Biden's Stolen Documents Story was Suppressed Until After Midterms: Snowden.

He isn’t now. He has no legal authority to have the documents. Guess what, BIDEN IS PRESIDENT RIGHT NOW. By your own admission he has unlimited authority NOW to have any fking documents any fking where he wants.

Biden is just exercising the power he has NOW.
the problem is xiden’s only been president for two years He stole these documents 6 years ago and had them hidden illegally for 4 years. We need to know who he shared them with who he sold them too as well.
the problem is xiden’s only been president for two years He stole these documents 6 years ago and had them hidden illegally for 4 years. We need to know who he shared them with who he sold them too as well.
Don't start that on Biden, he's a wide-eyed patsy for patriotism and would never sell documents.
Quote from your link;

[lquote] Experts say Trump’s actions weakened Ukraine, divided NATO, emboldened Putin and helped get us to where we are today. And even with Trump no longer in office, his impact lives on in the form of Putin-friendly commentary in conservative media and from some Republican lawmakers.

Do you see now? Experts say!

I've set the tone for the conservatives and now all they need to do is take the ball and run with it.

This isn't my support of Trump. It's just acknowledging how Trump's psychopathy put him on the side of peace!
Trump was not, and is not on the side of peace . not sure how you draw these conclusions from what is posted
Do you see now? Experts say!

I've set the tone for the conservatives and now all they need to do is take the ball and run with it.

This isn't my support of Trump. It's just acknowledging how Trump's psychopathy put him on the side of peace!
Trump was not, and is not on the side of peace . not sure how you draw these conclusions from what is posted
trump was the president of peace. Ending Obama endless wars, getting historic peace deals with israel and the arab world.

within months xiden fucked all that up
haha Xiden used deferments to avoid service, and his son was kicked out for smoking crack
His son got an administrative discharge,. HE had volunteered. His other son served admirably.

His son got an administrative discharge,. HE had volunteered. His other son served admirably.

they were actually working at jobs…not smoking crack on the tax payers dime
the problem is xiden’s only been president for two years He stole these documents 6 years ago and had them hidden illegally for 4 years. We need to know who he shared them with who he sold them too as well.
So what. If trump won the last election, he could easily claim he’s untouchable. So tough shit. Biden can do what he damn well pleases as the arbiter what is and what is not a secret document.

Trump has verbalized he would take the help of anyother country to win elections. He’s demonstrated he’s a fkin* traitor.
So what. If trump won the last election, he could easily claim he’s untouchable. So tough shit. Biden can do what he damn well pleases as the arbiter what is and what is not secret documents.

Trump has verbalized he would take the help of anyother country to win elections. He’s demonstrated he’s a fkin* traitor.
Xiden publicly asked Xibfor help to win an election. Xiden is not above the law. Hes stealing of state secrets is a crime
Xiden publicly asked Xibfor help to win an election. Xiden is not above the law. Hes stealing of state secrets is a crime
Really ? He was Vice President with need to know then, he’s president with need to know now. Trump is out of a job.
Case closed.
You don't read to good do you?
The President has a unique absolute power over all top secret documents, including the ability to declassify documents at will. And no one can stop him. When he took the documents he was still President, therefore not illegal. READ.
Biden was a Vice President. He has no such authority. In fact it is a FELONY for him, as well as all government employees except the President to remove any secret documents out of an approved secured area without chain of command authorization. OBVIOUSLY.. Obama didn't tell Joe "yeah sure... take whatever you want, just keep in in your garage"
Seems like you had a reading comp problem. You’re really confused. Need to know and changing document classification are two different issues. Trump NEVER DID WHEN PRESIDENT. BIDEN IS PRESIDENT NOW. It’s too late for Trump to make bogus claims.
he wasn’t VP for the four years he was hiding them
Totally immaterial. He’s president now. Sounds like Trump was so incompetent he didn’t know what was missing. He was too busy handing over secrets to Putin.
You're missing the point being made by Snowden. Biden has in fact stolen the election on the same grounds as Trump's criminal activity lost the R's the election.

Here's a clue for ya'all: Biden doesn't even 'pretend' to claim to have waved America's magic wand over the documents so as to make them declassified!
He couldn't. As vice president, he had no power to do so.

Since there is no process to declassify, he could do it exactly that way.
well, there seems to be a procedure that Trump never use. Bottom line, when it’s declassified, the document should say so…..or at least the corresponding one on file.

“Documents must be declassified page by page; in fact, if TS/SCI [Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information] line by line. The document then is marked declassified (often sanitized) by the authorizing agent along with the date.”

so it seems if Trump has the authority and Trump is doing the declassification, he can only do it when president and then must relabel it. He didn’t do shit.
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Totally immaterial. He’s president now. Sounds like Trump was so incompetent he didn’t know what was missing. He was too busy handing over secrets to Putin.
he’s not immune from crimes he committed before becoming president
Yes, Democrats have really been hitting the fact that the two cases are vastly different. This point is right on. Yes, they are both very different. The deep state is at it yet again.
Ha ha
Deep state ? Yup, the deep state that stole all of Trump‘s classified material and handed it over to him.

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