Biden's open border policies continue as his administration kills a slew of border wall construction contracts

They come for many reasons, not just jobs. They estimate over 20 million here now. Do you think all 20 million are working American jobs?

There is no reason to come here other than jobs. All 20 million are not working, some are going to school.
I just hope when Trump gets back in office and has a super majority in both houses. They can work it that any illegal can never vote in any election as it should be. Then they will regret letting millions of illegals cross our border.

Back in office

Oh my sides….

Back in office

Oh my sides….
You did the same in 2016. People in Rome are walking by our embassy there, chanting fu#k Joe Biden. It's going world wide, even when the media is kissing his butt. Lol
You did the same in 2016. People in Rome are walking by our embassy there, chanting fu#k Joe Biden. It's going world wide, even when the media is kissing his butt. Lol

Biden won't be running in 2024.
I'd really like to see the immigration courts and judges expanded from here to high heaven, and custom borders staffed or enlarged at the border entry spots in one of the Dems infrastructure bill.

It's my understanding that once an asylum seeker gets their legally required hearing in immigration court, the courts reject about 90% of them who do not meet the requirements for being a Refugee, and are deported.

This causes all the problems we have at the border, imho.

First, without enough courts and judges, it's taking months to a year for their legally required court hearing, this makes keeping them in prisons or camps awaiting their hearings near impossible because it takes that long....there is not enough space in these holding cells with all of these caravans of people, continually trying to seek asylum.

So, we then get them a court date, 6 months down the road, and bus them to Charities in different states, who find homes and even jobs, for them, while they wait.

This then gives the asylum seeker, a chance to basically, disappear...before their court date....if they want to do so.

The whole process is really messy, and loose as a goose imo.... All because we don't have enough immigration courts and judges to handle the load.

I also think this is known to all of these caravans of asylum seekers coming here or sent here by other poor nations.... They know if they flood the border with thousands, causing everything to back up, they'll get a chance to be in country for a while, and/or have the time to disappear in to our wordwork.

Well, this might be a pipe dream of mine, but if we have enough immigration judges ready, for a huge caravan of asylum seekers, and their court dates could be in just a week or two, instead of 6 months, we could keep them in holding cells at the border for the couple of weeks instead of having to release them, until the court rejects 90% or even 80%, and deports them.

If we could reject those who don't qualify as refugees quickly, like within a week or two, and they are shipped back to where they came from quickly....the WORD will get around their town that the months long trial and tribulation of a trip to get here, will only them back where they started....

...then fewer and fewer people will make the thousand or two thousand mile trip here....again, imo.
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Bullshit. The money came from the Pentagon. You know the Pentagon that runs the army. The army that's responsible for the safety of the nation.

We are being invaded by illegals who cost we tax payers billions each year an the Pentagon volunteered that money to build that wall.

You might like paying billions to people who are breaking our laws to be here but most American sure don't.
That's simply not true. Most of the money came from killing specific military projects already legislated and funded by congress.

Homeland security budget funds the borders and ports....and homeland security gets their funding, from congress, legislating it. Our congress representing us, is where all funding originates, according to the constitution.

Just a short time before Trump stole the money from other entities, Congress VOTED in a bipartisan manner, NOT TO FUND the border wall the 5 billion Trump wanted.
I'd really like to see the immigration courts and judges expanded from here to high heaven, and custom borders staffed or enlarged at the border entry spots in one of the Dems infrastructure bill.

It's my understanding that once an asylum seeker gets their legally required hearing in immigration court, the courts reject about 90% of them who do not meet the requirements for being a Refugee, and are deported.

This causes all the problems we have at the border, imho.

First, without enough courts and judges, it's taking months to a year for their legally required court hearing, this makes keeping them in prisons or camps awaiting their hearings near impossible because it takes that long....there is not enough space in these holding cells with all of these caravans of people, continually trying to seek asylum.

So, we then get them a court date, 6 months down the road, and bus them to Charities in different states, who find homes and even jobs, for them, while they wait.

This then gives the asylum seeker, a chance to basically, disappear...before their court date....if they want to do so.

The whole process is really messy, and loose as a goose imo.... All because we don't have enough immigration courts and judges to handle the load.

I also think this is known to all of these caravans of asylum seekers coming here or sent here by other poor nations.... They know if they flood the border with thousands, causing everything to back up, they'll get a chance to be in country for a while, and/or have the time to disappear in to our wordwork.

Well, this might be a pipe dream of mine, but if we have enough immigration judges ready, for a huge caravan of asylum seekers, and their court dates could be in just a week or two, instead of 6 months, we could keep them in holding cells at the border for the couple of weeks instead of having to release them, until the court rejects 90% or even 80%, and deports them.

If we could reject those who don't qualify as refugees quickly, like within a week or two, and they are shipped back to where they came from quickly....the WORD will get around their town that the months long trial and tribulation of a trip to get here, will only them back where they started....

...then fewer and fewer people will make the thousand or two thousand mile trip here....again, imo.

