Biden’s USDA: There’s No Food Price Inflation

Neither party is interested in strengthening social security and Medicare. Without those programs Americans are sunk except for the top 10 percent. And that's just plain wrong considering wages shave been awful since Reagan took office.
You generalize on that statement.
a rib eye steak in my grocery store was 19 dollars a pound, last weekend. Thats real data. Biden may actually believe what his handlers tell him is going on in the real world, he is too old and senile to know anything for himself.
I went to a counter hamburger place in a shopping mall yesterday. I looked at the prices listed - the regular hamburger was $11, the fries were $4.50, and a regular drink was $4.50. More than $20 for a fast food lunch in an eatery at the mall!

(I didn’t buy…..)
LOL...are you implying there are no food shortages or increased costs?

No, just stated we have no shortages where I am...except chicken breast it seems from my last trip to the store, had to go to a 2nd store and bought 4 6 breast packages so good for a while now
I went to a counter hamburger place in a shopping mall yesterday. I looked at the prices listed - the regular hamburger was $11, the fries were $4.50, and a regular drink was $4.50. More than $20 for a fast food lunch in an eatery at the mall!

(I didn’t buy…..)

Damn, sucks to be you. I got a nice deluxe bacon burger with a fried egg on top along with fries from a local pub last night and it was not even 20 bucks with the delivery fee.
It is entertaining to watch people be triggered by data.
well i think what upsets people is how the xiden admin is pushing fake data for propaganda purposes.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise as leftist tyrants have always done this throughout history and around the globe

what’s amazing is it’s so easily debunked by any rational american that’s purchased groceries in the past year.

but some dembot cultist like yourself will still believe it
Well, I did a couple of weeks ago. I saw a $6.00 roast beef for $57.84. And it was the cheapest one of about 5 roast beefs on hand. I went to the freezer department and bought a one-slice single of meatloaf that likely may not have been kosher since it was labeled "meats" not "beef." I'm not Jewish, but I respect their refusal to buy meat products that are mixed since they view it as cruel to eat a baby cow's beef in what could be its mother's milk. The thought of such as that truly grabs at my heartstrings.
well i think what upsets people is how the xiden admin is pushing fake data for propaganda purposes.

Can you provide some evidence the data is fake other than your own feelings?

I know a number of statisticians for the USDA and I know how the process works. They have no reason to fake their numbers, and it would be hard for it to happen across the board.
Can you provide some evidence the data is fake other than your own feelings?

I know a number of statisticians for the USDA and I know how the process works. They have no reason to fake their numbers, and it would be hard for it to happen across the board.
yeah i just went to the grocery store…i am paying more then i did a year ago

try it sometime
yeah i just went to the grocery store…i am paying more then i did a year ago

try it sometime

Just did the same, and yeah prices are up. Then again the USDA report in the OP said that prices were up. You might want to actually read the reports instead of taking the word of someone else what is in them
Just did the same, and yeah prices are up. Then again the USDA report in the OP said that prices were up. You might want to actually read the reports instead of taking the word of someone else what is in them
yep prices are way up
This is the closest thing to my party, Home

Tell me waht they did to cause this problem
"as they do no harm to another." When I was a young man I used to believe exactly what the basis of that statement meant. If you listen to the socialists today, hurting their feelings causes them harm so they have a right to cancel you on the basis of public health. There have to be some agreed upon civic norms as we have too many people living on this planet to allow for constrained anarchy. The Old Democratic party stood for regulated capitalism to allow people to follow their ideas and dreams so long as they compensated their workforce with a fair days pay for a fair days work. Thats where my political life was and how I still think. Neither party represents that anymore and the libertarian Party has an ideology that I don't think can work in todays over populated and overly connected world. As a result, many of us feel painted into the corner of the fools wish; that we can throw these deviant socialists out of our Party.
Stop believing your lying eyes.

The same people who told us to appreciate saving $0.16 on our July 4th BBQs last summer are now taking the official position there is no massive food inflation.

Those skyrocketing prices you think you see at the grocery store are not real. Those announcements of forecasted price increases by the food producers, well, those are not real either.

2021 retail food price inflation continued at same pace as 2020 but varied among food categories.” Oh, but it gets even more stupid:

“USDA, Economic Research Service (ERS) researchers project that prices for food-at-home, or food purchased typically from grocery stores or other food stores, will increase between 1.5 and 2.5 percent in 2022, lower than the 3.5-percent increase that occurred in both 2020 and 2021. Forecasts for all food categories for 2022 are available in ERS’s monthly Food Price Outlook data product, updated January 25, 2022.”
This is why they took a drubbing in recent elections and even they expect to take a drubbing at the midterms. Ordinary Americans, even the stupidest ones, know if they are paying more for groceries and gas or not. No amount of lying is going to change that.

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