Biden's Stolen Documents Story was Suppressed Until After Midterms: Snowden.

he’s not immune from crimes he committed before becoming president
Hell no, he hasn’t committed any crime. He’s president. He can fking and pardon himself, declassify all his shit and tell Humpers to stick it. Trump is now just a loose cannon sack of shit. Measure him now for an Orange jump suit.
Hell no, he hasn’t committed any crime. He’s president. He can fking and pardon himself, declassify all his shit and tell Humpers to stick it. Trump is now just a loose cannon sack of shit. Measure him now for an Orange jump suit.
cool he can pardon him self if he wants.

but yes he committte numerous crowns
cool he can pardon him self if he wants.

but yes he committte numerous crowns
I’ll assume you meant “crimes”.
As yet, he’s committed no crime. He voluntarily handed shit over. Criminality goes to intent.

. We KNOW Trump's a fking Putin baglapper and would give he and Kim what whatever they want. As yet, we know no such thing about Biden, other then he’s passed more promised legislation then repo BS artist claimed they would.
I’ll assume you meant “crimes”.
As yet, he’s committed no crime. He voluntarily handed shit over. Criminality goes to intent.

. We KNOW Trump's a fking Putin baglapper and would give he and Kim what whatever they want. As yet, we know no such thing about Biden, other then he’s passed more promised legislation then repo BS artist claimed they would.
haha he did no such thing..his lawyer rated him out afte he discovered classified material in a file he labeled “personal m” in his office
Biden hid the documents to steal the election.

Please stay on topic.

Too much to hope for.

The asinine leftards are totally deranged, they keep giving Trump free publicity, they can't stop talking about how much they hate him.
Too much to hope for.

The asinine leftards are totally deranged, they keep giving Trump free publicity, they can't stop talking about how much they hate him.
Trump is just a symptom of you idiots. He gave permission for the uneducated, uninformed and delusional to make up shit and be heard.
how would that Russian know anything about what is going on in the US?
Same way they know lots of other things about us. Remember, he was essentially a SPY NERD when he worked here. What makes you think he's anything different there?? Spies switching sides is nothing new. It goes way back before you and me. You don't think the Russians have used him wisely? You think he just works in a Borscht kitchen there or something?

Same way they know lots of other things about us. Remember, he was essentially a SPY NERD when he worked here. What makes you think he's anything different there?? Spies switching sides is nothing new. It goes way back before you and me. You don't think the Russians have used him wisely? You think he just works in a Borscht kitchen there or something?


When he was here he had access to a shit ton of classified information.

In Russia he has nothing more than you and I have
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material

(a)Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both.
Enough Said!

This is the real story behind the stolen documents and hopefully it can be discussed civilly and rationally here on this thread, without the usual spamming.

Both presidents have stolen documents but the important distinction is that Biden hid the documents to steal the election.

Please stay on topic.
When were we notified former president Trump stole all of the presidential records, and top secret documents and brought them to Mara Lago?

Within a week of the Archives noticing they are all missing? Nope! A year later! And some of us didn't know at all until a year and 7 months later, with the Mara Lago Search and Seizure raid!!!

So, what is your issue with less than 1 week being notified about Biden's?
We are lied to about the government spying on us. We have the representative of that government testify under oath that we are not spying on the citizens.

One person exposes that lie. Those who lied to us aren't held accountable, the one who exposed the lies are.

That same person notes a simple fact. That fact certainly should have been exposed and it's even been acknowledged since then.

So far those who broke the laws have not been held accountable, only the one exposing things is.

This is why I can not support either party.
Those "other people" were Biden`s own lawyers.
He isn’t now. He has no legal authority to have the documents. Guess what, BIDEN IS PRESIDENT RIGHT NOW. By your own admission he has unlimited authority NOW to have any fking documents any fking where he wants.

Biden is just exercising the power he has NOW.


Hasn’t figured out the Mar A Largo “We gottem now!” Is over.

You don't read to good do you?
The President has a unique absolute power over all top secret documents, including the ability to declassify documents at will. And no one can stop him. When he took the documents he was still President, therefore not illegal. READ.
Biden was a Vice President. He has no such authority. In fact it is a FELONY for him, as well as all government employees except the President to remove any secret documents out of an approved secured area without chain of command authorization. OBVIOUSLY.. Obama didn't tell Joe "yeah sure... take whatever you want, just keep in in your garage"
wasn't president Trump by LAW suppose to turn over ALL of his presidential records and documents to the National Archives BEFORE he left office?
wasn't president Trump by LAW suppose to turn over ALL of his presidential records and documents to the National Archives BEFORE he left office?
the major difference is the Presidential Records Act isn’t part of the criminal code. Xiden stealing classified documents and converting them to his own use is a crime
wasn't president Trump by LAW suppose to turn over ALL of his presidential records and documents to the National Archives BEFORE he left office?
That is the thing.
There is no law on the books. Look it up.
Yes, they are supposed to return them. Absolutely.
But there is no law saying so.
It is a gray area, because a President, while President, has absolute unlimited access to Top Secret documents including the unlimited right to declassify said documents at will.
But... he is no longer President. But... the time he took them - he was.

Biden took them as a VP, who has zero rights to remove Top Secret documents.

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