Biden's Stolen Documents Story was Suppressed Until After Midterms: Snowden.

He does. He has years of experience working for a secret intelligence agency... Unless of course there's something you're not telling us!


The Russians are very confident that Snowden can never and will never return to the US. It's not like either still be at spy who suddenly has a change in part and defects to our side. They know there is no danger of him doing that as long as they treat him well. And they very likely have invested in his training and development to help them spy on us.
Snowden was an IT guy not an intelligence analyst. The access he gained to the information he stole was done illegally.

Except he no longer has unfettered access like he did when he was a contractor for the NSA.

I worked with classified information up till the day I retired from the Marine Corps...and once I did it was cut off

I assume you have never even see a classified document

He didn't have access while he was a contractor at NSA, he was an IT guy not an analyst. He tricked people who worked there into leaving their workstations up while he did "systems updates/fixes" and used their access. Essentially, no one person has access to the broad spectrum of data Snowden stole.
I have an uncle who designed weapons at the Picatinny arsenal, a grandfather who tore apart and inspected captured German planes in World War II at a high-security base. I have a sister who recently retired as a MARINE Lt.Col from the Pentagon, a father who was in the Airborne and participated in a small revolution in a foreign country, a grandmother who furnished the White House with data from her position at the Library of Congress in the 40's, and an uncle who worked with both NSA and CIA agents as a shortwave "listener". I may be an exception to the family rule but I know pretty well how the intelligence community works.

If the Russians could get Snowden to work in the same field as he did in the U.S., they would. They would keep tabs on him, but they would have every reason to keep him working in the same capacity against us. And they know he can never defect so they have quite an asset there.

You're tracking that Snowden wasnt "working for the Russians" when he did what he did right?

Also what your family may of may not have done gives you exactly zero knowledge of the workings of NSA or the IC in general.
Snowden was an IT guy not an intelligence analyst. The access he gained to the information he stole was done illegally.

He didn't have access while he was a contractor at NSA, he was an IT guy not an analyst. He tricked people who worked there into leaving their workstations up while he did "systems updates/fixes" and used their access. Essentially, no one person has access to the broad spectrum of data Snowden stole.
So he's a spy!!! Just like I said. He did great job even if for the wrong side. And the Russians probably respect him for it but watch him carefully while giving him work to do. I'll bet many decoys pass by his desk to test him. But as Ive said he can never defect back to the U.S.. That gives the Russians alot of insurance in using him.
The DoJ is supposed to keep active investigations a secret. Trump is the one that started running his mouth about his investigation.
The DOJ raided Mar a Lago 91 days before the midterms because they have a policy of not doing things like this less than 90 days of an election. Tell me that was just an astounding coincidence and not political.
Well what he did there ended up "working for the Russians" didn't it. And now so does he, by choice. He may have done what he did as an inspired "private contractor". A self-taught spy looking for a job.
So he's a spy!!! Just like I said. He did great job even if for the wrong side. And the Russians probably respect him for it but watch him carefully while giving him work to do. I'll bet many decoys pass by his desk to test him. But as Ive said he can never defect back to the U.S.. That gives the Russians alot of insurance in using him.

Snowden wasn't a spy in the traditional sense of the word. He didn't steal that information at the behest of the Russians or anyone else for that matter. He was just an IT guy who had issues with the collection programs that came about because of the Patriot Act. Were he a "spy" he was a terrible one. He released that information publicly and killed his access to any subsequent collection.

