on party identification without realizing that they disagree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. George Bush and Ronald Reagan have far more in common with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton than they do with Donald Trump.
If he is a Republican then I am Michael Jordan. What a lie!

No lie. I think George W. Bush is one of the best Presidents the United States ever had. If John McCain had been elected President, he would have been the best President in United States history. I've been a life long Republican. My first vote for a Democrat was in 2016 and then just for Hillary. In 2018, I voted straight Democrat in the congressional elections. I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket in November, because there is only one Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican left in Congress, and that's Mitt Romney.
You support Universal one Republican who supports that. You also said we should shut the country down for five years due to COVID-19. Another huge Republican talking point. So John Kasich is not a Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican? How so?

I was referring to current Republicans serving in the House and Senate. John Kasich is not serving in the House and Senate.

I think Colin Powell and Robert Gates would support Universal Health Care, and President Nixon supported Universal Healthcare.
Kasich was running for President? You're guessing and I debunked Nixon already. Ancient history and a much different country back then. So you like to use that impeached president as your go to?

Kasich ran for President in 2016, but then dropped out. I was talking about who was in the Senate and the House in over the past year. Mitt Romney is the only one that meets my definition of a Republican.
Same as Democrat...when it comes to Economic Policy - De facto Pro-Trespasser, Pro Business Visa, Pro Off-Shoring.
Same as Democrat...Pro-Abortion to lower US Citizen population and allow more cheap, slave labor.

Different from Democrat...Anti-Euthanasia because old people vote Republican.
Different from Democrat...Let unemployed people starve to death due to Bi-Partisan Economic Policy.

Same as Democrat...99% know nothing about their representatives except the Party Affiliation.

Any other questions?
Sorry, but when you threaten to leave NATO, and praise Russian intelligence, and withhold aid from Ukraine, YOU WALK WITH PUTIN!

NATO has been abusing America for decades. Leaving NATO made the deadbeats pay their fair share. oh the shame!

Russian Intelligence is way above and beyond yours. You jealous?

Witholding aid from Ukraine. Son, you really are clueless. :itsok:

NATO is one of the United States greatest creations, and Trump trashed it. Wanted to leave, but couldn't convince anyone in his cabinet to do that. Praising Russian Intelligence in a meeting with Putin televised to the world in Finland in 2018, while trashing U.S. intelligence is not what we want in a President. We don't want a Putin back scratcher.

Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles were held up in the summer of 2019 from Ukraine in order to pressure Ukraine to dig dirt up on Biden. That is why the U.S. House Of Representatives impeached Donald Trump in December 2019. Its why Mitt Romney was the first Senator in history to vote to convict a President, in his own party, during the impeachment trial in the Senate.

Donald Trump is an impeached President, and he would have been removed in February of 2020 if not for all Republicans with the exception of Romney falling in line to support him under threat's that they would be attacked and face primary challenges later in 2020.
Partisan impeachment. Even Leftist Dershowitz defended Trump. He is right about NATO. China and radical Islam are bigger threats than Russia and other countries need to pay their fair share.
Partisan dismissal by those who would have looked the other way if Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue.
Just like our current Democratic Representatives when Blacks and others are murdered everyday, but especially on weekends?

It's wonderful to know that the mentally ill such as yourself are only affected by words but by not by actual actions.
Well, I'm a Republican myself and totally disagree with that. A lot of Republicans have moved away from the party registered as independents or Democrats over the past ten years. So the pool of people left in the Republican party is smaller, and more blindly loyal for a variety of reasons. Plus a lot of them just vote based on party identification without realizing that they disagree with Donald Trump on a lot of things. George Bush and Ronald Reagan have far more in common with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton than they do with Donald Trump.
If he is a Republican then I am Michael Jordan. What a lie!

No lie. I think George W. Bush is one of the best Presidents the United States ever had. If John McCain had been elected President, he would have been the best President in United States history. I've been a life long Republican. My first vote for a Democrat was in 2016 and then just for Hillary. In 2018, I voted straight Democrat in the congressional elections. I'll be voting straight Democrat down the ticket in November, because there is only one Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican left in Congress, and that's Mitt Romney.
You support Universal one Republican who supports that. You also said we should shut the country down for five years due to COVID-19. Another huge Republican talking point. So John Kasich is not a Reagan/Bush/McCain Republican? How so?

I was referring to current Republicans serving in the House and Senate. John Kasich is not serving in the House and Senate.

I think Colin Powell and Robert Gates would support Universal Health Care, and President Nixon supported Universal Healthcare.
Kasich was running for President? You're guessing and I debunked Nixon already. Ancient history and a much different country back then. So you like to use that impeached president as your go to?