Your opinion is wrong because under President Trump, most did stop coming. He manipulated policy that if you want to apply for asylum, you must do it in your own country at a US embassy. He held Mexico responsible for the people crossing their country to get to ours. If they continued, he would be taking it out on our foreign aid to the country, and they stopped the people crossing. If you somehow did make it to our border, your application would automatically be null and void IF it was found you were offered asylum from other countries along the way to the US. If not and you want a hearing, you will stay in Mexico until your date, be escorted to the courts, and returned to where you belong once denied asylum.

In 2019, Trump was able to reduce border crossings by 90% in that year alone. It made no sense to try and come here knowing there was no way to get into the country any longer. Biden reversed all of what Trump did, and that's why we have the problem we have today.

As far as courts go............

It's for the defense of this country. More Americans dying from illegal drugs, women getting raped, people getting murdered, stores getting robbed from people who are invading this country, and we won't even touch on terrorism.
Homeland security budget, is where the defense of this country's borders, comes from.... It does not come out of the military budget. What part of that Ray, do you not understand?
There is no reason to come here other than jobs. All 20 million are not working, some are going to school.

They come here to drop anchor babies, they come here to take care of family who are working illegal jobs, they come here to get welfare benefits for their kids, and yes, to put them in our schools. But they don't all come here for jobs, so locking up Americans instead of locking up illegals is no answer.
Homeland security budget, is where the defense of this country's borders, comes from.... It does not come out of the military budget. What part of that Ray, do you not understand?

What part about the Supreme Court decision don't you understand? Our country is under attack and it's up to our federal leaders to protect it. If Congress is Democrat who want this invasion to continue, then we are helpless to these invasions. Military funds are used to protect our country, and that's what Trump did, use those funds to protect our country.
Your opinion is wrong because under President Trump, most did stop coming. He manipulated policy that if you want to apply for asylum, you must do it in your own country at a US embassy. He held Mexico responsible for the people crossing their country to get to ours. If they continued, he would be taking it out on our foreign aid to the country, and they stopped the people crossing. If you somehow did make it to our border, your application would automatically be null and void IF it was found you were offered asylum from other countries along the way to the US. If not and you want a hearing, you will stay in Mexico until your date, be escorted to the courts, and returned to where you belong once denied asylum.

In 2019, Trump was able to reduce border crossings by 90% in that year alone. It made no sense to try and come here knowing there was no way to get into the country any longer. Biden reversed all of what Trump did, and that's why we have the problem we have today.

As far as courts go............

Shoot, it took him two and a half years of caravan crisis after another, before he made headway with the Caravans thruster on him when he first got the job.... With lots and lots and lots of mistakes done by his team....

Every new president has had several caravans trusted on to them..... Give Biden the two and a half years you gave Trump before real progress was shown.

We need more that 4 new judges to handle tens of thousands. I applaud Trump increasing or adding 4 of his own... But we need more..... Or a flexible aystem, where immigration judges from all regions in the USA can swarm the courts at the border, when there are too many cases for the judges at the border to expedite quickly.

We need to return them quickly, to encourage others in the future, NOT TO COME! Imo.
What part about the Supreme Court decision don't you understand? Our country is under attack and it's up to our federal leaders to protect it. If Congress is Democrat who want this invasion to continue, then we are helpless to these invasions. Military funds are used to protect our country, and that's what Trump did, use those funds to protect our country.
Yes, Trump distorted the meaning of National Emergency, and claiming one, finally got him the money.... :rolleyes:
And the drug cartels will be partying tonight!!!
As usual Dimocrats ALWAYS have a reason to be against ANY attempts to control our border.
Have I told you lately just how much I hate these people?!

FUCK YOU JOE BIDEN!!! Fucking moron!

Republicans Slam Biden, Mayorkas After More Border Wall Contracts Ended​

Were they good contracts or just Trump cronies?
Shoot, it took him two and a half years of caravan crisis after another, before he made headway with the Caravans thruster on him when he first got the job.... With lots and lots and lots of mistakes done by his team....

Every new president has had several caravans trusted on to them..... Give Biden the two and a half years you gave Trump before real progress was shown.

We need more that 4 new judges to handle tens of thousands. I applaud Trump increasing or adding 4 of his own... But we need more..... Or a flexible aystem, where immigration judges from all regions in the USA can swarm the courts at the border, when there are too many cases for the judges at the border to expedite quickly.

We need to return them quickly, to encourage others in the future, NOT TO COME! Imo.

That's like saying we need a bigger pail to bail the water from our boat while not attending to the hole in it where the water is coming in.

Trump had to fight the Democrats in Congress who put up road blocks to his every border policy. When they couldn't stop him in Congress, they got their commie judges to do it for least temporarily. Then he lost leadership of the House after two years making it even more difficult.

This is a simple matter of problem vs cause. Our border is the worst it's been in over 20 years, and the problem is Biden reversed all of Trump's successful border policies. The solution? Put all Trump's policies back in place including the continuation of the border wall.

As for a real solution, neither party wants to do that. A real solution is to make being here illegally a felony punishable for a minimum of 5 years in federal prison. Nobody would want to come here and the ones that did and are staying here would pack their bags and get the hell out of Dodge.

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