Biden's town hall drew in 1 million more viewers than Trump's

Two little points that I'm sure would escape your cube-shaped brain:
  1. Trump is on TV, live in person or the radio three times a day seven days a week. Everyone sees him, hears him. Biden has been hiding in his basement for 5 months. This was one of the rare chances to actually see and hear the guy. Maybe see him have to defend the new Hunter emails.
  2. Trump's town hall was a 60 minute show from 8-9. Biden's was a 90 minute show from 8-9:30. So of course a lot of people switched over from Trump to also catch the last 30 of Biden, adding to Joe's numbers.
After 2016, you would think by now even idiots like you would have come to realize that you cannot quantify Trump in terms of numbers and stats.
I hear that Stephanopolis did not even mention the infamous Hunter Biden lap top that the alert repairman handed over to the FBI. Biggest bombshell story yet of the campaign, and not a word of it from the liberal OMISSION media.

This is why Democrats never know anything.
Biden's "town hall" was like watching a NASCAR race. Everybody wants to see the crashes. They were disappointed because Georgie Stefonopolis was reading from the same script. The softballs were as bad as "what's your favorite color". The smoking gun in the Hunter Biden soap opera was revealed the same day but good old Georgie never asked old Joe about it.

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.
Funny thing about last night-----I spaced theml---------when I finally remembered.........I shot over to two channels. I started off looking for Trumps speech wanting to show my support----but by the time I got to it---he was already completely over and they weren't talking about it which I thought was funny.

Bidens speech was on longer--------------------which means viewers who watched trump speech were able to switch over and then watch bidens----Raising Bidens ratings simply because of the time----now look ya lib and foreign propagandists try spinning the ratings thing as some sort of accomplishment that people like biden-----No hun, they it was a manipulation of the time.

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.

I don't see what's so "quaint" about the electoral system. America consists of 50 states, and the idea of giving the less populated states no say would have never passed.

Look at the UN General Assembly. Is it "quaint" that Red China gets the same number of votes as Latvia or Luxembourg? Same kind of thing, as we have 50 sovereign states.

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.

Relevant reading...

"TikTok users were trying to artificially inflate the Biden numbers by opening the steam on multiple devices and browser tabs. By the time that article was published – 10 am Eastern on Friday – the Biden video had 2.8 million views, while the three NBC-affiliated streams of Trump’s event actually added up to 4.5 million views."

Biden's town hall drew in 1 million more viewers than Trump's

Two little points that I'm sure would escape your cube-shaped brain:
  1. Trump is on TV, live in person or the radio three times a day seven days a week. Everyone sees him, hears him. Biden has been hiding in his basement for 5 months. This was one of the rare chances to actually see and hear the guy. Maybe see him have to defend the new Hunter emails.
  2. Trump's town hall was a 60 minute show from 8-9. Biden's was a 90 minute show from 8-9:30. So of course a lot of people switched over from Trump to also catch the last 30 of Biden, adding to Joe's numbers.
After 2016, you would think by now even idiots like you would have come to realize that you cannot quantify Trump in terms of numbers and stats.
Trump’s town hall wasn’t even shown in all nbc markets, either.
Biden's town hall drew in 1 million more viewers than Trump's

Two little points that I'm sure would escape your cube-shaped brain:
  1. Trump is on TV, live in person or the radio three times a day seven days a week. Everyone sees him, hears him. Biden has been hiding in his basement for 5 months. This was one of the rare chances to actually see and hear the guy. Maybe see him have to defend the new Hunter emails.
  2. Trump's town hall was a 60 minute show from 8-9. Biden's was a 90 minute show from 8-9:30. So of course a lot of people switched over from Trump to also catch the last 30 of Biden, adding to Joe's numbers.
After 2016, you would think by now even idiots like you would have come to realize that you cannot quantify Trump in terms of numbers and stats.
Trump’s town hall wasn’t even shown in all nbc markets, either.

Biden's town hall drew in 1 million more viewers than Trump's

Two little points that I'm sure would escape your cube-shaped brain:
  1. Trump is on TV, live in person or the radio three times a day seven days a week. Everyone sees him, hears him. Biden has been hiding in his basement for 5 months. This was one of the rare chances to actually see and hear the guy. Maybe see him have to defend the new Hunter emails.
  2. Trump's town hall was a 60 minute show from 8-9. Biden's was a 90 minute show from 8-9:30. So of course a lot of people switched over from Trump to also catch the last 30 of Biden, adding to Joe's numbers.
After 2016, you would think by now even idiots like you would have come to realize that you cannot quantify Trump in terms of numbers and stats.
Trump’s town hall wasn’t even shown in all nbc markets, either.

See,post #15
Gonna need to line up the whambuhlances after election day around here, I can see it now.

They're gonna realize that all of their hopes and dreams were based on nothing more than malfeasant reporting of actual statistics across the board, whether it be poll reporting, ratings or whatever. The pride being expounded is what's gonna make it so epic.

But, hey, it's something to look forward to. Heh heh.

