Biden’s USDA: There’s No Food Price Inflation

And with that SS payment hikes won’t match real world costs.
Democrats hate the poor and elderly.
Of course. They argue to give massive tax breaks equivalent to more than $1000 a month to young families with six-figure incomes, while insisting that moderate-income elderly on fixed incomes should pay their full amount - and be satisfied with an $80 a month SS increase.
Neither party is interested in strengthening social security and Medicare. Without those programs Americans are sunk except for the top 10 percent. And that's just plain wrong considering wages shave been awful since Reagan took office.
Democrats are now in 100% LYING mode since they know the polls are against them and they will likely lose the House and Senate
Bingo! The wheels have come off. Biden their leader is a complete disaster. It's looking like they will get wiped out in the mid terms. So it's total panic mode lies and spin.

Yup. And you can also see it in the insane thread popping up in this forum, like the economy is doing great, and bullspit like that. LOL
a rib eye steak in my grocery store was 19 dollars a pound, last weekend. Thats real data. Biden may actually believe what his handlers tell him is going on in the real world, he is too old and senile to know anything for himself.

you might want to find a new grocery store.
Ya got an entire thread here with you playing* stupid about shortages, shitforbrains.

I merely said we are not having them where I live. They are localized, some places have them, some do not.

The egg section from my store an hour ago...I got an extra dozen for you, let me know where to send it

I don’t live in shithole KKKalifornia anymore, remember?
Maybe if you’re buying consisted of more than rice and beans you’d know what’s going on in Brandon’s America.
Even the Leftard MSM can’t spin fast enough.

And all three links are from liberal sources and he still continues to lie about it.

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