Biden's treasury nominee Omarova arrested for Shoplifting at TJMaxx in 95

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

treasury secretary. I wonder if anyone sees what a very bad poor choice this might? be..IS!! A thief in charge of the treasury. YOU cannot make this shit up. Democrats. NOT a complete, fully functional intact brain among them.

treasury secretary. I wonder if anyone sees what a very bad poor choice this might? be..IS!! A thief in charge of the treasury. YOU cannot make this shit up. Democrats. NOT a complete, fully functional intact brain among them.
She did have to look good for her interview, while sticking within her budget of not spending over $100.
Yeah, this cvnt is a real peach.

{"Imagine what it would be like instead of just a public option for deposit banking, this would be actually the full transition. In other words, there would be no more private bank deposit accounts and all of the deposit accounts will be held directly at the fed," Omarova said during recent remarks. "How is it politically feasible for the central bank to take money away from people's accounts." }

Standard Disclaimer: Remember Mods, Del taz me bro stated in the open forums that "cvnt" is perfectly acceptable for the board.

treasury secretary. I wonder if anyone sees what a very bad poor choice this might? be..IS!! A thief in charge of the treasury. YOU cannot make this shit up. Democrats. NOT a complete, fully functional intact brain among them.
Can't we ever nominate someone that could turn a man to stone looking at her. JC

Obama's Treas Sec was a tax cheat so the pedigree is there

treasury secretary. I wonder if anyone sees what a very bad poor choice this might? be..IS!! A thief in charge of the treasury. YOU cannot make this shit up. Democrats. NOT a complete, fully functional intact brain among them.

Property is theft!!!
If you steal a dollar, you'll go to jail. If you steal a few million dollars, you will be made a senator treasury secretary(c) Very old saying
Nothing to see here. Сapitalism as usual.
If you steal a dollar, you'll go to jail. If you steal a few million dollars, you will be made a senator treasury secretary(c) Very old saying
Nothing to see here. Сapitalism as usual.
What a fucking crock of shit, it isnt Capitalism , but despotism at its worst. Even Joe Biteme the shitter in chief has his son out there pan handling coke snorted paintings, and i am sure the "boss" is getting his share....
What a fucking crock of shit, it isnt Capitalism , but despotism at its worst.
Oh, yes! Capitalism is a fair competition in which the best wins...
This bullshit did not correspond to reality even in the 19th century. In fact, at no time did it correspond to reality.
"Capitalism is an exceptional belief that the activities of the most vile scum, driven by the most base motives, will somehow be for the benefit of everyone" (c) John Maynard Keynes
Oh, yes! Capitalism is a fair competition in which the best wins...
This bullshit did not correspond to reality even in the 19th century. In fact, at no time did it correspond to reality.
"Capitalism is an exceptional belief that the activities of the most vile scum, driven by the most base motives, will somehow be for the benefit of everyone" (c) John Maynard Keynes

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.
Oh, yes! Capitalism is a fair competition in which the best wins...
This bullshit did not correspond to reality even in the 19th century. In fact, at no time did it correspond to reality.
"Capitalism is an exceptional belief that the activities of the most vile scum, driven by the most base motives, will somehow be for the benefit of everyone" (c) John Maynard Keynes

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, are you?

When government favors one company over another, it isn't "capitalism," sparky.

If you want to judge how Keynes, who never held a job in his life, spent his years in the cloistered halls of academia, did when confronted with a superior intellect;

When government favors one company over another, it isn't "capitalism," sparky.

If you want to judge how Keynes, who never held a job in his life, spent his years in the cloistered halls of academia, did when confronted with a superior intellect;
Of course! This is not real capitalism! Real capitalism is when unicorns eat butterflies and poop rainbows...
Name a period in history when your ideal capitalism existed. I dare you.
And as for Keynes, who was not a capitalist entrepreneur, here is a photo of Friedrich Engels, one of the founders of Scientific Communism.

He was the owner and manager of a successful weaving factory in England. Although really disliked this activity. A genius is talented in everything.
Of course! This is not real capitalism! Real capitalism is when unicorns eat butterflies and poop rainbows...
Name a period in history when your ideal capitalism existed. I dare you.
And as for Keynes, who was not a capitalist entrepreneur, here is a photo of Friedrich Engels, one of the founders of Scientific Communism.

He was the owner and manager of a successful weaving factory in England. Although really disliked this activity. A genius is talented in everything.

Scientific Communism

Now there is an oxymoron!!!
Scientific Communism

Now there is an oxymoron!!!
"Capital" is a book where it is proved scientifically, with mathematical calculations, that capitalism is not an eternal system and its end is inevitable. The development of Marxism, practice has shown exactly how and when capitalism will come to an end.

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