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.

You got Kahn, rape in the streets, murders, name it. Now what's wrong with our system you limey cuck?

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.
First of all, NBC afflilates all over the USA, DID NOT BROADCAST the Trump townhall. Calls were flooding in to radio talk shows this morning, reporting all the stations that just continued with regular broadcasting. These guys could possibly be brought up on charges of election interference.

Secondly, the ones that did broadcast it, broadcasted it on CNBC, a CABLE affiliate of NBC, leaving millions of non-cable subscribers (including me) out of it entirely. Not the case with the media's darling, Joe Biden, got to have his town hall on ABC, a basic national network, where everybody could see it, including the many millions of people who have cut off from cable, and watch TV on indoor antennas (as I do).

Shameless leftist mainstream media, is not even trying to look fair/legitimate any more. They're doing everything they can to stop Trump, and get him out of office, by any means necessary.
There can be only one motive, unless CBS claimed they were having technical difficulties and this can be proven? The NTY's reported the times and stations that would cover each candidate, stating that CBS would be covering Trump's town hall. Like many, I tuned in to watch on one of their affiliates at 8:00 p.m.

According to Forbes, as of 2020 the top media conglomerates in terms of revenue are: Comcast, Walt Disney Co., AT&T, and ViacomCBS. These mega corps continue to buyout small scale competitors and merge with other corporations to gain the lion's share of the market. What America is experiencing is a complete takeover of information by a handful of media conglomerates, referred to as media oligopoly. Think of a country that is known for authoritarian government. They use state controlled media to control the masses, not unlike what we're experiencing now in the US although not by government but by 5-6 media conglomerates. Can you imagine one of these corps owning all? I am afraid I can.

Boycotting specific stations can have an impact. Calling out these corporations that are acting like monopolies is helpful, but it's all about money and power. Until there is a major drop in viewers, the citizens will continue to have less options and be influenced by media types who enjoy telling us how to live and how to think.

US Mainstream media heads often imply that citizens don't have any power. The people do in fact lead the cart, many carts mostly due to buying power. The 6-7media corporate owners in the US who own all of the media (minus a few independent networks) are completely biased and have a political agenda. The loser is America, but that's not a concern to a mega corp that has its site on even more control.

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.

What those that seem to think Biden "beat" Trump fail to take into account are those Trump supporters who watched the Biden event simply for the entertainment value of Gaff Machine. We already knew that President Trump would not be treated fairly, as he wasn't, by NBDNC Guthrie but that he would hold his own, so it was going to be more of the Fake News assault on the President, why bother watching.

NBC didn't carry Trump in every outlet. ABC did. This, of course, was for the express reason for saying that Biden had more viewers.
Loser Trump can’t expect the ratings of a Joe Biden
There can be only one motive, unless CBS claimed they were having technical difficulties and this can be proven? The NTY's reported the times and stations that would cover each candidate, stating that CBS would be covering Trump's town hall. Like many, I tuned in to watch on one of their affiliates at 8:00 p.m.

According to Forbes, as of 2020 the top media conglomerates in terms of revenue are: Comcast, Walt Disney Co., AT&T, and ViacomCBS. These mega corps continue to buyout small scale competitors and merge with other corporations to gain the lion's share of the market. What America is experiencing is a complete takeover of information by a handful of media conglomerates, referred to as media oligopoly. Think of a country that is known for authoritarian government. They use state controlled media to control the masses, not unlike what we're experiencing now in the US although not by government but by 5-6 media conglomerates. Can you imagine one of these corps owning all? I am afraid I can.

Boycotting specific stations can have an impact. Calling out these corporations that are acting like monopolies is helpful, but it's all about money and power. Until there is a major drop in viewers, the citizens will continue to have less options and be influenced by media types who enjoy telling us how to live and how to think.

US Mainstream media heads often imply that citizens don't have any power. The people do in fact lead the cart, many carts mostly due to buying power. The 6-7media corporate owners in the US who own all of the media (minus a few independent networks) are completely biased and have a political agenda. The loser is America, but that's not a concern to a mega corp that has its site on even more control.
Trump ought to outright close down Twitter and Facebook. Now that NBC has gone to war against him (and democracy), he ought to close them down too.. Leftists will scream > "This is shutting down free speech!"

WRONG! This would be shutting down UNfree speech, thereby a victory for FREE speech.

Well Mrs Clinton got 3m more votes than donny but was still declared the loser under the quaint system you have. Maybe 1m isnt enough.
Trump won Michigan by a few thousand votes.
Officially he did. But he won by a lot more then that. Progs just could not "find" enough votes to give them Michigan. They tried. Flint and Detroit are fertile areas for hidden votes alone.
So the panicked liberals who were scared that Trump would destroy Biden in the ratings were once again....wrong.

Are liberals ever correct about anything?
Lots of people tuning over from Trump in the that last hour to see the train wreck that is Joe Biden.
Burisma will bury Joe. The question of manufactured tv ratings are moot.

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