Biden’s Running on Fixing Healthcare Obama Screwed Up

Got to love it. If Biden had a clue how to do such a great job why did he hide it?
The cost of what they want will break the country or tax everyone into the poor house.
This is all the right wing knows how to do:
Funny that you blame the right for exactly what the left does. In case they did not notice in China the Democrats are in control of the purse strings right now. They even have a 2.5 trillion bill that the Republicans won’t pass because it is too high. Republicans have traditionally been less on spending then Democrats. For you in China that is the left.
No, they're not. If you are relatively healthy it is marginally better, but if you are sick you will die in Europe faster than the US. That has been proven over, and over, and over again. People who can afford to do so, come to the USA for their medical treatments.

I have never seen that proven to a satisfactory degree. I know public approval of healthcare over there is WAY higher. I also have anecdotal experience from traveling Europe myself. People there loved their healthcare and think we're insane for our way.
Europe no longer has the American Military defending them, they'll have little money to finance their health care system

We are the only first world country on the planet that doesn't have a national healthcare system. How does everybody else afford it?
No, they're not. If you are relatively healthy it is marginally better, but if you are sick you will die in Europe faster than the US. That has been proven over, and over, and over again. People who can afford to do so, come to the USA for their medical treatments.

I have never seen that proven to a satisfactory degree. I know public approval of healthcare over there is WAY higher. I also have anecdotal experience from traveling Europe myself. People there loved their healthcare and think we're insane for our way.

I own a flat in Paris. I'm old. I go to the hospital at least once every three to four years. When I had my heart issue I survived because I was in Nevada. Had I been in Paris I would not be here.
I own a flat in Paris. I'm old. I go to the hospital at least once every three to four years. When I had my heart issue I survived because I was in Nevada. Had I been in Paris I would not be here.

If the U.S had a public option for poor people we would still have the best healthcare in the world at the top end. People with means will always get the care they need in a timely fashion in the United States.
I own a flat in Paris. I'm old. I go to the hospital at least once every three to four years. When I had my heart issue I survived because I was in Nevada. Had I been in Paris I would not be here.

If the U.S had a public option for poor people we would still have the best healthcare in the world at the top end. People with means will always get the care they need in a timely fashion in the United States.

We do. It's called the ER. No one can be turned away. Look up obamacare on the Reno news and review website. It is a litany of faithful Democrats all lamenting the fact that they are paying way more for insurance and how they can't find doctors who accept it.

Just because you had insurance didn't mean you would get seen. That's the problem with socialized medicine. In the UK the AVERAGE wait time for an ambulance is 30 hours. In a few cases they didn't make it until 96 hours had passed.

How well do you think that would go over here?
I own a flat in Paris. I'm old. I go to the hospital at least once every three to four years. When I had my heart issue I survived because I was in Nevada. Had I been in Paris I would not be here.

If the U.S had a public option for poor people we would still have the best healthcare in the world at the top end. People with means will always get the care they need in a timely fashion in the United States.

We do. It's called the ER. No one can be turned away. Look up obamacare on the Reno news and review website. It is a litany of faithful Democrats all lamenting the fact that they are paying way more for insurance and how they can't find doctors who accept it.

Just because you had insurance didn't mean you would get seen. That's the problem with socialized medicine. In the UK the AVERAGE wait time for an ambulance is 30 hours. In a few cases they didn't make it until 96 hours had passed.

How well do you think that would go over here?

There are horror stories in every healthcare system and plenty of biased outlets to build narratives out of them. An ER is not the same as a national healthcare system because a national healthcare system allows for preventative care. You can't go to the ER for preventative care; it's for emergency care. They have ERs in Europe too by the way. Maybe we'd have less ER visits in the US if more people were seeing their doctors more regularly.
Europeans have been pretty happy with their healthcare for decades now.

Not really. When Mick Jagger needed serious heart surgery, he came to America instead of getting it in England for free. Ditto with Ozzy who just had back surgery and parkinsons treatment. Europeans who care come to America.
You mean Rich Europeans. Right wingers don't care about the Poor.
The poor get healthcare. Can not be refused.
Emergency care is not the same as healthcare.
In the inner cities at least a couple of decades ago, poor people had to be admitted to the hospital for an issue. Emergency care is expensive and costs a lot of money. Healthcare is Emergency Care. The costs are born by the working class taxpayer.
Simply hilarious.

Like socialism, we’ll get it right this time!

Makes sense to take Obamacare and make it better.

How can you make a pile of cat poo like O'care "better"?

Yup. Its a yoke around the neck of the American tax payer. The ONLY people who love it are the ones the rest of us are paying for. Whats not to love. You get your healthcare at everyone else's expense.

I know loads of people who lost their doctors and their very good plans because of Obamacare. My own HC expenses went up by 60%. Such a deal.
You mean they have all the military commitments We have?

