Biden's open border policies continue as his administration kills a slew of border wall construction contracts

Not honest about what? It's no secret that our fentanyl problem has increased dramatically since January. Heroin is expected to be a major problem as well. Plus the fact that walls, fences and barriers have worked in every place they are used in this country and the world.

Putting a wall around one side of a property never stopped anyone.
Ray From Cleveland
LOL He's bitching cause he doesn't believe the wall was fully funded. I posted the link but the idiot still doesn't believe it.

Trump Spent $15 Billion On Border Wall But Skimped On Vaccines
well it certainly helped the Chinese....and they didn't even butt on end against a body of water like we can here.

There was nothing on the other side worth climbing over. The Chinese weren't offering jobs.
There was nothing on the other side worth climbing over. The Chinese weren't offering jobs.
that didn’t seem to stop people from invading….

are you suggesting we shouldn’t regulate who comes in the country because we have jobs here? that seems rather foolish and a great way to lose jobs
that didn’t seem to stop people from invading….

are you suggesting we shouldn’t regulate who comes in the country because we have jobs here? that seems rather foolish and a great way to lose jobs

I'm saying it doesn't matter. Business wants them here so they will continue to come.
There are millions and millions here illegally. We really have no idea how many millions.

So what does that have to do with it? BP estimates we will have 2 million more by the end of the year because we are not doing anything about it now. We are so open people are flying into Mexico from over 100 other countries to cross that border.
Isn't military funding designed to protect this country? The party in power wants these illegals here which is a threat to the nation. They are untested, not required to be vaccinated, and will destroy our schools, hospitals and economy.,
Constitutionally, all money spent, originates in Congress, with We the people's representatives. Money isn't just handed to agencies or the military to spend as they please..... it is allocated for specific items or things.

And no, border and border protection between Mexico and us, is not a military function, it is Homeland Security.
So what does that have to do with it? BP estimates we will have 2 million more by the end of the year because we are not doing anything about it now. We are so open people are flying into Mexico from over 100 other countries to cross that border.

Stop the reason they come. Seems like such a hard concept for many. We understand why.
Constitutionally, all money spent, originates in Congress, with We the people's representatives. Money isn't just handed to agencies or the military to spend as they please..... it is allocated for specific items or things.

And no, border and border protection between Mexico and us, is not a military function, it is Homeland Security.

It's for the defense of this country. More Americans dying from illegal drugs, women getting raped, people getting murdered, stores getting robbed from people who are invading this country, and we won't even touch on terrorism.

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