Biden's Stolen Documents Story was Suppressed Until After Midterms: Snowden.

the major difference is the Presidential Records Act isn’t part of the criminal code. Xiden stealing classified documents and converting them to his own use is a crime
Aren't presidents suppose to abide by our laws? Both Trump and Biden and all presidents?
Aren't presidents suppose to abide by our laws? Both Trump and Biden and all presidents?
all people are suppose to…but there is a vast difference between having overdue documents and stealing documents to sell to china like what xiden did
That is the thing.
There is no law on the books. Look it up.
Yes, they are supposed to return them. Absolutely.
But there is no law saying so.
It is a gray area, because a President, while President, has absolute unlimited access to Top Secret documents including the unlimited right to declassify said documents at will.
But... he is no longer President. But... the time he took them - he was.

Biden took them as a VP, who has zero rights to remove Top Secret documents.
Did he declassify all classified documents before he took them....?

and even if he had, which there is no record or witness showing he did, but if he had done something so dangerous as that, as magically declassifying all these national security classified documents without consultation with those who classified the documents as protocol required, he would have been impeached immediately for dereliction of duty, and for aiding and abetting the enemy!

anything top secret and above top secret that he 'magic wand' declassified, could be gotten by our foreign enemies with simply a FOIA request!

do you really think, that is what Trump did?
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Did he declassify all classified documents before he took them....?

and even if he had, which there is no record or witness showing he did, but if he had done something so dangerous as that, as magically declassifying all these national security classified documents cuenta without consultation with those who classified the documents as protocol required, he would have been impeached immediately for dereliction of duty, and for aiding and abetting the enemy!

anything top secret and above top secret that he 'magic wand' declassified, could be gotten by our foreign enemies with simply a FOIA request!

do you really think, that is what Trump did?
i know xiden didn’t when he left office
Did he declassify all classified documents before he took them....?

and even if he had, which there is no record or witness showing he did, but if he had done something so dangerous as that, as magically declassifying all these national security classified documents without consultation with those who classified the documents as protocol required, he would have been impeached immediately for dereliction of duty, and for aiding and abetting the enemy!

anything top secret and above top secret that he 'magic wand' declassified, could be gotten by our foreign enemies with simply a FOIA request!

do you really think, that is what Trump did?
Again - gray.
A President has unlimited control of Top Secret Documents. He doesn't need a "witness".
What Trump did is not right. It violates the trust of the office itself. But not legally. Ethically.
Trump was wrong to have them. But not legally.
Biden did not have that power when he took them and randomly stored them all over the place.
FFS care.... on the floor in boxes in his garage. That is over the top irresponsible.
AND... it is a felony crime since he was not President.

Bottom line... we are supposed to be able to trust a President. Obviously not anymore
When he was here he had access to a shit ton of classified information.

In Russia he has nothing more than you and I have
He does. He has years of experience working for a secret intelligence agency... Unless of course there's something you're not telling us!


The Russians are very confident that Snowden can never and will never return to the US. It's not like either still be at spy who suddenly has a change in part and defects to our side. They know there is no danger of him doing that as long as they treat him well. And they very likely have invested in his training and development to help them spy on us.
Grownups don`t make up childish names like "xiden". Are you off from school today because of the holiday?
awww i hurt your little feelings

i didn’t make up the nick name it’s what his partners in the CCP call him…it’s a term of endearment
Ha ha
Deep state ? Yup, the deep state that stole all of Trump‘s classified material and handed it over to him.
I'm talking about the deep state which tried to keep the Biden document scandal hush hush while they reported nonstop on Trump's, just before the election nonetheless.
I'm talking about the deep state which tried to keep the Biden document scandal hush hush while they reported nonstop on Trump's, just before the election nonetheless.
Which deep state was that ? The one that’s turning over all the documents to the DOJ ?
He does. He has years of experience working for a secret intelligence agency... Unless of course there's something you're not telling us!

He was a data analyst contractor that stole a bunch of classified documents. He was not a fucking spy.

Once he left he lost all access to everything.
I'm talking about the deep state which tried to keep the Biden document scandal hush hush while they reported nonstop on Trump's, just before the election nonetheless.
The DoJ is supposed to keep active investigations a secret. Trump is the one that started running his mouth about his investigation.
He was a data analyst contractor that stole a bunch of classified documents. He was not a fucking spy.

Once he left he lost all access to everything.
NSA agents ALL work for the ultimate purpose of spying. He would have had considerable knowledge of our spy program, how it works, and how his job fit into that. Just because he wasn't a field agent doesn't mean he didn't play a role in it. He was was privy to sensitive information, ferreted out sensitive information and worked with sensitive information. And now he is likely doing that same job for the Russians with far more experience and training then he had when he fled the U.S..
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And now he is likely doing that same job for the Russians with far more experience in training then he had before he fled the U.S..

Except he no longer has unfettered access like he did when he was a contractor for the NSA.

I worked with classified information up till the day I retired from the Marine Corps...and once I did it was cut off

I assume you have never even see a classified document
What does this have to do with Biden violating 18 US Code 1924?
Precisely my point.


Trump has nothing to do with it

It's just that the leftards can't stop talking about him.

So somehow he enters every conversation

It gets old
Except he no longer has unfettered access like he did when he was a contractor for the NSA.

I worked with classified information up till the day I retired from the Marine Corps...and once I did it was cut off

I assume you have never even see a classified document
I have an uncle who designed weapons at the Picatinny arsenal, a grandfather who tore apart and inspected captured German planes in World War II at a high-security base. I have a sister who recently retired as a MARINE Lt.Col from the Pentagon, a father who was in the Airborne and participated in a small revolution in a foreign country, a grandmother who furnished the White House with data from her position at the Library of Congress in the 40's, and an uncle who worked with both NSA and CIA agents as a shortwave "listener". I may be an exception to the family rule but I know pretty well how the intelligence community works.

If the Russians could get Snowden to work in the same field as he did in the U.S., they would. They would keep tabs on him, but they would have every reason to keep him working in the same capacity against us. And they know he can never defect so they have quite an asset there.

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