Military isn't why we don't have a national healthcare system, but I'm all about ending some of our planetary military expenditure.
So you think we can somehow scrape together 35 Trillion in ten years without stealing money from the military? We bring in approximately 3.2 Trillion in taxes each year. So going off that we would need every penny in taxes and still be using the national credit card just to afford national healthcare. That means no money for anything or anyone. So welfare and it’s programs go. Military and infrastructure goes. No government employees, even congress and executive goes. We would not even be able to pay interest on existing debt.
if the country stops paying out federal monies to the states, state taxes WILL go up. Some states are already taxes the average worker to death. If we shut down one foreign military base we have that many people and spouses on unemployment. The country that hosted that base looses the income off that base.
But yeah the military is not the only reason we don’t have bad national healthcare.
Europeans have been pretty happy with their healthcare for decades now.

Not really. When Mick Jagger needed serious heart surgery, he came to America instead of getting it in England for free. Ditto with Ozzy who just had back surgery and parkinsons treatment. Europeans who care come to America.
You mean Rich Europeans. Right wingers don't care about the Poor.
The poor get healthcare. Can not be refused.
Emergency care is not the same as healthcare.
In the inner cities at least a couple of decades ago, poor people had to be admitted to the hospital for an issue. Emergency care is expensive and costs a lot of money. Healthcare is Emergency Care. The costs are born by the working class taxpayer.
Emergency health service is not the same as comprehensive healthcare. It the most expensive option. Solving simple poverty can mean anyone with an income can afford some type of insurance. Why does the right wing have a problem with equal protection of the laws, yet blame illegals for being less fortunate?
You mean they have all the military commitments We have?

Military isn't why we don't have a national healthcare system, but I'm all about ending some of our planetary military expenditure.
So you think we can somehow scrape together 35 Trillion in ten years without stealing money from the military? We bring in approximately 3.2 Trillion in taxes each year. So going off that we would need every penny in taxes and still be using the national credit card just to afford national healthcare. That means no money for anything or anyone. So welfare and it’s programs go. Military and infrastructure goes. No government employees, even congress and executive goes. We would not even be able to pay interest on existing debt.
if the country stops paying out federal monies to the states, state taxes WILL go up. Some states are already taxes the average worker to death. If we shut down one foreign military base we have that many people and spouses on unemployment. The country that hosted that base looses the income off that base.
But yeah the military is not the only reason we don’t have bad national healthcare.
No, but right wingers don't want to pay for that either with their Tax Cut economics. Proof those policies are just fake news? And, waging alleged wars on a for-profit basis is immoral and unethical. Even the Nazi's knew better:
In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice of life and property that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment due to a war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. Therefore, we demand ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
Simply hilarious.

Like socialism, we’ll get it right this time!

Why would anybody want to do something different than this glorious Repeal and Replace that Trump has blessed us with?!
There is no replace with Trump, that was always a lie....
Europeans have been pretty happy with their healthcare for decades now.

Not really. When Mick Jagger needed serious heart surgery, he came to America instead of getting it in England for free. Ditto with Ozzy who just had back surgery and parkinsons treatment. Europeans who care come to America.
You mean Rich Europeans. Right wingers don't care about the Poor.
The poor get healthcare. Can not be refused.
Emergency care is not the same as healthcare.
In the inner cities at least a couple of decades ago, poor people had to be admitted to the hospital for an issue. Emergency care is expensive and costs a lot of money. Healthcare is Emergency Care. The costs are born by the working class taxpayer.
Emergency health service is not the same as comprehensive healthcare. It the most expensive option. Solving simple poverty can mean anyone with an income can afford some type of insurance. Why does the right wing have a problem with equal protection of the laws, yet blame illegals for being less fortunate?

Insurance and health care are two different things. If someone is broke and sick, they need care, not "coverage". And Obamacare did nothing to provide High Quality healthcare to the Middle Class.
Got to love it. If Biden had a clue how to do such a great job why did he hide it?
The cost of what they want will break the country or tax everyone into the poor house.
This is all the right wing knows how to do:
Funny that you blame the right for exactly what the left does. In case they did not notice in China the Democrats are in control of the purse strings right now. They even have a 2.5 trillion bill that the Republicans won’t pass because it is too high. Republicans have traditionally been less on spending then Democrats. For you in China that is the left.

When the (R)'s had the White House, Senate and House they accrued every bit as much debt as they condemned Obama for doing. Who controlled the House under Obama's debt after the first two years?
Europe no longer has the American Military defending them, they'll have little money to finance their health care system

We are the only first world country on the planet that doesn't have a national healthcare system. How does everybody else afford it?

They provide shitty services.

That's why people who care about their health in Europe, folks like the Prince of Darkness O. Osbourne, come to America for healthcare.
Europe no longer has the American Military defending them, they'll have little money to finance their health care system

We are the only first world country on the planet that doesn't have a national healthcare system. How does everybody else afford it?

They provide shitty services.

That's why people who care about their health in Europe, folks like the Prince of Darkness O. Osbourne, come to America for healthcare.

We would still be the best in the world if we offered standard healthcare for the poor.

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