Using him for what exactly? He's not some intelligence genius. Again, Snowden was just an IT guy, not an intel guru.
The DoJ is supposed to keep active investigations a secret. Trump is the one that started running his mouth about his investigation.
Does that then require the DOJ to have press conferences about the active investigation? Because that's what happened. Trump can run his mouth about whatever he wants he's a private citizen.
Well what he did there ended up "working for the Russians" didn't it. And now so does he, by choice. He may have done what he did as an inspired "private contractor". A self-taught spy looking for a job.
What choice does Snowden have at this point? If he leaves Russia and arrested he'll likely end up back in the States and in jail. Snowden's usefulness to the Russians is more or less confined to poking the US in the eye with is continued "freedom". Outside of that Im not sure what benefit Snowden bestows on the Russian Government.
Again - gray.
A President has unlimited control of Top Secret Documents. He doesn't need a "witness".
What Trump did is not right. It violates the trust of the office itself. But not legally. Ethically.
Trump was wrong to have them. But not legally.
Biden did not have that power when he took them and randomly stored them all over the place.
FFS care.... on the floor in boxes in his garage. That is over the top irresponsible.
AND... it is a felony crime since he was not President.

Bottom line... we are supposed to be able to trust a President. Obviously not anymore
A lot of just made up shit with no proof.
What ever you think his unlimited power is, it still has to be dated and noted. If it hasn’t been dated and the change noted, it didn’t happen. Look it up instead of making up shit.
A lot of just made up shit with no proof.
What ever you think his unlimited power is, it still has to be dated and noted. If it hasn’t been dated and the change noted, it didn’t happen. Look it up instead of making up shit.
You are just uninformed.

Snowden wasn't a spy in the traditional sense of the word. He didn't steal that information at the behest of the Russians or anyone else for that matter. He was just an IT guy who had issues with the collection programs that came about because of the Patriot Act. Were he a "spy" he was a terrible one. He released that information publicly and killed his access to any subsequent collection.

Using him for what exactly? He's not some intelligence genius. Again, Snowden was just an IT guy, not an intel guru.
No, Snowden was in fact trained by the CIA in addition to the NSA. While employed for the CIA he was temporarily stationed in Switzerland where he was considered the "top technical and cybersecurity expert" there. He not just a run-of-the-mill technician who managed to get security clearance due to his military service. His work was actively for the purpose of interpretation and spying...or counter-spying. He was quite formidable at his job by that time and had already working not one but two American intelligence agencies. A resume with real momentum. I have repeatedly stated that now that he's in Russia he is basically stuck there. Almost two decades have gone by since all that stuff went down. Can you imagine what the Russians may have trained him for at this point? He is an excellent candidate for their spy program...and unlike most agents he comes with insurance that he can never defect to the other side.
You are just uninformed.

And , you just posted more bullshit.
It states he has unlimited access. Where does it say he can just change classification at anytime without noting and dating it ? Where ? Just more made up shit in your part.
I have an uncle who designed weapons at the Picatinny arsenal, a grandfather who tore apart and inspected captured German planes in World War II at a high-security base. I have a sister who recently retired as a MARINE Lt.Col from the Pentagon, a father who was in the Airborne and participated in a small revolution in a foreign country, a grandmother who furnished the White House with data from her position at the Library of Congress in the 40's, and an uncle who worked with both NSA and CIA agents as a shortwave "listener". I may be an exception to the family rule but I know pretty well how the intelligence community works.

If the Russians could get Snowden to work in the same field as he did in the U.S., they would. They would keep tabs on him, but they would have every reason to keep him working in the same capacity against us. And they know he can never defect so they have quite an asset there.

Damn, all that just to say you have never even seen a classified document
No, Snowden was in fact trained by the CIA in addition to the NSA. While employed for the CIA he was temporarily stationed in Switzerland where he was considered the "top technical and cybersecurity expert" there. He not just a run-of-the-mill technician who managed to get security clearance due to his military service. His work was actively for the purpose of interpretation and spying...or counter-spying. He was quite formidable at his job by that time and had already working not one but two American intelligence agencies. A resume with real momentum. I have repeatedly stated that now that he's in Russia he is basically stuck there. Almost two decades have gone by since all that stuff went down. Can you imagine what the Russians may have trained him for at this point? He is an excellent candidate for their spy program...and unlike most agents he comes with insurance that he can never defect to the other side.
He was a systems admin. He might have been a really good one but that's all he was.

Wow you are really uninformed about this topic.

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