Biden’s inflation spikes to another 40 year high.

Who will he blame this time? Donut shop owners?

Prices are 100% higher, not 9.1%.
What the 40 Year Record Inflation Numbers Don’t Reflect, is the REAL 40 Year Record Inflation Numbers.
The reported 9.1% inflation rate is a concoction by the Biden administration. It is the CPI which comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is part of Biden's Dept of Commerce.
Prices have more than doubled on just about everything. Gas, rent, food, you name it. That's more than 100% inflation.
Prices are 100% higher, not 9.1%.
What the 40 Year Record Inflation Numbers Don’t Reflect, is the REAL 40 Year Record Inflation Numbers.
The reported 9.1% inflation rate is a concoction by the Biden administration. It is the CPI which comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is part of Biden's Dept of Commerce.
Prices have more than doubled on just about everything. Gas, rent, food, you name it. That's more than 100% inflation.
Bidenflation is up 650%since he took office.
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You know the government is severely undercounting inflation, here's how they do it

One way they undercount inflation is by not really counting it. The ludicrous CPI (reporting 8.1% "inflation") right now does not count gas, housing, and food prices.
Well shucks if they DID count those 3 most important commodities (which everybody most cares about), they'd have to admit that inflation is 100-200% and even higher.

One big problem we have, is too many Americans believing these bald-faced liars.
Talking about inflation and not including gas, housing, and food prices, is like talking about football, and excluding passing, running, and kicking.
CPI up so high even the cathedral media can’t ignore it.
If you threw your vote away on a third party candidate that had zero shot of winning, yes, you did do this.

In the state I live in the only candidate that has a shot at winning was Biden. My vote for Jorgenson was no more thrown away than the 2.4 million votes for Trump since winning the state is all that matters.
In the state I live in the only candidate that has a shot at winning was Biden. My vote for Jorgenson was no more thrown away than the 2.4 million votes for Trump since winning the state is all that matters.

Except Trump stood a good chance at keeping Dementia out whereas your candidate stood no chance. And actually, under a normal election, Trump would still be our President today.
Aaaand no one on the left are commenting. The dumbest group to ever walk planet earth are middle class American leftists of the 21st century.
and make no mistake.....if they do comment it will be

"its all Trumps fault"

which everyone knows is complete horse shit.
Except Trump stood a good chance at keeping Dementia out whereas your candidate stood no chance.

Your vote only matters in your state. Trump stood no real chance to win my state, thus a vote for him had no more impact on the election than my vote did.

And actually, under a normal election, Trump would still be our President today.

We were told once he won in 2016 nothing would ever be the same again, seems they were right
and make no mistake.....if they do comment it will be

"its all Trumps fault"

which everyone knows is complete horse shit.

True, it is not all Trump's fault, it is also Obama's fault as well as Biden's.
Your vote only matters in your state. Trump stood no real chance to win my state, thus a vote for him had no more impact on the election than my vote did.

If that's your attitude, why vote at all? My state voted for DumBama and Trump so I can't predict how the election will go, but even though in a heavy D district, I'm voting for my party anyway. If enough of them stay home and enough of us go out and vote, we could still win. Long shot? Yes indeed, but that doesn't mean give up the ship.

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