Biden's open border policies continue as his administration kills a slew of border wall construction contracts

That's like saying we need a bigger pail to bail the water from our boat while not attending to the hole in it where the water is coming in.

Trump had to fight the Democrats in Congress who put up road blocks to his every border policy. When they couldn't stop him in Congress, they got their commie judges to do it for least temporarily. Then he lost leadership of the House after two years making it even more difficult.

This is a simple matter of problem vs cause. Our border is the worst it's been in over 20 years, and the problem is Biden reversed all of Trump's successful border policies. The solution? Put all Trump's policies back in place including the continuation of the border wall.

As for a real solution, neither party wants to do that. A real solution is to make being here illegally a felony punishable for a minimum of 5 years in federal prison. Nobody would want to come here and the ones that did and are staying here would pack their bags and get the hell out of Dodge.

Trump should have expanded e-verify , fined the employers and called it a day.
That's like saying we need a bigger pail to bail the water from our boat while not attending to the hole in it where the water is coming in.

Trump had to fight the Democrats in Congress who put up road blocks to his every border policy. When they couldn't stop him in Congress, they got their commie judges to do it for least temporarily. Then he lost leadership of the House after two years making it even more difficult.

This is a simple matter of problem vs cause. Our border is the worst it's been in over 20 years, and the problem is Biden reversed all of Trump's successful border policies. The solution? Put all Trump's policies back in place including the continuation of the border wall.

As for a real solution, neither party wants to do that. A real solution is to make being here illegally a felony punishable for a minimum of 5 years in federal prison. Nobody would want to come here and the ones that did and are staying here would pack their bags and get the hell out of Dodge.
It doesn't matter, unless Congress changes our laws somehow, asylum seekers have a right to a court hearing, whether they cross the border illegally, or they stand in line for days and cross through a border crossing point with Customs.
It doesn't matter, unless Congress changes our laws somehow, asylum seekers have a right to a court hearing, whether they cross the border illegally, or they stand in line for days and cross through a border crossing point with Customs.

Yes and that is unfortunate, but it's how our country works. Making being here illegally and a crime would change all that.
Trump should have expanded e-verify , fined the employers and called it a day.

He couldn't because you have to have evidence the employer knew he or she hired an illegal which is nearly impossible to prove. If the authorities don't have that evidence, then they have no case.
He couldn't because you have to have evidence the employer knew he or she hired an illegal which is nearly impossible to prove. If the authorities don't have that evidence, then they have no case.

Employers could be compelled to use E-Verify. Its too simple.
He played golf, tweeted and was on TV every day.. He didn't get much done. He was used to running a 12 person company.
The swamp is in death spiral mode. All the things you don't do to keep a nation viable.
Biden's actions demonstrate once again, how Dimocrats will ALWAYS work to destroy any efforts to control our borders and immigration.
These people need to be punished, in every single opportunity that comes along.
And the drug cartels will be partying tonight!!!
As usual Dimocrats ALWAYS have a reason to be against ANY attempts to control our border.
Have I told you lately just how much I hate these people?!

FUCK YOU JOE BIDEN!!! Fucking moron!

Republicans Slam Biden, Mayorkas After More Border Wall Contracts Ended​

The drug cartels don't give a hoot. They use ports of entry because they can smuggle m ore drugs in. The DEA has confirmed this previously. Good because I hate Trump supporters.
I just hope when Trump gets back in office and has a super majority in both houses.
It will not longer be the US you grew up with. It will be the People's Democratic Republic of the United States of America.

Has a familiar ring to it....hhhhhhmmmm...I wonder where from...
I just hope when Trump gets back in office and has a super majority in both houses. They can work it that any illegal can never vote in any election as it should be. Then they will regret letting millions of illegals cross our border.

There is no evidence illegals have voted in any elections. If that happens, we will become a authoritarian dictatorship in the nold of Nazi Germany.
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