Kasich ran for President in 2016, but then dropped out. I was talking about who was in the Senate and the House in over the past year. Mitt Romney is the only one that meets my definition of a Republican.
If one of 52 is the only one, has not the definition in itself changed then?
Here are the latest national and swing state results from real clear politics on the TRUMP VS. BIDEN Presidential race. Real Clear politics takes the average of the latest polls nationally, and in each swing state.

BIDEN - 51.2%
TRUMP - 41.4%
Biden leads by 9.8%.

BIDEN - 47.7%
TRUMP - 42.3%
Biden leads by 5.4%

BIDEN - 50.5%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 6.2%

BIDEN - 49.8%
TRUMP - 41.8%
Biden leads by 8%

BIDEN - 49.3%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 5.6%

TRUMP - 45.8%
BIDEN - 45.2%
Trump leads by .6%

BIDEN - 47%
TRUMP - 43%
Biden leads by 4%

BIDEN - 48.3%
TRUMP - 44.3%
Biden leads by 4%

TRUMP - 44.5%
BIDEN - 44.0%
Trump leads by .5%

BIDEN - 48.0%
TRUMP - 43.7%
Biden leads by 4.3%

I think BIDEN could get 365 Electoral votes in November like Obama did in 2008. Trump will most likely get below 200 electoral votes on November 3, 2020. Just about 4 months to go until election day.
Pssst most conservatives don’t participate in opinion polls so your numbers are off by at least 40% lol
Google it I already posted the link.
Thanks for admitting you made that up.
No according to google lol
Learn to speak proper English, comrade, if you don't want folks here to know you're posting from your homeland of Russia.
What didn’t you understand? Maybe it’s you from russia?
I don't understand how anyone can mangle the English language as badly as you do.
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump h2h. Clinton was ahead too and then the debates happened.
The polls reflect dissatisfaction with Trumps handling of the COVID crisis and disrespectful and dismissive behavior during the BLM protests. Trump has not helped himself.

I think the BLM protests will be mostly forgotten by November. COVID and the economy will still be major concerns.

Trump had better pick up his game
Possibly but the media is driving that narrative. Debates are watched by both parties and independents and will make a tremendous difference IMO. Many for example don't know Floyd's prior criminal past. A lot of voters don't get fully engaged until the debates start.
They will never know about Floyd's criminal past because Trump and the media will not bring it up.
Bottom line....if EVERY Patriotic American gets out and votes, Trump will win.

If any of them fail to vote, Trump will lose. By that ONE vote.

The patriotic thing to do is to vote Trump out. Its time to get rid of Putin's puppet.

Trump is moving troops from Germany to Russia's doorstep in Poland. Does that sound like a puppet to you? Do you wish to explain how that is to Putin's advantage?

You are dumber than a box of hammers.
The patriotic thing to do is to vote Trump out. Its time to get rid of Putin's puppet.

Russian Collusion....
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Another one missed the memo......and the boat

Sorry, but when you threaten to leave NATO, and praise Russian intelligence, and withhold aid from Ukraine, YOU WALK WITH PUTIN!

NATO is capable of taking care of themselves until they pay their fair share. Praising Russian intelligence? What dream did that come to you in? Withhold aid from Ukraine? Trump gave them aid that Obama had denied. You want to talk about Putin's puppet? That would be Obama who said to Medvedev , "After my election I will have more flexibility". Is that the Obama who proved time and again to be slobbering on Putin's knob?
Six States that Trump won in 2016

Trump trails Biden in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona, poll finds

No fear Republicans, polls were wrong in 2016, that means you can count on them to always be wrong.
Biden has yet to pick a VP or debate Trump h2h. Clinton was ahead too and then the debates happened.
The polls reflect dissatisfaction with Trumps handling of the COVID crisis and disrespectful and dismissive behavior during the BLM protests. Trump has not helped himself.

I think the BLM protests will be mostly forgotten by November. COVID and the economy will still be major concerns.

Trump had better pick up his game
Possibly but the media is driving that narrative. Debates are watched by both parties and independents and will make a tremendous difference IMO. Many for example don't know Floyd's prior criminal past. A lot of voters don't get fully engaged until the debates start.

WhwteEr b
Please find that post.

Well, what was your point? You are obviously trying to trash his reputation. Why do you feel the need to do that if not to somehow show he deserved to die?
My point was that the media drives the narrative. Floyd didn't deserve to die but also didn't deserve sainthood and a gold coffin. Do you know why he is was in prison? Honest question. Funny how the media doesn't tell you.

Now you want to tell the family what kind of coffin to bury their loved one in? Is that really any of your business?
You think the family paid for it? You missed my point. He should not have been celebrated. And you didn't answer my question. Par for the course for you. LOL.

When you grow up, ping me.

It's pretty disgusting that you imply that his record justifies hs murder -- deny that all you want, but your point was obvious -- Now you are so petty as to complain about the funeral arangements his family made. What kind of vile pig does it take to do that? Are all trump supporters that vile?

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