Biden's "Season of Darkness" speech

Biden accused President Trump of creating a "Season of Darkness" in his prerecorded speech.
This was shamefull Fear Mongering Demagoguery.
It is the Democrats who are causing the chaos and violence.
It is a insult to everyone's intelligence.
Biden is telling Americans that the Republicans should be feared.
Joe got it barrackwards again.
The Dems are assaulting American culture and freedoms.
They are burning cities, beating people in our streets and murdering people.
Senile Joe's handlers are liars and scumbags. :mad-61: Senile Joe is too damn far gone mentally to have figured this out himself!:smoke:
Beating up old people is about all the BLM thugs can do... Until we start shooting back..
BLM thugs? Not what you pretend they are. And you know it.
There a BLM members, then there is the infiltration by Proud Bois, White Supremacist, Boogaloo Boys and RKKK.
BLM is no different than the KKK. BLM is black supremacist hate group.
Actually BLM is an anti-White hate group that seeks to destroy civilization created by Whitey via Europe; Western Civilization, art, music, science, language, culture, basically every invention that makes life great, etc. Sure delusional Blacks are on board, but also assorted mixed races, jews and self-hating Whites support the insanity. Look at South Africa to see their goals.
Biden accused President Trump of creating a "Season of Darkness" in his prerecorded speech.
This was shamefull Fear Mongering Demagoguery.
It is the Democrats who are causing the chaos and violence.
It is a insult to everyone's intelligence.
Biden is telling Americans that the Republicans should be feared.
Joe got it barrackwards again.
The Dems are assaulting American culture and freedoms.
They are burning cities, beating people in our streets and murdering people.

He plagiarized this speech............from a Canadian........

Biden accused President Trump of creating a "Season of Darkness" in his prerecorded speech.
This was shamefull Fear Mongering Demagoguery.
It is the Democrats who are causing the chaos and violence.
It is a insult to everyone's intelligence.
Biden is telling Americans that the Republicans should be feared.
Joe got it barrackwards again.
The Dems are assaulting American culture and freedoms.
They are burning cities, beating people in our streets and murdering people.

He plagiarized this speech............from a Canadian........

Senile Joe's handlers plaglarized the speech. :smoke: Senile Joe is too far gone to do that!;)
Biden accused President Trump of creating a "Season of Darkness" in his prerecorded speech.
This was shamefull Fear Mongering Demagoguery.
It is the Democrats who are causing the chaos and violence.
It is a insult to everyone's intelligence.
Biden is telling Americans that the Republicans should be feared.
Joe got it barrackwards again.
The Dems are assaulting American culture and freedoms.
They are burning cities, beating people in our streets and murdering people.
Democrats bringing peace, unity, and hope:

Season of Light?
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